There comes a time when many of us evaluate the past and look forward to a better future. For some, that means the question arises as to whether they should make a career change and start looking for a new postion.
Should you move to greener pastures with a new employer? After all, we ... Views: 1243
If you have invested in sales or sales management training, you probably have not been satisfied with the results. In many cases, after spending tens of thousands of dollars on sales training programs, there was no positive change in behavior or no measurable improvement in sales results.
Why ... Views: 1232
Happy New Year! We are only a few weeks into the New Year and already the gyms are less full than they were the first week of January and many have already cheated on their diets. Similarly, sales people are already missing their daily sales activity targets, so they are no closer to earning ... Views: 1530
One of the greatest gifts my sales mentor ever gave me was the belief in myself that I could be successful. I can still hear John’s Scottish accent ringing in my ear saying, “Once you have done it once, no one can tell you that you can’t do it again!” As he coached our sales team to greater ... Views: 1824
As President of the Sales Professionals of Ottawa, I was lucky enough to moderate a panel discussion entitled “How To Hunt In Today’s Jungle”. Each panelist discussed the “how to’s” of lead generation in their field of expertise; telesales, social media, internet research, and print ... Views: 1420
When you look at the calendar at this time of the year, you start to realize that the selling year is almost over. In fact, when you take out the holidays, there are only about 45 selling days left in the year. That is not a lot of time left for your team to qualify for their annual sales ... Views: 1298
Do you find that there are just not enough hours in a day? Are you working long hours, making call after call, but you still don’t sell enough to even come close to reaching quota? If you answered yes to these questions, you may be one of the many sales representatives who mistakenly believe ... Views: 1277
I have been trying to track down a billing issue with a company for over a month. After sending yet another follow up email to my account manager today, I finally received a response. It started out by saying “So-and-So is no longer with our company…” The first thing that crossed my mind was ... Views: 5222
Experience has shown no matter where you set your minimum selling price, a sales representative sooner or later will ask you to lower it. The question is not whether you will be asked permission to discount; the question is when should you say yes.
One of the best examples of this is ... Views: 4417
“I don’t have time to prospect!” There’s a line that will send your sales manager scrambling to search through their resume database.
To survive in sales, finding the time to prospect is not optional! Every sales representative needs a steady stream of new opportunities entering their ... Views: 2001
Joint field work is where you and your representative make sales calls together. The sales representatives benefit and learn from your knowledge and experience, yet they are still are not working without a net, so to speak.
The problem most sales managers have when doing joint field work is ... Views: 5285
What is it that will make your prospect buy today? Why didn’t he buy yesterday? Why won’t he wait until tomorrow?
To answer that, you must first define what exactly a prospect is. There are four common characteristics that all companies share in order to be described as a ... Views: 2242
It's been said many times that prospects must feel they can trust you before they will buy from you. But what does "trust you" really mean? It's simple. Prospects need to know you and your company will do exactly what you tell them you will do, when you said you will do it.
Every time you ... Views: 2486
Whether you are a corporate sales executive needing to increase company revenues, a sales manager wanting to improve your team’s results, or a sales professional looking to invest in your own self improvement, you need to evaluate any sales or sales management training course properly before ... Views: 1835
Prospects buy products based on the perceived value they will derive from those products. However, what one prospect values is not the same as another. They both may buy the same product, but they can buy it for completely different reasons.
For example, why do people buy cotton swabs? ... Views: 2159
Whether it’s a prospecting approach, a fact find, or a presentation, there has always been plenty of disagreement among sales professionals as to whether what will be said should be scripted ahead of time. Those that say that every sales call should be scripted, regardless of its purpose, ... Views: 1219
Have you ever been told, “Here’s your business cards, there’s a street. Now go and bang on some doors.”? Or how about, “Here is the phone book, start dialing!” Although these shotgun methods of prospecting may produce results, it really is sheer luck if they do. The chances that you happen ... Views: 1103
When people read the newspaper, it is very rare they read every line of every article. There are just too many articles and too little time! In reality, people only have enough time to scan the paper, reading only the articles where the headline has caught their interest.
Similarly, it is ... Views: 1127
At the start of every year, we tend to look forward and set both personal and professional goals for the year. Take a moment and think back. Did you reach the goals you set for yourself last year? If not, it’s probably because you did not develop a plan of action to achieve them.
When you are ... Views: 1256
Ever since we were young, we have been taught to watch our language. “Mind your p’s and q’s, and if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” A sales person knocked on my door the other day. The experience served as a reminder that professional sales people must also ... Views: 1195
Many sales representatives absolutely dread their monthly sales forecasting meetings with their sales manager. Why? Often, it is because they really don’t know what is the next step to close the sale. More importantly, they also don’t know when that step is going to happen. As such, their ... Views: 1403
Chances are, as a job requirement, you must submit a weekly sales report to your sales manager. Some sales representatives, normally those not at quota, perceive these sales reports as a policing action. “The boss is only checking up on me to ensure that I am doing my prospecting calls.” ... Views: 2379
Every time a potential customer has contact with you or your company, an expectation has been set as to how the business relationship is going to work. If a website promises 24/7 technical support, it creates an expectation. Or if you promise installation within 24 hours, the customer now ... Views: 1219
The purpose of your resume is to move you to the next step in the hiring process. Whether that is the initial interview, or to complete personality, compatibility or skills testing, if your resume moves you forward, it was effective. Over the years, I have seen hundreds, maybe even thousands ... Views: 2521
This is a true story. Over the course of a year, a local branch manager had 7 separate photocopier sales people conduct face to face prospecting calls on her business. However, since the current equipment was on a lease with an expiry date far into the future, it was not the right time in the ... Views: 1156
I participated in a few charity golf tournaments this summer. At each one, I kept hearing the same comments from some of the participants. “I never hit the ball well off the first tee.” and “I won’t make the putt because I am not a good putter.” Interestingly enough, everyone who made those ... Views: 1701
Are you always asked to lower your price? Does every prospect start to negotiate with you? Most sales people would answer with a very definitive yes!
Of course we all face this! The reason is that consumers and buyers are trained to ask for a lower price, no matter what. Think about it. ... Views: 1348
Over the years I have seen hundreds, maybe even thousands of resumes and I continue to review resumes every day. Based on this experience, I can state that many applicants do nothing to help themselves gain employment. In fact, in many cases, it did the exact opposite! The amazing thing is ... Views: 1945