Matthew G. Sikich II is The Official Guide to "Sales Training". You can find complete information on Matthew G. Sikich II and his products by visiting The 5 Buying Habits.
Nobody Likes To Be Sold
People hate to make the wrong decisions and, even more, people hate to be pressured. Therefore, sales professionals have to be careful not to overdo it. As a business development professional, you must let the sale come to you. By doing so, you will not look desperate ... Views: 1070
We have identified 5 separate sales rep motivational profiles. We have discussed a few in previous shows. As we continue on our motivational, leadership and coaching series on personality types and motivational profiles, today we are going to talk about the sales people that are primarily ... Views: 2197
The difference between sales performance above expectation and sales performance below expectation is largely determined by small things that a sales manager can do every day to keep his sales team at the top of their game and highly motivated.
If you are a front line sales manager, or an ... Views: 897
When you are setting goals, there are a lot of factors to keep in mind that are danger spots and pitfalls of goal setting. As part of the “don’t do this as a sales manager” this is one of the important parts to helping you and your sales people set goals, and to make sure that you keep a very ... Views: 1424
You need to set the tone and set out a vision of where you want the team to head, over-performance from a sales performance standpoint. As far as leading and motivating, it comes down to individual tactics and techniques that you need to use with each one of your sales people because they are ... Views: 927
The sales person who is motivated primarily by praise and encouragement is probably the most prevalent motivational profile that you will have on your sales team.
Everyone to a certain degree enjoys praise and enjoys encouragement.
And I thing that we all work under an environment of praise ... Views: 881
Motivating your sales team is just one aspect of the job of a sales manager, but it is all encompassing in that it also includes all of the other things that you do as a sales manager. Sales managers are not only coaching and leading, but there should also be an undercurrent of motivation in ... Views: 1079
Most of us have had some sort of training on goal setting.
We discussed that goals are very important. Many studies have proven that goal setting, and writing them down is critical to your success. That is all well and good, but most people do not actually set goal for themselves, they ... Views: 893
Whoever coined the phrase, “It’s a jungle out there!” must have been a sales rep. Why? Because some days you’ll encounter more difficult customers than there are animals in the jungle. When hacking your way through the dense underbrush to get to the sale, the trick is to stay cool, calm and in ... Views: 1293
But this solution is a new addition in the history of books as they contain the solutions for the problems of all types. You can have a solution for all your problems if you have this manual with you. Due to types of help these manuals have gained popularity very easily and it has been well ... Views: 914
One of the greatest gifts my sales mentor ever gave me was the belief in myself that I could be successful. I can still hear John’s Scottish accent ringing in my ear saying, “Once you have done it once, no one can tell you that you can’t do it again!” As he coached our sales team to greater ... Views: 1824
One of the most frequently expressed concerns about a person's speech is that she (or he) talks too fast. This can be a real career issue, because your listeners want to understand you the first time.
People talk too fast for several reasons. Mostly, they do it because they are nervous.
They ... Views: 19960
Upon being hired, many sales professionals simply go into the company, do their work, make quota, but don't gain any ground regarding getting to the next level. Then, they spend hours, days, weeks and years wondering as to why this is while they could spend the time bettering themselves.
The ... Views: 1691
Approaching a senior level executive, doctor or high government official is very nerve racking and usually holds sales people back from approaching the ultimate decision makers. That’s because we’re anticipating an unpleasant outcome or projecting a negative experience. The antidote is ... Views: 3026
Being an effective listener is one of the most critical skills you can master in order to build meaningful relationships, advance your career, and build a successful business. Many people often believe they are great listeners, primarily because they have been doing it their entire life, but ... Views: 4717
Learning About 6 Simple Rules Of Power Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!
here's one thing that differentiates happy and successful individuals from misfortunate, unsuccessful individuals. It's all in the attitude and personal power.
We can't all of the time control the ... Views: 999
There aren’t many certainties in selling. What works well for one person can be a dead end for another, and what looks like a sure sale can easily deteriorate into a missed opportunity. One thing you can count on, however, is that a lack of strong, qualified leads will always be a stumbling ... Views: 861
People block you from their bosses and others for a whole host of reasons. For example they feel they will lose their power over you; they don’t like what you have and know that if you get past them their boss might buy what you have and they will be stuck with you; admins are told not to let ... Views: 2782
Are you feeling pulled all over the place?
Are you spending your days (and maybe nights!) spending your time flat out busy and not accomplishing anything towards your goals?
Do you feel like you are pulled all over the place operating out of chaos?
Are you frustrated that your staff ... Views: 918
Fear is a natural and reasonable response to many things in life, like danger! Our brains are hard wired for the flight or fight response but often times we live in the “What If” fear and worry mode. This is anticipatory fear. While the flight or fight fear response can save our lives, the ... Views: 742
As President of the Sales Professionals of Ottawa, I was lucky enough to moderate a panel discussion entitled “How To Hunt In Today’s Jungle”. Each panelist discussed the “how to’s” of lead generation in their field of expertise; telesales, social media, internet research, and print ... Views: 1420
A while back I had the opportunity to work for nearly two days with the best-of-the-best sales pros in a client company. We spent our time together focused on taking their game up another notch with a workshop titled “Powerful Presentations.” One thing I noted is that really successful people ... Views: 864
Actually "There are three kinds of salespeople; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who are wondering what happened."
You've probably heard that one before. In fact, there are two different types of salespeople and they are very easy to spot.
The first ... Views: 1204
Customers are saying ‘It costs too much.” “Business is slow I don’t need to advertise.” And most sellers have a prepared response. Unintentionally, these responses are often framed to prove the customer wrong. There’s a better sales technique. It’s very simple: You don’t need to have an ... Views: 620
We all need plans and to have a sense of what we need to do to be successful. Very few sales people have written plans for their business or their personal goals. They tend to say: I know what they are and I know what I need to do. Yet at the end of a year they are rarely happy with the results ... Views: 5428
When you get in front of a prospect or customer for that important meeting – What are you saying? Are you clear on what you need to say and how you are coming across? Are you prepared and presentable? What is your prospect or customer hearing and seeing?
How do you come across?
What is it ... Views: 1162
For any sales professional, receiving a call out from "of the blue" from an unknown, incoming lead that is already interested in their products or services can brighten a day. After all, obtaining this lead did not involve any hunting. Moreover, the person seems to have interest in the products ... Views: 1042
If you consider yourself a “multi-tasker” and often reply “crazy busy” when people ask you how you’re doing, then you should listen up. A recent analysis from the business research firm Basex, estimates that extreme multi-tasking costs the US more than $650 billion a year in lost ... Views: 822
The sales and reputation of a company depends on its sales team. The more trained and effective the sales team is, the more profit is guaranteed for that company. Sales training is an important aspect that is necessary for generating effective sales. Sales training helps the sales personnel to ... Views: 741
Building on the “social” in social media
“The more I use social media the less social I become.” That’s a quote from a conversation I overheard recently at the U.S. National Speakers’ Association…and it’s been on my mind a lot since then.
It’s understandable that some business ... Views: 753
When you look at the calendar at this time of the year, you start to realize that the selling year is almost over. In fact, when you take out the holidays, there are only about 45 selling days left in the year. That is not a lot of time left for your team to qualify for their annual sales ... Views: 1298
Do you find that there are just not enough hours in a day? Are you working long hours, making call after call, but you still don’t sell enough to even come close to reaching quota? If you answered yes to these questions, you may be one of the many sales representatives who mistakenly believe ... Views: 1277
A major problem that quality salespeople run into is that they are unable to close a sale, even if they have done a great job throughout the selling process. This is because these individuals do not have the proper sales force training, as this training will provide them with the skills that ... Views: 1313
Too often sales reps and sales leaders come to me and say – our business is all about pricing. Our business is different and we have to play in this price sensitive environment. I will listen and ask them about their business and what makes it all about price. I then say to them – “It is not the ... Views: 896
Take out a blank piece of paper and write down all the things your customer values when doing business with you. What does that list look like? How many items did you come up with? What do you notice about this list? Now identify the top 3 items. Are you sure these are the Top 3? To make sure, ... Views: 803
I have been helping several clients recently in the interview process for new sales reps. As we look at the resumes that arrive I am always amazed at how they all look the same. They all follow a similar format, are written in a similar way and tell a similar story. None of the resumes stand ... Views: 3036
Communication is a key for the success of any sales person or leader. How you keep your customers, colleagues and staff informed will determine how easily you get things done. Communication comes in many ways. I just had a call with a colleague and he said: It was interesting what was said at ... Views: 1054
Be careful what you ask for; you just might get it. I am always telling sales people this old adage. How are you starting each day and what are you saying to your self before you leave home? What are you saying to yourself as you go into your big meeting this week? What are you asking for as you ... Views: 835
Sales people are looked down upon and viewed by many as slick, pushy, aggressive and cheats. While we may have earned that reputation by a few sales people there are too many occasions where we all experience that behaviour. So how do you deal with customers and prospects that have that ... Views: 1050
What made you get into sales? Was it a dream from the time you were a kid and first opened that lemonade stand in the front yard? Did it seem like it would be an easy job? Was it because one of your parents was in sales? Was there nowhere else to go…………….
What is it about Sales that attracted ... Views: 776
What is the process you need to take customers through to produce a sale? What steps do you need to take and does your client know what these steps are and why they go through this process? Knowing this, both as a sales rep and as a customer, can be critical to your success.
What is your ... Views: 786
Recently, many of my “students” have told me they CAN’T set goals because everything is changing and they aren’t sure what tomorrow holds. Changing economies is exactly WHY we should set goals!
To start thinking about goals, reflect for a moment on this quote by Diane Scharf Hunt…"Goals are ... Views: 936
Did you just ask yourself, "Where can I sell my house fast?" but you are puzzled on how to move forward in hard markets like Brooklyn, NY or California? If so, keep reading. In this article, I am going to give you a few solutions with their pros and cons. By the end of this page, you will be ... Views: 969
Collaborative or consultative selling. What’s the difference? Aren’t they interchangeable terms? Not really. Collaboration is a step beyond traditional consultative selling. And an opportunity to sell more WITH your buyers.
Consultative selling is a term in use around the globe. And it is ... Views: 771
If you’re like me, email list management is something you’ve been avoiding. But as I later learned, it isn’t nearly as difficult as I had always imagined. In fact, there’s a definite science to building a quality email list. Once you learn it, optin email marketing is pretty easy.
Email ... Views: 1028
In every industry sales training has different levels of organization that are used to benefit the company. Employees are trained to act according to the company standards and the various sales training programs are designed for a limited scope.
With that in mind some companies choose to ... Views: 1217
All of us have bad habits that we know we shouldn’t be doing but we do them anyway. Or, more accurately, we have a list of things we should be doing but we aren’t doing them!
You know the ones I’m talking about – regular visits to the gym, a healthy diet, dealing with an awkward customer ... Views: 1466
No sales manager wants to make the torturous mistake of hiring a complete sales dud.
Although a few are bound to slip in, in order to prevent this from happening to you, there are a number of ways that you can screen out a great sales rep resume, prior to actually meeting with them face to ... Views: 951
A proper sales process is essential to your online business success. If you’ve got a promo page for your product(s) with a buy now button nearby, like most web site owners do, then you’re probably missing out on a lot of sales potential. You might even be wondering why you’re sales are down ... Views: 1164