The Creative Process
Most creative processes involve setting goals, deciding what actions need to be taken in order to succeed, and finding the motivation to do what must be done. Success requires willpower. Getting the goal, or the perks associated with the goal, is the purpose of creating ... Views: 1645
The Lost Secret of Masculine and Feminine Roles
In Part I, I shared with you the ancient masculine/feminine secret. The victimhood advantage allowed power-hungry authority figures to take all the power but none of the blame. We learned to blame the feminine through the perpetuation of stories ... Views: 1775
The Poor Me Control Drama
Nearly every day someone says to me, “I'm sick of hearing victims whine.” Aren't we all? Taking responsibility for our lives has finally come of age. Those who pretend that they are always innocent victims just rub us the wrong way. If we turn away from them, we ... Views: 1857
A really powerful question to ask ourselves is, “What do I value most in my life?” You might get an answer right away, or your mind might go completely blank. You might hear a superficial answer like your house, your truck, or chicken wings. If that occurs, ask your mind, “What does my house, ... Views: 2209
“What you think you do to others, you actually do to yourself,” was the original Golden Rule according to the ancient Hawaiian Huna masters. It is a powerful statement that is life changing if you learn how to apply it.
People can hide behind the Bible’s Golden Rule if they want to. “Do ... Views: 2599
What Is Real?
Albert Einstein said, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." Few people understand what he meant. Einstein realized that truth and reality are not the same thing. Let me explain.
People often ask me, “Cathy, do you really mean ALL beliefs are lies? ... Views: 2253
Can You Keep A Secret?
As a small child, I found it nearly impossible to keep my Christmas purchases a secret. I tried to avoid the recipient after buying their gift because I’d lose control of my mouth and would spontaneously reveal my secret. Even such a small secret was very ... Views: 14578
In my other articles, I call all beliefs lies because all beliefs come from our false self. That doesn’t make them bad or wrong; it merely puts them in their proper perspective. True authenticity results when we give up our false self and move from our head to our heart.
In this article, ... Views: 1799
We are constantly bombarded by beliefs that are presented as true. Our discrimination is taxed to the max. To really live in this world, but not become a victim of it, requires discrimination that is as finely tuned as a classical piano.
The ultimate proof that it is time to let go of a ... Views: 1888
Since my first blog post, I’ve had articles that were viewed by many and other articles that no one found. I’m definitely not a page rank queen. I love to write and am passionate about my topic. I hate choosing a word so that Google will find my blog post attractive.
I’ve attended plenty ... Views: 2246
Recently, I enrolled in an online story conference. I’m usually enriched by the insights into human nature that storywriters possess. But this conference provided a different insight.
The leader of the conference encouraged participants to share their most important life story. There were ... Views: 1564
According to Google, every day around 13,600,000 people search for hope on the web. People are desperate for hope. They think hope is somewhere out there, and they need to acquire it to get what they want from life.
People spend hard-earned money on get-rich-quick schemes that promise ... Views: 1705
I remember the first time I realized that the difference between should and could was far greater than a couple of letters. I was newly married, still in college, and it was time for me to choose my major.
I enjoyed math, so I listed some possibilities: I could teach math. I could be an ... Views: 1553
Years ago, I had the opportunity as part of my Master’s Degree program to self-design a class. I could ask any professor to be my mentor. One of the professors at my university was a brilliant astrologer and therapist from the Jung Institute in Zurich. I wanted to learn astrology from her. ... Views: 1612
In 1948, psychologist Bertram Forer gave his introductory psychology students a questionnaire and told them that they would each receive a unique personality analysis based on their responses. But unbeknownst to his students, Bertram was conducting a psychological experiment. Instead of each ... Views: 1661
Five-year-old Bobby is just learning to read. He speaks the word bead when he should have said bed. Bobby’s father tells him that he is stupid. Bobby’s father chuckles as he utters his words, thinking he is just kidding around. But Bobby doesn’t notice the chuckle; he only notices the words ... Views: 1252
When I explain to people that I teach the art of letting go of beliefs, I often get a blank stare. Some people ask me to provide an example of a belief. At first, this did not make sense to me. Doesn’t everyone know what constitutes a belief? Apparently, many people are questioning the ... Views: 1403
My life did a U-turn the day that I noticed the word belief contains the word “lie” within it. I’m sure people notice that all the time and consider it coincidental. I felt that it was an important clue to the truth left by some wise ones from the past.
Many people share their beliefs as if ... Views: 1263