"The miracle of existence has always been a mystery to humankind. I can find no logical or rational explanation for the uniqueness of you and me. I am just glad that we do exist." --Suzanne Kyra
That there is something beyond us supporting our existence is a mysterious miracle. We often define ... Views: 1353
Mystery is the power of a precious secret that does not easily reveal itself to us. It, like the mermaids, beckons us to come closer, to see what is inside us. Who are we? How were we created? What is next for us?
Mystery is the humility of seeing what we do not know, and when we are ... Views: 1340
Marking Life’s Transitions
Ceremonies acknowledging life’s transitions are a blessing—a celebration or gathering telling us that we are leaving something old and starting something new. When we are meaningfully engaged in ceremony, everything around us diminishes, and our life energy is ... Views: 3892
Adolescence is the hormonal cracking of childhood, while bounding into adulthood with hopes of immortality and dreams of doing whatever they wish to do. Adolescents need adults to be there for them.
Guiding adolescents and supporting their innocence by close, meaningful, ... Views: 1404
"Hearing with the heart improves our focus, memory, and connection with what needs to be heard and understood. Hearing with the heart is an action of discipline, which transforms hearing into empathic listening." --Suzanne Kyra
Hearing—the first sense developed in utero—connects the fetus to ... Views: 1913
"Dreams and visions have no boundaries. While limited by our consciousness, dreams and visions are the bridge from our unconsciousness to that not yet realized." --Suzanne Kyra
When I try to imagine the incomprehensible immensity in which we live, I visualize a tiny box on a planet that is ... Views: 1711
"Pregnancy is the physical epiphany and miracle of coming into existence. The miracle of pregnancy and birth, along with the inevitability of death, join us all. It is our task to make our birth a blessing." --Suzanne Kyra, Welcome Home to Yourself
Where our existence comes from is unknown, ... Views: 1516
A heron stands alone in the shallows. She is seemingly oblivious to me. I remain quiet and study it, praying inside for guidance and inspiration. I receive it. This occurred recently while I was walking on a sandy mound in a bay on the ocean,
She remains alone. I wonder why. She obviously has ... Views: 1456
Food represents so many things to us—nourishment, comfort, friend, enemy, guilt, pleasure, emptiness, fullness, desire, sensuality. In spite of thousands of books and articles written on the subject, and fad diets that come and go, our population is becoming increasingly unhealthy. Yet, research ... Views: 2599
"What we give our children is as potent as what we do not give them. Our children are those who live and do not live in our community. We have a responsibility to them all. May we always choose wisely." --Suzanne Kyra
I see childhood as the spring of the Natural World’s seasons. Like spring, ... Views: 1461
"Funerals or memorial services are the final, formal celebration of a person’s life. They are universal rituals of love that incorporate a final good-bye." --Suzanne Kyra
At funerals and memorial services, I have appreciated how the deceased and the deceased loved ones have been honored and ... Views: 977
"Maturing is for the courageous and lighthearted. To age with wholesomeness and health, we need to be scrupulous about laughing, loving, exercising, healthy eating, and being mentally stimulated." --Suzanne Kyra
In the big picture, our time on Earth is brief. Avoiding this awareness is avoiding ... Views: 1510
"Healthy adulthood is a time of doing, acquiring, changing, creating, leading, influencing, and wielding power. Adulthood is a time of great strength and responsibility. It is the summer of one’s life." --Suzanne Kyra
Adulthood is a time of strength, confidence, and potential power. Healthy ... Views: 1135
A peak experience is being at one with ourselves and the universe, while having a sense of being outside the experience in a harmonious way that impacts us forever.
A peak experience occurs when everything around us stops, and all that exists is our relationship to the moment and those sharing ... Views: 1094
Spirituality reveals that life is bigger than our bodies and what our minds think. It is a reminder that we are never alone, and that we are all connected.
I experience spirituality as the invisible connection between you and I. It is the non-physical internal world revealing something more ... Views: 1460
Beauty makes its presence known when we experience the message from inside ourselves, “Stop. That’s it. It’s perfect.” There is no excess and no deficiency in beauty.
Beauty is the perfection of living, exposing that which is not beautiful. Beauty beckons us in all areas ... Views: 915
To retire is to stop something you are doing, thus leaving space to start something new—sometimes simply a time of rejuvenation and rest.
For some of us, retirement from our professional or work life is a distinct life marker. Other times, it is a seamlessly flowing transition from one ... Views: 1061
To retire is to stop something you are doing, thus leaving space to start something new—sometimes simply a time of rejuvenation and rest.
For some of us, retirement from our professional or work life is a distinct life marker. Other times, it is a seamlessly flowing transition from one ... Views: 1608
Sensuality, like sexuality, involves all of our senses. The more sensuous we are, the
healthier we are in our sexuality.
Healthy sexuality requires all of our senses to be fully engaged, including our heart—giving
sacredness to the act of lovemaking. To be sexually engaged from the ... Views: 1011
Joyful humor is an invitation to play, and to not take ourselves or a situation too seriously, even when it is serious. It gives us rest from what is difficult.
Joyful humor comes from innocence and is born from sheer trust, surrender, delight, and
playfulness. Joyful humor touches us deeply ... Views: 1125
Marriage and commitment ceremonies are the precious container for a couple’s vows to each other. Commitment anchors our love into the everyday of our existence. It is the boundary around an endless horizon that holds the tender promise for tomorrow.
Commitment to an intimate relationship ... Views: 948