As if you don't have enough changes to go through when you're pregnant. The skin, yes, it goes through many different types of changes in itself. For me most were unpleasant. Everyone told me to hang in there because I would soon experience the pregnancy glow, but of course for me, it never ... Views: 1719
Exercise during pregnancy is important because it promotes muscle tone, increases strength and builds endurance which will not only help you to carry the weight you gain during pregnancy but also prepare you for the physical challenge of labor. It also makes it easier to get back into shape ... Views: 1044
When I was pregnant I would always get the "are you feeling ok?" question or the "you look really tired," comment. Looking your best is important, but it can be hard when you have dark circles and puffiness under your eyes. Since your eyes are one of the first things people see when they look at ... Views: 1163