If you are suffering with any of the following problems, then this article will be of use to, as meditation is a solution to all of these:
• Anxiety
• Asthma
• Marital / relationship problems
• Creative block
• Poor concentration / lack of focus
• Illness /disease
• Insomnia / lack of ... Views: 1000
If you or someone you know has lost a loved one because they have passed on, you’ll know that the hardest thing to deal with is the uncertainty of what may be happening to them, or where they are
Understanding the Body and the Soul
Many people are not aware that our soul and body are ... Views: 1860
How healing can assist with letting go of negative emotions
There are many subjects like hurt, pain, letting go, grief and ego which have the relationship with negative emotions. Ego is not a good thing, it is not confidence (which most people think it is) and they are both very contrasting ... Views: 1497
Hauntings are places where a spirit resides. This could be a specific place like a piece of land, but it does not have to be an occupied place necessarily or somewhere that has foundations built on it. Hauntings take place where someone has passed away and has not yet made it onto the other ... Views: 821
In my work as a spiritual sensitive, I have discovered that every individual has a unique nature in regards to their Being. I pay close attention to not only the words that people choose when they speak, but also the tone that they speak with and how their chosen words resonate. This allows me ... Views: 851
Spiritual sensitives, such as myself, have many abilities that are deemed extraordinary, but there is one common, yet powerful, ability that every-day people possess that we are envious of – scepticism!
The ability to un-know the things that we do as spiritual sensitives would be a great ... Views: 809
Many people are of the belief that they do not have time to meditate. Primarily, this is because they either have no faith in is benefits, or they don’t consider it to be important enough to add it to their daily routine.
When asked “why should I meditate” or “what are the real benefits of ... Views: 974
What is a spirit? This question is very common and many people are keen to know what it really means. The Spirit is an actual part of you, and your body is a vessel. When a person dies, they leave this vessel behind, letting the soul go free to its real home - heaven. However, there are many ... Views: 829
Hypnosis is a powerful tool that has been around since the origin of man. It can help many people in many different kinds of circumstances, although due to the way it is conveyed by the book and film industry, people misunderstand its true purpose, or how safe it is; as long as it's being done ... Views: 901