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Most of us have had one of those “why me” days. Sometimes we don’t understand why life deals us particular life experiences or circumstances. Rather than dwell in this analysis space that leads to negative emotional mindsets like victim-hood, make a conscious choice to play messages to yourself ... Views: 1553
Today’s reflection is inspired by my personal journey and the journey of my long time clients. Enlightenment doesn't mean you have reached super human status. What it means is you have the same life lessons and life experiences, and you are choosing to view these experiences with a lens of ... Views: 1448
Recently I had a client ask me how I remain positive all the time. I believe that I am optimistic and positive because I choose to foster a mindset of gratitude and celebrate the littlest joys in life regularly throughout the moments in my day. My loved ones smile and shake their heads at the ... Views: 1489
Sometimes we think of thoughtfulness when we think of kindness. Recently I read where Doreen Virtue refers to kindness as "Lovefulness". When I read that it resonated with me and made me stop and reflect. I like to think of kindness as an expression or action filled with Love. Love filled ... Views: 1261
I read a true story once about a guy who suddenly became inexplicably interested in photography. He surrendered to this strong interest, and indulged himself. One day he came across a flyer advertising a free local photography meeting, and decided to attend. When he got there, he found a group ... Views: 1365
This article was originally published here-
“When you find your path, you must not be afraid. You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat, and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way.”
- ... Views: 1200
Striving for inner peace in the midst of the drama, chaos, or any experience that is less than desirable is difficult for the most mindful person. In many situations, we can fend off the pressure of being drawn into the experience; however, some situations or experiences reach our vulnerability ... Views: 1495
Getting around the right people is not only a life changer, but can be a life saver. Find those that work smarter rather than harder. Where? There are many places, but just talking to people you don’t know is a good start. Maybe the random guy in a fast food line. That’s where I found a ... Views: 1319
Have you heard the latest buzz word? Grit. It seems to be on the lips of every hiring manager and recruiter in the country. And, as words go, "grit" is a great word for a number of reasons. I guess it had fallen out of everyday usage, so it seems fresh again. It's a short word, and it sounds ... Views: 1557
1. Dreams Just Happen
When you dream, you just see things play out. If you type “dream big” into Google one of the first things to pop up is an article about advice from Steve Jobs. The article talks about how Steve Jobs told a Disney executive to “Dream Bigger”. If we quote his biography, ... Views: 1450
Do you ever get irritated when someone doesn’t get what you are trying to say? Or they plainly see the situation from a different viewpoint?
Your desire is to make them understand exactly what you are trying to say or see it from your point of view and sometimes that is just not going to ... Views: 1527
I get the question all the time, "How do I fit a daily meditation into my day? I'm stressed out trying to add one more thing to my life and fit it in and then when I fail to do so I feel defeated and give up. My response is, "Don't make it a production."
Start with a 3-5 minute breathing ... Views: 1527
Owning gold during a recession is one of the best investment decisions you can make. While the value of currencies decreases, typically that means the value of gold increases. Gold is one of very few safe havens for today’s uncertain economy worldwide where all fiat currencies are worthless ... Views: 2892
"Writing time? Sure! I have a ton of stuff to write! Blog posts, Tuesday's ezine article, promotional copy for my upcoming program.... I could just write and write and write... But I'll get to it after these client calls. Oh, and preparing for my workshop. And let's not forget checking email and ... Views: 1221
Are you a good learner? Life is about growing--physically, mentally, and spiritually--but in order to grow properly, one needs to be a good learner.
The Word of God provides us with valuable tips and principles that will help us be better learners in life. Here are some principles I've ... Views: 2087
“Face it, embrace it, and then release it.” These words have been part of my healing process for years. However, the power lies in the awareness of what we need to face, own and then ultimately release. Sometimes this process may take minutes, or if we are emotionally attached to the situation ... Views: 1273
Once I released the need to do some of the beautiful traditions that had been a part of me for so long but had lost the authenticity for me as well as the true spirit by which they were intended, I was better able to embrace the festiveness of this season.
However, releasing the negative ... Views: 1295
How often have you said, “Today’s the day!” regarding something you are committed to changing. Yet, by day’s end you either didn’t do what you said you would do or you did something that directly sabotaged your success?
Unfortunately, this happens more times than not. Whether it be to eat ... Views: 1584
If your age falls somewhere in the 20’s scale, then this article is for you. There are many like this one out there that give you advice on love and life, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon and pitch in some of my very own suggestions seeing as to how I actually am a 20-something girl - it ... Views: 1246
Returning to the groove of set schedules with school and school activities and all the other stressors that also come into play with this change in routine, I remind myself nothing gets accomplished any quicker if I dwell on everything all at once and look far ahead. Here are affirmations I ... Views: 1453
Guilt can come wrapped in all kinds of packaging. As I continue to grow in awareness of self, I realize the immense power this five letter word can have. No matter how this emotion shows up in my life experience, I recognize it, own it at that moment. I explore it to better understand it and ... Views: 1536
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Feng Shui & the Cosmic Trinity - by Teresa Min Yee Hwang Master of Feng Shui & Lecturer, FSRC Chinese Astrologer Certified Interior Designer Teresa Hwang Feng Shui & Design Feng Shui Research Center BC Canada
In Chinese metaphysical studies, the concept of the Cosmic Trinity - Heaven, Earth and Man/Human aspects are intricately entwined together. We can look at the whole picture by their effects on our Path of Life. We can study the Heaven effect with Chinese astrology - the Four Pillars of Destiny ... Views: 2674
Owning my own personal power can feel really comfortable at times and other times quite the opposite! I gently remind myself I owe it to myself and those around me to allow the beauty of loving, compassionate power to be exhibited in my daily life.
Here are some affirmations that assist me in ... Views: 1382
Learning to greet your life with an open heart makes life experiences a bit more vulnerable and emotional. Living life connected to how your heart feels about life choices brings a sense of inner peace with your life choices.
Here are some affirmations to support you as you open the heart ... Views: 1339
I have cultivated the practice of living in the here and now with much effort over the last five years.  However, we live in a world that is dictated by the future, tending to rob us of the experience of the present.
Many times I am involved in conversations that talk of plans for the future ... Views: 1307
Life is filled with so much uncertainty that, at times, the only survival technique that will work for me is tapping into the Power of Grace. Grace is that divine intelligence that is tirelessly working in my daily life. I need only live in awareness of this Grace to gain its incredible ... Views: 1290
The other day I was in a setting that I was not familiar with and frankly felt a bit out of element. As I stood in this feeling, I gently reminded myself you are safe to be you. It sounds so silly to grown women but sometimes a gentle reminder to myself that I can be ME and allow myself to ... Views: 1347
I have always been optimistic and positive. I find that optimism comes naturally to some and can be cultivated by most. Here are a few affirmations to encourage an optimistic view point:
I choose this mindset: If I think positive thoughts and take positive actions; I can create a positive ... Views: 1410
For the majority of my life, I had a desire to please others often at the expense of my own feelings and desires. As I began my journey of self-exploration, I discovered that I did not really know Self. I found myself molding to others desires and adapting to their wishes convincing myself ... Views: 1422
A friend shared with me a wonderful thought pattern that I have incorporated into my thinking vocabulary, “There is no right, wrong, good or bad.” I like this sentence because it forces me to interpret the situation, to the best of my ability, from a non judgmental space. I try to ... Views: 1356
“Face it, embrace it, and then release it.” These words have been part of my healing process for years. However, the power lies in the awareness of what we need to face, own and then ultimately release. Sometimes this process may take minutes, or if we are emotionally attached to ... Views: 1333
Children sure know how to have fun! They look at life whimsically and use their imagination to create the most amazing scenarios. I was recently thinking how much I needed to keep that inner child engaged in my daily life. This approach to life is beneficial for self-preservation as life is ... Views: 1575
Ever find yourself striving to Work Positive and your Eeyore Vampire boss is doing everything he can to prevent it?
You’re in good company. Negative bosses—Eeyore Vampires—swoop in with alarming consistency on our coaching clients despite their best efforts to Work Positive.
How do you ... Views: 1733
One of the predominant complaints I hear from my clients is "This isn't fair!" Referring to an incident where they or someone else has suffered a perceived injustice, they feel angered that things were not equitable. There is a universal misconception that if you play by the rules you will be ... Views: 2055
Appreciate where you are in this moment, because in a blink of an eye, a new moment is upon you. Some will move up in life while others will slide down. Others will move laterally while some will try hard just to hold steady. All you can do is be grateful, with each and every breath you take, ... Views: 1459
Australian journalist Julian Assange believes he's the subject of a witch-hunt by the USA. Assange fears that submitting to the controversial Arrest Warrant issued by the fourth and latest Swedish prosecutor will lead to him being illegally extradited to America. He has been granted asylum by ... Views: 1785
WikiLeaks, headed by Julian Assange, has released a whole bunch of American government emails showing how America deceives the world. Is he really being hunted by the American oligarchy, with the active cooperation of British and Swedish authorities? Or are the allegations of sexual assault ... Views: 2016
Has America declared War on Assange and WikiLeaks?
The disclosures by Australian journalist Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have clearly upset America. Yet the right to expose shameful US government secrets is protected by the First Amendment's rights to free speech and press freedom.
As ... Views: 2439
by brendadronkers
I have compiled a list of great books for Parent’s of Highly Sensitive Kids.. enjoy!
Dr. Elaine Aron
With the publication ... Views: 1816
This may sound like a slightly ironic headline but I am writing this post in celebration of all the bad advice I have received or have heard others receive over the years and this brings me to a very important point. Why do we spend so much time listening to others whose advice is coming from ... Views: 1186
Politicians benefit by pretending life is unfair
Life is not fair! complain envious citizens when they see someone with more than they have.
Life should be fair! says the politician, and I can fix the problem. Elect me and I'll ensure the law is changed to make it fair. There are many ... Views: 1785
I have always had to go deeply into my own rage in order to bring it into the light to heal. If I don't allow myself to feel the rage, I cannot heal either myself or others. Not allowing myself to feel it is like clamping a lid on a boiling pot of water. Eventually, it boils over in uncontrolled ... Views: 1327
Do you like looking for trouble? What kind of person are you? Normally, there are 3 types of person when it comes to trouble.
1. Those who solve problems
2. Those who look for troubles
3. Those who run away from trouble (neither they look for troubles nor they solve ones)
We have no need ... Views: 1410
See a far more comprehensive introduction to the motivations behind this subject in part 1 and part 2 of this series.
Does President Obama really want Peace?
There are plenty of issues that President Obama could spend his time on which would improve America and give you a better quality of ... Views: 1657
President Obama's commitment to Peace
President Obama evidently wants to bomb Syria. But why? He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 for his commitment to world peace.
His response this week to those who believe he wants to attack Syria in order to defend his own credibility? "I didn’t ... Views: 2094
Why has President Obama Threatened War on Syria?
Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, has been murdering his own countrymen for years. A couple of years ago, some Syrians citizens objected and started the civil war in Syria. This has claimed a lot of innocent lives, yet al-Assad is clinging to ... Views: 2012
It is that time of year when your son or daughter is off to college. It is that moment that makes a parent proud but also a moment that you have been dreading. You can put on a smile to everyone, but deep down you are hurting because they are not close in proximity anymore. Now it is time to ... Views: 1496
Your angels will help you in all areas of your life, but I find that my guides particularly help me with my business! Part of my life path is being an entrepreneur (sounds so much better than self-employed, don’t you think?) and I’ve attracted a team of helpers this lifetime that really support ... Views: 1578
On a recent Spring evening, I sat in the audience at the Broadway musical excited to see Kinky Boots and not knowing much about the plot … or the wisdom of the lead character and real life shoemaker Charlie Price.
Prior to Harvey Fierstein and Cyndi Lauper wisely teaming up to create the ... Views: 1496
Are you grateful for the things you have in life? Counting your blessings is one of the easiest personal development activities you can ever take part in. Do not just be thankful of the big things. Give thanks even for the little things in life.
I honestly believe that it does not matter ... Views: 1536