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As an author, it’s likely you not only want to write, you also want to make money from your writing.
If you simply want to write and have no interest in generating revenues, this post is likely not for you. However, if you want to make a living from your writing, read on.
The first thing to ... Views: 1450
Over the years, the world of sports is changing continually. Furthermore, the use of technology is just one of the areas which has created an impact on a lot of sports in the modern day. Just as TV changed the way families during the 50’s interacted with sports, the internet has given sports ... Views: 1642
You don’t have to be a famous key note speaker or a famous motivational speaker like Tony Robbins or Joel Osteen just to give a great speech. Public speaking to many people when performing such an act in front of an audience is every daunting and even more so intimidating.Fear is the biggest ... Views: 1503
People change names for one reason or the other and hence post newspaper adverts for the same. It is one of the common news ad categories that you will find in every news journal. Consequently, people often select national dailies, regional papers, vernaculars, etc. to publish such ad posts. ... Views: 1202
Is your kid having difficulty in speaking? Does your kid have problems in expressing themselves? Do they stutter a lot? Relax, your kid isn’t the only one suffering from this. Sure, as a kid, these things might look cute at first but can be real cause for concern when your kid eventually grows ... Views: 1727
Choosing a lawyer can be a daunting task, especially for those who are not known to handle legal issues. When you buy goods or services, it is important that you first educate yourself about what it is about - Assisting lawyers is no different.
Here are five general questions you need to ask ... Views: 1728
Americans Agree Public Speaking Presentations Skills Important
Seventy percent of employed Americans agree that presentation skills and how to deliver public speaking presentations are critical to their success at work, according to a popular cloud-based presentation platform company. A ... Views: 1619
It is often easy to forget exactly how important setting goals is to self improvement. We can have lofty ambitions for changing or improving who we are, but if we don’t begin the journey with one step as Confucius once said and then break it down into smaller plans, the journey might begin to ... Views: 1695
You are giving a very important presentation to the board members and midway through something overwhelms you and you can’t for the life of you remember exactly where you were in the presentation. You are giving a sales pitch on a new product to one of your biggest customers and you just lost it ... Views: 1889
When it comes to the speaking voice, tone deals with the expression of a mood or emotion. In relationship to your delivery, your tone can have a surprising influence on how your topic or subject is perceived. Were you to give a motivational speech, your tone would be different than if you were ... Views: 1871
Creating and presenting my TEDx talk was one of the greatest challenges of my career - and an ultimate learning experience.
Having a solid background in acting and speaking for more than three decades gave me the belief, or so I thought, that this would be an easy task. In fact, it tested ... Views: 2295
I remember when one of my sons was in 2nd or 3rd grade and was practicing reading out loud. He would take a breath after almost every word. Teachers explain to children in that age group that they should wait to take a breath until they come to the end of the sentence. At that age, there are ... Views: 2315
Contrary to what many may think, repetition is an essential public speaking technique that you need to master if you want your audience to remember your presentation. Usually any presentation regardless of length can be boiled down to just 3 or 4 main points or even less. By skillfully repeating ... Views: 2391
Most people have a fear of speaking in public, but when tasked to give an effective presentation by power point they feel a little more at ease. The reason is that they now have the information they are going to present at hand. This can be a double edge sword because the presenter in this ... Views: 1781
A great person once said, “There’s a right way and wrong way to doing anything in life”. While can’t tell you who it was that said it, I can tell you that there is truth to this quote. The most beautiful thing about SEO is also the scariest; that determining rank factors are constantly changing. ... Views: 2526
Business leaders often ask me this: “How can I sustain the audience’s attention throughout my speech?”
They go on to say: “Most audiences will be courteous enough to give the speaker a fair chance by listening closely for the first few minutes. Yet after that, I see their attention weakening. ... Views: 2424
When most people think of public speaking or becoming a public speaker or simply giving a presentation at work they think they have to come off with the talent of a Joel Osteen or a powerful corporate executive. Yes those people do possess a type of presence and charisma along with a powerful ... Views: 1973
"Spontaneity is being present in the present." Wei Wu Wei
In my classes, I ask that my students learn their lines by "rote." This means without emphasis or inflection. It is a mechanical way to learn your lines, where you don't attach any emotions or objectives to the words. This process was ... Views: 1744
Human beings are designed to make mistakes, irrespective of age, qualifications and past achievements we are all prone to go wrong. However, it is so fascinating to learn how people respond after making mistakes.
A mistake loses it’s hold as soon as feelings of failure, resentment, anger or ... Views: 1646
At each of our presentation and public speaking skills workshops we ask our delegates one very important question. We ask them to cast their mind back to the most recent business presentation they attended and to tell us what they remember from it that either:
- Made and impact on them they ... Views: 2011
You are not alone, most people are terrified of public speaking but there is something you can do about it. With practice, a mentor and a system everyone can become an incredible speaker. One of the best ways to start is joining Toastmasters (http://www.toastmasters.org/). This organization has ... Views: 2359
Having spent many years in senior executive roles experience tells me that when it comes to succeeding at work it isn’t necessarily about how much experience you have, how many qualifications you hold or even how knowledgeable you are.
It’s about how you speak!
It’s clear to me that the ... Views: 2565
Recently I had the pleasure of seeing the Tony-nominated production of The Crucible. I am a huge fan of director Ivo Van Hove's work and loved his powerful production of A View From the Bridge earlier this season. Needless to say I was really looking forward to this evening at the theater. ... Views: 1931
The very fact that many people rank the fear of speaking in public as one of their greatest sources of anxiety could be hurting their professional and personal life.
It’s far more common than you may ever imagine; perhaps you’ve even experienced it yourself.
Sweaty palms, feeling nervous, ... Views: 2286
As an expert, one of your greatest opportunities to build your market reach and client base is to get on the platform and give a “knock their socks off” presentation.
If you’re an entrepreneur, there are very few strategies that compare to getting on the platform in order to build your ... Views: 2559
The dream of becoming a professional speaker took hold many years ago. I was working for a small radio station in Santa Rosa, California. My primary job was to sell airtime. Yup! I sold air. Because the station was so small, it was easy to wear many hats. Within a very short period of time I ... Views: 2030
Before jumping into the ocean of Live Streaming, there's a few things you should know. Find out the four basic types of fish in the live stream sea and which one you are most like. Only then will you know what to consider before live streaming.
"You take this way too seriously," a viewer ... Views: 2336
Here are some strategies that I employ to help make public speaking a more joyful and less nerve-wracking experience:
Prepare: The more prepared you are, the less nervous you will be. Do your homework on whatever the topic is that you’re speaking about.
Practice: Before you go into a ... Views: 2110
As performers we want to be present and "in the moment." That phrase is thrown around a lot, but what I mean by "in the moment" is taking in the information that is currently happening. One way we can encourage this is by opening up our bodies before we get on stage. All performers should do a ... Views: 1974
5,000 experts on the platform in 2016! That’s my goal and my vision…to help 5,000 experts get their message out in one of the most powerful ways possible.
I plan to do this in a number of ways; through webinars, teleseminars, training programs, workshops, masterminds and one-on-one ... Views: 1624
Have you ever considered what part the sound of your voice plays in the role of your success? In the book Voice and Diction it says, "People who have poor speaking voices - the kind that set your teeth on edge- are almost always unaware of this."
When I was in broadcast school I had to read ... Views: 1857
In your job search, you know that the interview reigns supreme in the decision making process. Even when your degrees, certifications, accomplishments, and referrals surpass your competitors, your interview time will lead to either “Thanks for your application, and we wish you well in your ... Views: 1671
During the eighteen intensive months of an American presidential campaign, business leaders could potentially hear hundreds of candidates speaking. Executives and managers might mistakenly assume that these public figures got to the forefront because they are superb speakers—and therefore role ... Views: 1794
Public performance isn't limited to singing, acting, dancing, or performing other acts of entertain in front of others. It is any activity in which you engage, in front of other people where you are in a position to receive criticism, judgment, feedback, or praise. Giving a speech or ... Views: 3000
Holding a university audience's attention would be tough in any decade, yet doing that in the late 1960s was especially difficult. That was the era when students demanded unprecedented rights and involvement in university decisions. Student movement leaders even held sit-ins for days at a time ... Views: 1667
There is a right way and a grossly unprofessional way to introduce yourself to a speakers bureau. Be sure you know the rules before you call.
Before you embarrass yourself, be sure to read my article, “Bozo or Pro? Ten Ways Speakers Bureaus Know.”
That will give you great insight into ... Views: 2209
You think you have what it takes to become a professional speaker. After doing a little web surfing, you call a speakers bureau, introduce yourself and say, "I'm a terrific speaker. I'd like to talk to you about getting on the speaking circuit."
"I see," the person says. "What do you speak ... Views: 1563
Even if your topic is serious and not particularly fertile for comedy, it's always a good strategy to relax the audience with a lighthearted comment in your opening remarks. The very best kind of icebreaker, of course, is a quip that’s crafted specifically your audience. For example, at one ... Views: 1465
Recently I heard a speaker I had heard before. My inner question: Could he be as captivating as when I listened to him previously? To my amazement, yes he was.
--Spoke without notes
--Used subtle, tasteful humor occasionally
--Seemed to carry on a conversation with the ... Views: 1517
True, we live in a digital world, but still nothing quite beats a face-to-face meeting. There's something about being able to look into another's eyes, read their body language, and feel their intention that solidifies relationships faster than any other approach.
Which is why I implore you ... Views: 1676
Were you to give a presentation with no vocal variety, no facial expression and no body language, what do you think the reaction would be of your audience? Unless you are a comedian and that characteristic is part of your ‘shtick,’ do not expect your listeners to be much enamored by your lack ... Views: 2639
The answer is maybe. As an example, let's say that you are soft-spoken. If you are asked to repeat yourself a lot, others may think you lack confidence. This is just one description which comes to mind when I hear someone who doesn't speak at a normal volume level in conversation. However, I ... Views: 2013
Ending your sentences on the upswing is what I call the Valley Girl sound. Basically, it means that your statements sound like questions. It may be cute for 16-year-olds, but it definitely does not lend credibility to a professional image.
If you are ending your sentences on a pitch higher ... Views: 4861
Tap into the Second City’s Improvisation offerings
One of the most important elements of effective communication is the ability to think on your feet and adapt quickly. What better way to do that than discovering the tools and techniques inherent in Improvisation - and what city knows Improv ... Views: 1552
There is an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal, by the same title, about the charismatic influence your voice can have in your professional life. Having analyzed the voices of leaders in countries such as Brazil, France, and Italy, scientists have found that those who exhibited ... Views: 5721
Does this sound familiar? You hear a recording of your voice and you cringe? Perhaps you are embarrassed. Well, you are not alone. Most people do not recognize what they hear on the recording because it does not sound like the voice they hear in their head.
Unfortunately, the voice on the ... Views: 1845