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How do I Talk to a Live Person in QuickBooks Enterprise?
QuickBooks Enterprise is excellent when it comes to organizing your financial information. Tracking your business income and expenses becomes simple, and you will not need to do it yourself. If you are a user and you need to Talk to a ... Views: 205
In early 2020 my Reiki practice became extremely because of the COVID-19 crisis. After people started dying from COVID-19, I began getting phone calls for Reiki. What I have learned since Spring 2020 is that Reiki is a valuable tool in helping clients to heal from this devastating illness. I ... Views: 801
Meaning of Reiki
Reiki (pronounced ray-key), simply translated from Japanese, means spiritual energy.
REI – means Spirit or Spiritual
KI – means Energy
It is a holistic, light-touch and energy-based healing modality. Mikao Usui introduced an energy-based healing system called ... Views: 905
Reiki for Troubled Times
There is no doubt that at this time of writing we are globally facing very frightening and uncertain times. Many, many people worldwide are afraid, anxious and overwhelmed by the current pandemic that is going on around us and among us. Reiki is a powerful healing ... Views: 850
How to Send Global Healing.
We are at this moment facing a pandemic. Many people want to do something to help, but feel useless in the face of the statistics that are hiking up and up daily. I have for some weeks, in light of the current situation, been practising sending global healing. I ... Views: 1166
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1090
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1099
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1049
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1009
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1034
There are so many benefits of choosing to receive a distant Reiki attunement. Distant Reiki attunements have been available for many decades now, yet many people still don’t consider it as an option for being attuned to an energy system. I am still amazed at how many Reiki practitioners don’t ... Views: 1116
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 12 percent of women ages 15-44 will experience difficulty getting pregnant and carrying a baby full term. About 1/3 of women older than 35 will experience fertility problems. The CDC lists aging ovaries, smoking, health ... Views: 1175
I have worked with clients from their 20s to 40s with many fertility challenges. Reiki works for a lot of these women. Recently I had a new client who had a different challenge to getting pregnant. She is in her mid-30s and very healthy. Her labs showed that everything should be working for her ... Views: 1101
The reason that I got into energy work in 1989 was due to my daughter who was six years old at the time having eye surgery a year and a half earlier. After the surgery, her eye sight in her left eye was 20/400. The doctor said we will patch her good eye to make the left eye’s muscles strengthen ... Views: 983
The reason that I got into energy work in 1989 was due to my daughter who was six years old at the time having eye surgery a year and a half earlier. After the surgery, her eye sight in her left eye was 20/400. The doctor said we will patch her good eye to make the left eye’s muscles strengthen ... Views: 984
Jennifer’s story:
The day the fertility doctor tried to call me with the genetic testing results from my embryos, my cell phone battery was dead. Upon plugging in my phone, she called back saying, “You have two genetically normal embryos, Jennifer! That’s unbelievable. I told you there was a ... Views: 1011
In the past, I never thought much about Reiki for brain trauma. Most of the traumas that I have used Reiki on were for car or bike accidents or bad falls, but they never involved the head. When my Reiki student Nancy contacted me to help her on January 5th she said that her fall occurred on ... Views: 1081
In the past, I never thought much about Reiki for brain trauma. Most of the traumas that I have used Reiki on were for car or bike accidents or bad falls, but they never involved the head. When my Reiki student Nancy contacted me to help her on January 5th she said that her fall occurred on ... Views: 1133
With the marvels of modern medicine, you would think that there would be solutions to every dis-ease ailment that humans can contract, but there are not. I have been working with Reiki for over 24 years and have had a lot of situations with clients where Reiki was the only thing that resolved ... Views: 885
I was quite delighted to hear Dr. Oz tell his millions of viewers on his show that he, not only, promotes Reiki, but he also believes Reiki to be ,“Ultimately, the most important alternative medical treatment of all.”1 I knew this way before Dr. Oz espoused the healing powers of Reiki. As a ... Views: 1015
Grounding after attunements can help reduce symptoms of feeling light headed, dizzy and a little disorientated, whether you have received an attunement or have given one, grounding is important to anchor you back to Mother Earth.
When you give or receive attunements you are working with ... Views: 1071
Over the past twenty years it has become increasingly clear to me that rituals involved with any healing process are not necessary, because it is only your intention that matters, and I’d like to share some examples of how and why I believe this is so.
First, let’s look at the concept of a ... Views: 1163
What are Distant Reiki Attunements?
I have been asked a lot about distant Reiki attunements, what they are, how do they work, do they work, etc.
Distant Reiki attunements enable a connection, an alignment to a particular energy vibration. Distant Reiki attunements can be sent to anyone in the ... Views: 947
Energy Meditation
This form of meditation focuses your attention on how everything is made up of energy. It is a simple meditation that is beneficial for your body, mind and spirit. Physically and emotionally this meditation will help you lower stress levels and create a feeling of liberation ... Views: 1094
Energy healing and distant healing therapy is the trending alternative approach to the traditional form of treatment. Every ancient culture across the globe have experienced rewarding benefits of remote spiritual healing, a practice which is quite effective in treating chronic physical ailments ... Views: 970
The world is not really a stranger to the healing powers of crystals. The eastern world for centuries has acknowledged the healing power of crystals. In order to understand the link between crystals and our mind, body and spirit, one has to comprehend the human anatomy at the first place. Now, ... Views: 1418
Occasionally when people receive an energy attunement or energy healing, whether it is chakra balancing, Reiki or whatever form, they experience a healing crisis after and actually feel worse before they feel better. This can sometimes have a negative effect as people focus on the crisis and not ... Views: 1627
Reiki is a healing technique which was developed by the Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui in 1922, this is a spiritual healing rather than the physical. The word Reiki is a combination of two words Rie “spiritual wisdom: and Ki “universal life energy”. As cleared from the meaning, the Reiki emphasize ... Views: 1956
Happy New Year! I hope you’ve been having a lovely holiday season. This is the time of year when we reflect upon the past and look forward to the future - 2017. Some of us even create New Year’s resolutions based on how well the last year went. What were the highs and the lows? What did I learn ... Views: 1718
Reiki healing can go very smoothly for the new practitioner. That is, until a strange or scary experience happens, such as feeling a sharp or sudden pain as a consequence of channeling the Reiki energy for the client. This is especially since the energy not only goes into the client but out of ... Views: 3332
Distant Reiki Attunements
I get asked a lot about distant reiki attunements, what they are and how they work. I am well aware of the controversy between Reiki practitioners regarding distant reiki attunements, my personal view and one shared by many others, is that if distant healing works ... Views: 2210
A long time ago, before my extensive experience in holistic health, when I was a saleswoman for courier delivery services with very little holistic knowledge, I had strong opinions about disease and stress. I was convinced that stress has very little impact, if any at all, on disease. To be ... Views: 2676
Hands that Wield Power: A Beginner’s Guide to Reiki
My grandfather had been a postmaster for nearly 40 years before he retired. They say the strains of the best work usually appear later, and that’s exactly what happened: he developed a serious heart disease and a number of side effects; ... Views: 1576
Reiki finds its way into our lives in many different ways. And it has found its way into the Big Brother house again just now. I am not sure how I feel about that. I can see that there is a lot of good in Reiki on reality TV shows, and I can also see that it is not exactly best represented on ... Views: 1871
Sometimes Reiki Healers go to a healing share group and find there are silly rules to stick to. In the bad old days in the UK, there used to be a rule at many a Reiki share that only healers from a specific variation of Reiki were allowed to join. I ear that in Cape Town, some Masters giving ... Views: 2137
When I first heard of Optimal EFT, I was amazed by what I had been missing all those years of doing Reiki. It is such a simple refinement, and although not always suitable, it is a real gem in most cases where a client wants a punchier Reiki or Spiritual Healing session. Since I have been ... Views: 3826
As someone who has sat on the then Reiki Regulatory Working Group in the UK, now known as the Reiki Council, I am delighted to see how seriously Reiki is being taken in the UK now. Of course, there are many that do not realise the benefits. However, at the end of the day, it is about choice. A ... Views: 1984
You may well wonder how effective the Reiki can be with distractions around. There may be a television in the background, you may have a teenage child or a share a home with someone who plays loud music, you may have a young baby who wakes up crying for attention in the middle of your ... Views: 1836
When learning energy healing, one soon learns that for most people, the right side of us is the male side and the left side is the female side. So what does it all mean and how does it relate to our emotional state?
Of course, there are exceptions. There is no reason why someone should not be ... Views: 16899
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1506
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1478
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1508
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1645
When I was first introduced to Reiki energy, I was a young woman living in a small, albeit cultural city in New England. I was asked over to a friend’s home for tea, and while I was there she shared her knowledge about Reiki with me, which wasn’t very extensive at the time. She had recently been ... Views: 1626
Reiki is such a good modality to use in a practice. It not only relieves stress and eases pain but it does so much more. When I use Reiki depending what I am guided to do I use pressure points and some massage on the meridians. I remember when I first had graduated years ago and started to ... Views: 1876
If you are an existing or budding Reiki healer, this is one in a series of articles to help you along the way. First of all, let me congratulate you for walking this path. Reiki is a beautiful energy and way of life, and it is wonderful to help people heal, grow, and develop. Well done for ... Views: 2137
As a holistic lifestyle coach, many of my clients come to me because they want to lose weight. In addressing issues of weight gain; I take into consideration the underlying reasons of weight gain, knowing that it is about more than just the food people are eating. What I have found is that ... Views: 2266
Hello! Here I am again, this time writing about the heart chakra. I am now half way through writing about the chakras - and the heart is indeed the bridge between the lower three chakras, which are more to do with the physical plane, and the higher three chakras which link us to the divine and ... Views: 2226
Reiki is a misguided fad in the realm of healing that is not yet a complete healing system. Nor does it have any real understanding of how the energy system works. It is a form of generic healing that believes that by pushing energy into someone, it's going to magically heal them of their ... Views: 3084
As a practitioner of a complete healing system, it saddens me to see so many people who have nearly given up on energetic healing, because their only experience has been reiki, and it hasn't worked for them. Even though they've been very dedicated and received pricey sessions on a weekly basis, ... Views: 2729