If you’ve been on this planet for more than a few years, you have probably wanted something with all your heart, mind, and soul, right?
Did you get it?
Why not?
According to the Law of Attraction, we get what we hold in our subconscious or what we put all our emotions into, whether that ... Views: 1066
There was a point when I noticed that everyone in my life seemed to talk a lot while I listened.
I wasn’t a talker.
I was pretty young; maybe my early 20s and I didn’t know things other people knew…like women talk more than men in general. Men think differently about sex than women. ... Views: 1022
We all have a dark side and we are masters at hiding it.
We all have traits within us that we don’t like. Usually we choose not to look too closely or we practice complete denial. It’s not at all easy to get real with ourselves.
I found there are two types of people in the world, those who ... Views: 930
It seems that the Mindfulness conversation is everywhere.
Why now, I wonder? After all, Jon Kabat Zinn PhD., a microbiologist, started his research in 1979. He initiated a weekly practice with patients from the Massachusetts Medical Center, which he called Stress Reduction. He quickly ... Views: 1079
I used to wonder why some people seem complacent about life as it is and others seem to question everything and know there is more than our five senses tell us. I still sit and watch others wherever I go, rarely finding anyone who makes eye-contact or expresses curiosity about others or their ... Views: 1312
This is the second in a series of articles looking at how our feelings affect our lives and bodies. It is powerful knowledge that can help eliminate pain in all areas of your life. If you are struggling with something, send me an email or call.
Healing happens when you forgive
This is a ... Views: 1227
This is the first in a series of newsletters looking at how our feelings affect our lives and bodies. It is powerful knowledge that can help eliminate pain in all areas of your life. If you are struggling with something, send me an email or call.
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