We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Retirement and Retirement Planning". If you have expertise in Retirement and Retirement Planning and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
'It's just a stage you're going through...' - how many times have well-meaning friends and family members said that to you over the course of your lifetime? And don't expect them to stop now that you're about to retire, because, as far as retirement is concerned, there are six identified stages ... Views: 1999
'Retirement is often viewed as an 'event' when retirement is actually both a process (requiring planning and adjustment) and a life stage (lasting for multiple years.)'Christine A. Price, Ph.D
'It's just a stage you're going through...' - how many times have well-meaning friends and family ... Views: 2951
The stock market is unsettled … and perhaps its fluctuations are unsettling you. It’s a stressful time for the economy and Wall Street, and you may be concerned about your portfolio given what’s going on with oil prices, the real estate market, and rising unemployment figures. It may be a good ... Views: 2003
That is the question being contemplated by millions of American’s and their tax preparers. In case you haven’t heard, beginning January 1, 2010, any investor may convert their traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. Unlike prior years where where there were income limitations, no IRS income limits will ... Views: 2040
Question: This stock market is nuts! How am I supposed to protect my IRA and 401k from losing money when I’ve only got three years until I retire? Bonnie, Ohio
Answer: A few years before retiring, if possible, you should begin to accumulate an amount of money that's equivalent to 2-5 ... Views: 2306
Has your work ever interfered with your ‘other life?’ That ‘real’ life that does not include work, even if it’s work you love? What I mean is true leisure. Not thinking about, planning about or doing anything even close to work.
I am talking especially for those of you entrepreneurial types. ... Views: 1602
Where is all the employment for senior citizens? How can it be identified and applied for. Is it only available locally, or are the employment openings for seniors national?
Are your carefully laid plans for a pleasant tour, although perhaps not royal, through your golden years seem to be ... Views: 1473
Are you a senior citizen seeking employment for retirees? Have your medical benefits been reduced significantly? Has your hard earned pension suffered a hit by your former employer?
Has the threat on Social Security and its future solvency caused you some sleepless nights? Whatever the ... Views: 1811
In her new book, Own Your Life, 7 Essential Steps to Independence, author, speaker and lawyer Suzanne B. Quinn guides the reader through the seven essential steps to personal and financial security and independence. This article is an excerpt from her book, comprising one of the seven ... Views: 1696
You go to school, you get your education, you get your experience and your working world should be in pretty good shape right? While that may be true for many of you I’ll bet my bottom dollar it’s not true for each of you.
Would you like this to be true for you? Heck Yes! Why wouldn’t you? ... Views: 1926
Question: In a recent post you had strategies for strengthening your retirement picture for people in their 50’s and 60’s. What about those of us in our 20’s to 40’s? Maxine, Tenafly, NJ
Answer: Maxine, I didn’t mean to leave you and the other youngsters out. Here’s a checklist to get you ... Views: 2263
Question: My husband and I (age 62 and 57) want to make some resolutions to sure up our retirement picture in 2010. Any thoughts you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Bea, Stamford, CT
Answer: Bea, here’s a checklist to get you on track in 2010!
1. If you haven’t maxed out ... Views: 1654
Do you see a warning light flashing? Americans with high net worth and high incomes are preparing for the likelihood of higher taxes in 2011 and subsequent years. High earners are almost certainly going to take the hit if the EGTRRA and JGTRRA cuts fade away at the end of 2010. Here’s a summary ... Views: 1674
The first wave of baby boomers turned 60 in 2006. The largest, most demanding and most examined generation in history is already facing up to a future that looks nothing like our parents' second half of life. Thanks to medical advances and information about health, baby boomers can expect to ... Views: 1040
Every day, people draw on money they don’t actually have – via credit cards, payday loans, home equity lines of credit, and even their 401(k)s. Many of them end up making minimum payments on these high-interest loans – a sure way to stay indebted forever. If this is your situation, you may be ... Views: 1580
Asset Protection is everyone’s desire, but adults share a characteristic - that they may be sued at anytime, for any reason, whether founded or not.
Civil actions range from the serious to the frivolous. Did you offend someone today with something you said? Did you cause someone to suffer ... Views: 1791
Senior Citizens,Retirees And Network Marketing
Their are many people who are either voluntarily retired or forced into retirement, because of the way the economy is changing right now. Some have been downsized and some have received retirement packages. This does not mean that they are not ... Views: 3282
Early 401k Distributions by Peter Richon
For one of many various reasons, lots of people find themselves accessing their tax-deferred retirement savings accounts before the age of 59 & 1/2. For some, they need to money to pay off debts or to cover living expenses. Others would like to help ... Views: 3118
Question: I’m getting closer to retiring and everything I read says I should get more defensive in my portfolio. Does this make sense for me?
Answer: It depends. How is your portfolio allocated now? Do you own mostly stocks or do you have a lot of money in bonds and CDs? What’s your ... Views: 1453
Question: I’m 55 and not really happy with my job any more. I’d like to retire but I’m not sure I have enough money. What should I do? Liz, New York
Answer: Liz, realize that you’re not alone. Many baby boomers are tired and burnt, and no longer want to wake up to their alarm clock come ... Views: 1544
Your life after retirement must be a new beginning.
Most people come to the realization that when they reach retirement age that they have no plan for their retired lives.
Many folks have a plan in place for their lives, including investing time at college to find a suitable career, ... Views: 2927
Question: What are some things I should keep in mind if I want to reach the goal of retirement within three years? Thanks in advance for your response. Lorri, MA
Answer: Lorri, whether your goal is retirement in 3 years, a new car in 5 years, or college education in eighteen years, in order ... Views: 1396
If so, you are certainly not alone. Also, women are more apt to extend this date then men. Women earning $75,000.00 or more have a six out of ten chance of delaying retirement.
Those are high numbers and now there is even a term for this. If you are one of the six, you are part of the ... Views: 1415
Thousands of people turn 55 each day in Canada. Most of them will retire for the first time, unsuccessfully, at age 57. Why “unsuccessfully”? Because while many pre-retirees plan and calculate their financial resources to ensure an adequate nest egg to fund their retirement, almost none of them ... Views: 1201
Many of us now make contributions to an Individual Retirement Account to safeguard our financial future and save for retirement. It is important to understand the specific IRA rules so that we can take full benefit of the savings plan. Any form of taxable income can be used in IRA contributions; ... Views: 995
Retiring from ones employment can be a stressful time but it doesn’t have to be. Realize that it’s natural to be nervous, anxious and/or confused when you’re going through a major life change. Your decision to retire is causing you to step outside your comfort zone and is forcing you to make ... Views: 1190
Question: If one has a properly diversified investment portfolio, what percentage do you feel is safe to plan on withdrawing annually so that my account value never decreases? Susan, New Jersey
Answer: Susan, as long as you limit your withdrawals to the amount of interest, dividends and ... Views: 1591
The Automatic Rule
Start saving money today. Even if it’s only a buck or two each pay period, savings is a habit you must start and stick with for the rest of your life. To improve your chance of savings success, automate the process. Have money withdrawn automatically from your paycheck or ... Views: 1355
Question: My company recently sent out a memo saying they were going to suspend their matching 401k contributions for the rest of 2009 and maybe 2010 as well. This could dramatically affect my ability to retire. Are they allowed to do this? Christine, New York, NY
Answer: Christine, each ... Views: 1487
Each time we have a bad market, the media pundits starts saying “it’s different this time” and we all buy into it. The reality is they’re partly right because the circumstances surrounding each drop are rarely the same. However, I attended a conference and was shown how in each of the last 12 ... Views: 1522
“Banks will close, currency will change, what happened last fall was a shadow of what’s coming,” says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author on current events and Bible prophecy, noting that when the U.S. Senate met to approve a $760 billion bailout, the new moon on October 1 signaled the Feast of ... Views: 2180
An area where many individuals get into tax trouble is when splitting their Qualified Retirement Accounts (QRPs) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Once you have come to the revelation that your assets must be split you may be tempted to start the process by making pre-divorce transfers ... Views: 1968
Editor's Note: The following is an excerpt from Retire in a Weekend! The Baby Boomers’ Guide to Making Work Optional. Catch a sneak peek of the authors DVD, The 10 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Retiring & How YOU Can Avoid Them at www.RetireinaWeekend.com.
Creating a steady stream of ... Views: 1712
You're saving for your retirement, right? You're feeling pleased with yourself as you're putting away a good chunk of money every month in your 401(k). But are you really getting what you think you're getting? Here is an ugly truth that your employer -- or your 401(k) administrator won't tell ... Views: 962
How is your IRA doing? If yours has been performing like most people's, your savings have been virtually decimated in the last few years. That's very unfortunate, and it happened because so many people don't know what they need to do to keep their savings safe even during bear markets, and to ... Views: 1109
Would you like a better return on your investments? Whether you have an IRA or a brokerage account, chances are that your money is mostly in mutual funds. Read on to learn more about why this is not the best place for it to be, and what to do instead.
First of all, you should know that this ... Views: 1001
Now is the Time to Invest in Real Estate with your Self-Directed IRA
Are you “in the know” about this extremely valuable investment tool – the self-directed IRA? Statistics show that there are approximately $4.2 trillion dollars in IRA’s in this country and fewer than 4% are self-directed ... Views: 1492
Now is the Time to Invest in Real Estate with your Self-Directed IRA
Are you “in the know” about this extremely valuable investment tool – the self-directed IRA? Statistics show that there are approximately $4.2 trillion dollars in IRA’s in this country and fewer than 4% are self-directed ... Views: 981
Question: I plan on retiring in 15 years (at age 60) and currently have 85% of my money in stocks. I’ve been maxing out my 401(K) since I was 21, and in the last year, I have seen some frightening drops in my funds. Should I be making any kind of changes to prevent more losses? Larry, Texas ... Views: 1965
As a general disclaimer, the tax code is complex, everyone’s situation is a little different, therefore, please do not take any action on strategies discussed without first consulting with an expert about your individual situation. The information contained in this article is believed to be ... Views: 1671
Do you think is it too soon to begin planning for the tax changes in 2010 or think about how it will impact your retirement account? Absolutely not.
“Now is the time to start to plan to take advantage of future tax-free funds”, says Hubert Bromma, CEO of the Entrust Group, the nation’s ... Views: 1557
Question: I’m turning 60 next year. While I don’t want to continue working full-time anymore, I don’t have the desire (or nest egg) to retire completely. What do you suggest? Doris, PA
Answer: Doris, how about a phased retirement? Instead of working 40 hours per week, talk with your ... Views: 1449
Question: As a self-employed empty nester, what advice can you give to starting our retirement nest egg at this late date? My husband and I are both in our early 50’s. We would like something simple that we can contribute small ($50) amounts to at a time. Joy, PA
Answer: Joy, I did some ... Views: 1416
Always the feisty ones, you boomers aren’t going to let the economy slow you down!
If you have retired already or have been laid off you may have a desire to get back into the employment seen. Well, hate to tell you this, but that may be easier said than done. So what? You’re resilient and ... Views: 1487
Question: This stock market is nuts! How am I supposed to protect my IRA from losing money when I’ve only got three years until I retire? Joan, NY
Answer: Joan, as I mentioned in my last post, a few years before retiring you should begin to accumulate an amount of money that's equivalent to ... Views: 1288
While you are racing toward the inevitable here is a little secret about retirement that no one is telling you about. No, they don't mean to keep it a secret the fact is most persons don't really know. So here is what you should know about retirement that no one is telling- Retirement Ain't What ... Views: 1303
Why is it people believe they have to work until they are 65 before they can enter retirement? Why is it people have bought into this idea and wait sixty five years before they get out and live and do what they really want to do? Why do people think they can't retire young? Why do people think ... Views: 1423
Dear Bill: I’m 60 years old, divorced, and was forced into early retirement two weeks ago. My 401(k) is still down 25% from its all-time high and I’m real nervous. Now that I don’t have a paycheck and since I won’t become eligible for Social Security for two more years, I have to live on ... Views: 1381
Question: I’ve been thinking about retiring for a few years now but I’m really concerned about how expensive everything is. I’m still working and wondering if I’ll ever have enough to retire. How do you help people cope with high inflation? Phillip, CT
Answer: I help my private clients ... Views: 1505
If you are like most people, you have been diligently putting some of your hard earned money away in some type of retirement plan. For most people though, their preparations involve only the monetary type with a total lack of awareness about preparing and preserving the body they live in for ... Views: 1637