Mia den Haan is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Spiritual Healing". You can find complete information on Mia den Haan and her products by visiting Mia den Haan.
Among the thousands of deities worshipped in our country, Lord Ganesha is one who blessings are seeked before the start of an auspicious work. It has been always advised to start a new chapter or embark on a new journey in life only after worshipping Ganesha. That is why, people also tend to ... Views: 684
Psychic (spiritual) attack is quite different than being possessed by disembodied souls or worse, one or more demons.
The problem is that it’s easy for the inexperienced to completely overlook the cause of the trouble, or to confuse spiritual attacks and possession.
Below we explain ... Views: 1270
Demonic possession, lost souls, and our philosophies about the topics are controversial, based on the feedback we receive.
Over twenty-five years ago, we were hesitant to embrace the concepts of unseen demonic influences and lost souls, otherwise known as ghosts. But today, we fully accept ... Views: 909
For almost 20 years now, I have been helping women find healing for their health, emotions, weight, body image and so much more.
Time and time again, we find there is a powerlessness women experience that is beyond biology or hormones, and even the mind. It has a deep-seated root – a root ... Views: 1074
Alexandra has located that she is happier and much more at peace when she is
employing her gifts to assist other folks. “Mediumship is all about getting a
messenger and, essentially, a phone line to your world of your unknown. We have
been blessed and entrusted with this reward, ... Views: 725
Love Burnout
deal with all topics from love growth to love burnout. Below is part 1 that
takes a close look at our relationships.
April, as T.S. Eliot mentioned, will be the cruelest 30
days. Or, at the very least, it might be when you’re unsatisfied in appreciate.
Soon ... Views: 1738
Below are some times given by our
psychics for online dating, part2.
•Go slow—you aren’t part in the on-demand overall economy. When on-line
relationship, there is a great deal of stress to act. Soon after all, you’ve
been matched up with someone, and they can be messaging you. But ... Views: 759
What would it be like to uncover a part of yourself that you didn't even know was missing? If you were to be able to uncover that part, would you be curious how this could make you feel... perhaps more alive and authentically yourself?
We often talk about the concept of "coming back to ... Views: 1819
Reiki finds its way into our lives in many different ways. And it has found its way into the Big Brother house again just now. I am not sure how I feel about that. I can see that there is a lot of good in Reiki on reality TV shows, and I can also see that it is not exactly best represented on ... Views: 1886
The Soul has been the subject of discussion for centuries, and a common recurring theme in human scriptures. And yet, the more layers one uncovers, the more mysterious the subject grows. In fact, it takes a great deal of passion to search for answers pertaining to the enigmatic Soul. When facing ... Views: 1106
Hypnosis is a powerful tool that has been around since the origin of man. It can help many people in many different kinds of circumstances, although due to the way it is conveyed by the book and film industry, people misunderstand its true purpose, or how safe it is; as long as it's being done ... Views: 910
As we approach another New Year’s eve, I have been musing how nearly everyone in the US celebrate with fireworks. Brilliant displays of many colored lights exploding in the night sky brings even the most skeptical and hard-hearted among us a sense of child-like wonder and de-light.
This ... Views: 1170
psychic readings are essentially the most well-known.
Right here’s guidelines of practical concerns to aid you
keep away from a domestic deathmatch. In case you’ve regarded as anything within
the record, load up the truck. But if your answers make you uneasy, ... Views: 878
“What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God”
By- Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Spirituality means something different to everyone. For some, it’s about participating in organized religion: going to church, ... Views: 1605
Some astrology students and
psychics believe that Mars is
just about sex. However its a lot more than just the will force.
Mars is located between Venus and Jupiter. It rules the will force, physical energy, efforts, impulse, courage, driving force towards a goal, ... Views: 1370
One of the hardest tasks for us to do is be still and listen to the spirit within ourselves. Life rushes past us at such a frantic pace that we feel guilty for taking a time out. The sweet special spirit within you during the course of rushing down your path sometimes gets ... Views: 1481
everyone' body there is an aura. Some can interpret an aura without the
use of Kirlian photography. Others enjoy using Kirlian cameras that takes
snapshots of the aura with quite a degree of precision. There is no right
or wrong way of reading ... Views: 927
When I first heard of Optimal EFT, I was amazed by what I had been missing all those years of doing Reiki. It is such a simple refinement, and although not always suitable, it is a real gem in most cases where a client wants a punchier Reiki or Spiritual Healing session. Since I have been ... Views: 3842
This is the second in a series of articles looking at how our feelings affect our lives and bodies. It is powerful knowledge that can help eliminate pain in all areas of your life. If you are struggling with something, send me an email or call.
Healing happens when you forgive
This is a ... Views: 1227
The Chakras are the focal points of energy input, which “feed “our body and its many functions, distributed along a center channel, the Prana Tube or Prana Canal, according to its function and dimensionality, its corresponding frequency.
As the trunk of the trees, the Prana Tube is our ... Views: 2875
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla
Everything is energy, we know this far. And Energy manifests in frequencies. Everything has a frequency. Facts. How can this information change our lives? “…Match the frequency ... Views: 1095
Hello spiritual warriors! I am grateful to be part of this wonderful community of sharing and inspiration.
I was in Canada for 3 weeks visiting family and friends. It was nice to go back and get new perspectives on self, life and others. Stepping out of my ... Views: 890
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1523
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1494
Your rating: None
Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1525
Your rating: None
Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1662
The concept of spirituality is one issue that many addicts grapple with when they enter into a drug addiction treatment program. For individuals who have just begun the path to recovery and do not identify with any religion, the idea of a higher power can be challenging. However, for persons who ... Views: 990
Forgiveness is one of the powerful modalities we have regarding our spiritual and emotional healing. I have always found it easy to forgive those who hurt or offended me yet I am not as generous with forgiving myself. Professionally speaking, this is one of the topics I lecture on that I am most ... Views: 1247
When I was growing up, my mother drilled in me to forgive and forget. She believed that holding on to anger and resentment only hurts me, tightens my body, hurts my heart, and the other person doesn’t know that I’m still angry or feel a thing. My mother used to say, “Carolyn, always forgive ... Views: 1183
Most of the religious text through history have spoken about an outside force that can "trick" you into making bad choices that ruin your life. This concept of the Devil assumes that you can be a victim of circumstances. Let's consider that notion here.
What if you are not separate from God ... Views: 1770
Have you ever observed two siblings who have completely different personalities? You wonder how it can be possible that they react so differently to things, when they grew up in the same environment with the same parents, right?
Let’s take a bigger picture spiritual view of whom these ... Views: 1303
While in college back in the 60's, I majored in psychology. While it was not my eventual degree, I continued to find it a fascinating subject even decades later. I remember during one of my classes the professor stated that there were only two emotions: love and fear. I found that difficult to ... Views: 1863
So you’ve purchased the “How to Communicate with Your Angels e-book” and are ready to practice the techniques. You’re so excited to try everything and begin talking with your angels and having their support in your life. But what if you start trying to connect and you feel like “you’re not ... Views: 1313
The power of affirmations can improve and even transform your life in many ways.
Can they help you reach any goal? Can you alter any situation to your liking? While positive thinking and the law of attraction are important, you need to consider other spiritual laws too. For example, the laws ... Views: 2238
Chapter Eleven - “What the Universe is All About”
Then the stranger and the apprentice went on their way, moving through the desert, across great sand dunes and into peaceful valleys. And soon they came upon a suitable place to bed down for the night near a small spring so the camels could ... Views: 2019
I don't know about you but to me the world keeps getting crazier. Nothing makes sense anymore. I sometimes feel as though I've fallen into the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. In an age of endless technology and societal demands, I am acutely aware of the ever constant pressures of living in ... Views: 1196
Life to me is about living fully, all out. It is about moving one day at a time, one action at a time toward my dreams. It is about being happy, healthy, and comfortable in my body, cultivating freedom in my day and my life. It is about a life of service to others and using my gifts. It was ... Views: 1094
In my last article we covered seven tips on the basics of start-up -- from setting up a business checking account, getting business cards and a table, to deciding your pricing and where you will practice. In this article, while still in the first level of your business building, we will go a ... Views: 1015
What Is Kundalini Energy?
For starters, do you know who Kundalini is? In Hindu mythology, Kundalini is a serpent goddess who sleeps at the base of the spine and coiled three and a half times around the first chakra.
This goddess represents the unfolding of the divine Shakti energy, as it ... Views: 1104
Once awakened, the seven chakras can cause a transformation of consciousness and physical changes in the body. Wherein, the body will experience ultimate health, while the mind will begin to be more sensitive in the world we live in. Furthermore, an awakened chakra spins can be felt by the whole ... Views: 1002
Dr. Oz revealed his Ultimate Alternative Medicine Secrets during his nationally broadcast afternoon talk show in 2010. He ranked Reiki #1. Dr. Oz said, “Reiki is one of my favorites, we’ve been using it for years in the Oz family, and we swear by it.”
The Reiki attunement process makes it ... Views: 1002
“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” - Haruki Murakami
Life is unpredictable. No surprises there.
You never know what lies around the corner waiting to test your resolve.
Life’s challenges are part of the human ... Views: 1166
In one’s daily life, their physical distress and pain require their attention. Nobody can ignore the obvious, especially if something is hurting and thus they seek for solutions to lighten their discomforts. A promising way to balance one’s body at every stage- emotional, mental, physical and ... Views: 890
The 7 chakra centers are spiritual energy centers that are associated with areas of the physical body.
In Sanskrit, the word chakra means "wheel." You can think of chakras as wheels of energy. They are constantly moving in a circular motion.
Keeping your chakras balanced and open is the ... Views: 1294
I LOVE YOU - this sentence is very powerful...
The Love Meditation opens the door to the Miracle.
This is the one parts of Teraxlation method.
Try it!
Please, close your eyes and take a nice deep breath. Breath in, and breath out slowly…Relax…Every deep inhalation opens the way for the ... Views: 1460
Holistic healing in modern times has become more prevalent. The technique of natural healing indicates that one tries in embracing the wisdom in their life’s joyful and painful parts. Most of the time, this method is applied to heal, resulting in the symptoms to fade away. Jacques Tombazian is a ... Views: 870
Is Sedona calling to you? Is it whispering to you? Is your heart longing to go to see the sunlight reflecting on the Red Rocks? Are you being gently nudged to experience the transformative energy of the vortexes? I know for me, Sedona is a place I long for in my heart and soul. I visit as ... Views: 1224
Sex can be spiritual, though it’s all too common to forget and feel guilty about sex, and much of the guilt is hidden in your subconscious mind. We’d like to help you escape the baseless sexual guilt trap.
It’s detrimental to your emotional, spiritual, and mental health to possess baseless ... Views: 1170
Here it is: the beginning of another new year. All around the globe people are making New Year's resolutions to lose weight, be happier, spend more quality time with their families and so on. I find it rather odd that in a world filled with anger and violence no one makes a declaration to "not ... Views: 1432
How do you feel when it is the Holidays? Are you excited? Ready to decorate, bake, and buy presents? Or are you dreading it? Are you feeling like "Oh boy, another year already?" Are you grieving a recent loss and can't imagine how you are going to make it through the December and the holidays, ... Views: 1070