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It astonishes me how many job seekers in today’s day and age are held back because they lack the information and skills necessary to interview well. I have developed a simple list of basic interview skills every job seeker should posses before stepping foot in the door of an interview. You may ... Views: 1064
As any job-seeker can attest, finding a good job in today’s business climate can be quite challenging. The good news is that it is not an impossible task. There are some tools that people can use in order to increase their chances of landing a great career opportunity.
One of these tools is ... Views: 1582
Many people put too much weight on the resume. Simply, the resume's purpose is to get your phone to ring. It’s not going to win you a position before you get in the door. Sure, you can gain a competitive advantage with a well-written resume, since the interviewer will have preconceived notions ... Views: 986
Strategically, hiring managers prefer lunch interviews because of the laid-back environment, where interviewees may be less guarded and more likely to reveal information they normally wouldn’t in an office setting. Another reason is that the open position may require the incumbent to attend ... Views: 2618
When looking for a job, most people focus on the responsibilities of the job to find a good fit. While getting hired to do a job that is interesting and well suited to your background is important, there are three other pieces of the equation that should not be overlooked - your fellow workers, ... Views: 1430
I have conducted hundreds of employment interviews for positions ranging from manufacturing shop floor to the executive level. After awhile you begin to notice that successful candidates did certain things that contributed to their positive outcome. Likewise, unsuccessful candidates had ... Views: 854
Think about the kind of impression you want to convey to your interviewer or hiring manager: experience, ability, and confidence. If you’ve been paying attention to me, you’ve got the experience and ability portions down: a winning resume, a brag book, a 30/60/90-day plan, and high-quality ... Views: 2100
Even for the coolest of people, looking for a job in the current economic conditions can be scary. You can easily feel like “just a number” out there with many others. What can you do to set yourself apart from the crowd? Following are some behaviors to keep in mind that can give you an edge ... Views: 834
Did you know that the way you sit, smile and shake hands can speak volumes during a job interview? It’s true. There is no manual to read to determine how you should manage your body language; however, if you make certain gestures, you’re definitely sending a certain message.
So how can you ... Views: 820
Be your best “you.” You are looking for a job. It is a long time since dealing with the trappings of the job search process and the uncertainty of where, when, what and how a job offer will come. This begins a review of “must do” behaviors to be mastered in the interview process.
Focus ... Views: 918
When you're in search of a new job, the first thing to do is to check out the job listings available in your area. You can look for job listings in your local daily and weekly newspapers, employment centers and of course, increasingly the web is a good resource for finding a job. However, ... Views: 3025
If you are one of a multitude of victorious job seekers who has been given an interview appointment for the job you have been industriously hunting, to begin with good going. Now it is time to begin getting ready for the ultimate stage towards efficiently landing a position wherever you may ... Views: 847
Did you just flub your job interview? Were you awkward? Did you forget some critical piece of information that will make them want to hire you? Or did you make some other kind of job interview mistake? Whatever it was–it just didn’t go well, and you know it. But you still want the job. ... Views: 2746
When you’re interviewing for a job at the executive level – especially if you’ve been out of work for a while – you may want to try just about any tactic possible to get the job. Because you’re used to being aggressive to get your way, you may want to try to persuade the interviewer to give you ... Views: 1059
Few interviewees send an interview thank you letter for one or several reasons:
• They think it looks like they’re sucking up (this is nonsense)
• They think there’s no point as the decision has been made (it rarely has)
• It doesn’t occur to them to send one (more fool them)
Sending an ... Views: 1903
It’s happened to all of us. You finally get an interview for the job you want. You spend the drive over anticipating questions and rehearsing answers. You give the interviewer your best handshake and then before you can answer the second question, you get that feeling…you are not getting this ... Views: 1413
Here are links to 22 videos designed to guide you through the job search and interview process and give you your best chance for success. I’ve put them in order for you here, so that you can build your knowledge as you go and see how it all fits together.
About Medical Sales
If you’re ... Views: 1664
Today I had a chance to speak with David Lee of www.Wetoku.com (play on the words We Talk) about his great new service that allows bloggers to record interviews and post them to their blogs.
Watch it Here: ... Views: 1148
Although interview preparation is everything it's sad to say that perhaps as many as half of all interviewers you’re going to meet will be unprepared or incompetent. It’s not all their fault, it's just lack of interview preparation time or responsibility; some of them will be co-opted at the ... Views: 1147
How To Get a Job In a Bad Economy
4 Key Steps To Getting An Interview and 7 Steps To Nailing Your Dream Job
In my twenty years of sales, I have hired and trained hundreds of salespeople. One woman who joined my team was Cathy. She was in her mid-50’s and had decades of experience in ... Views: 2841
You just lost your job and I know you are not wanting to hear trite sayings but the truth is: While it can be considered a blessing or a curse the thing about life is that " the game is always changing." If it didn't how would we get better.
The first thing you must do to find the perfect ... Views: 1250
What is a ride-along? Why is it important?
A ride-along is just what it sounds like: You spend a day with a medical sales rep who’s in the field you’re thinking you’d like to sell into, and see how a typical day goes. A ride-along can be one of your greatest opportunities to differentiate ... Views: 2412
Picture this: You are tasked with interviewing candidates for work in a food manufacturing facility. The job requires maintaining high sanitation standards, meaning that hairnets and beard restraints, coupled with long sleeve shirts and long pants must be worn in a wet, hot, work environment. ... Views: 1946
What really separates candidates?
It is not what you think.
Of course, you need a great resume and you have to have presence. You have to have your shoes shined, show up on time and answer all the questions correctly.
But you know what really makes a great candidate stand out from the ... Views: 1566
It's a tough job market out there right now, but what if you can’t even get an interview?
What if you're resume or your network is good enough to get you to the interview, but you can’t get past that point?
Are you demonstrating the levels of commitment, drive, tenacity, skills and ... Views: 2305
Sagging economies all over the world have rendered many employees without jobs. Job hunting has become increasingly more difficult, challenging and often times impossible. If you knew where to look and if you put more effort into it, the greater chance there is for you of finding a job.
Even ... Views: 851
When you read classified ad in newspaper about a job post, there could be three possible courses of action which you can take.
Action #1: You know you don’t qualify for the job and choose not to apply to it. So, you move on to the next job posting.
Action #2: Although you don’t qualify for ... Views: 2491
The interview is over, and you wait patiently to hear back from the hiring manager. You were prepared, you have an impressive resume, and you answered all the questions with confidence. A week later you call back, and they have given the job to another candidate.
You are having drinks, ... Views: 2928
If you are going for an interview as a prospective employee then you should do some research. Read the job description and requirements carefully. Browse the web site to see how the organization presents itself. Search for news items and comments about the company on news sites and ... Views: 1773
Early on in my career, I was awful at interviewing, probably still am today. I’m not sure why but I would get nervous and end up saying something stupid during those awkward moments of silence. Looking back at it I was probably trying too hard to show my personality as opposed to my ... Views: 1178
As a Medical Sales Recruiter, I recommend to all my candidates that they create a 30-60-90-day sales plan to present to hiring managers or hiring teams during job interviews for every position in sales, sales management, or marketing for medical sales, healthcare sales, laboratory sales, biotech ... Views: 5655
A 30-60-90-day plan is an outline (segmented into 30-day, 60-day-, and 90-day portions) of what you will do when you start a new job, filled with objectives you plan to achieve in that time frame. Presenting it during the interview sets you apart from other candidates (in a big way). ... Views: 3543
Salary negotiations can be the most stressful part of the entire interview process in medical sales or laboratory sales, just as it is in any hiring process. It's not about whether you can do the job, and if things have progressed to here, you probably feel that you have a good chance of getting ... Views: 2149
Creating a 30/60/90-day plan is one of the most effective things you can do to impress a hiring manager and win a job offer in medical sales, healthcare sales, laboratory sales, clinical diagnostics sales, imaging sales, pathology sales, hospital equipment sales, medical device sales, biotech ... Views: 3673
As an executive, you’ve probably been on plenty of interviews in your lifetime – from that entry-level position to the management positions you’ve held. But nothing quite compares to the executive-level interview; if you’ve been on even one you know this is a true statement.
So how do you ... Views: 1471
Picture this:
You are tasked with interviewing candidates for work in a food manufacturing facility. The job requires maintaining high sanitation standards, meaning that hairnets and beard restraints, coupled with long sleeve shirts and long pants must be worn in a wet, hot, work environment. ... Views: 1339
Ok, so you have finally landed an interview with a top company for a great job. Now the nervous energy starts to flow in your veins…you realize you have to sit down with another human being, one-on-one, in a closed office, and prove to them that you are the perfect candidate for their job ... Views: 992
With the vast increase in internet radio, authors now have a much greater opportunity to market their books and services via radio shows.
Whereas broadcast radio hosts frequently don’t read the book in advance, generally only give you five minutes to expound on the topic and provide only one ... Views: 1708
A recent news article observed that one of the three biggest mistakes you could make when involved in a job search is "contacting an employer through means other than what they've specified..." because it "is a sure fire way to get noticed -- in a bad way."
While it's true that there is no ... Views: 1167
Be prepared as many interviewers are neither ready nor skilled at interviewing!
One interviewer had someone else's resume when he interviewed me for a job. It took ten minutes to realize he was not talking about me.
Sell yourself, don't rely on the recruiter to buy without some help.
Some ... Views: 1086
To me an interview is a game. You start off with 100 points and you lose points. The objective is to get 80 or more.
You lose five points for wearing an inappropriate tie. You lose 10 points for not being prepared. You lose another five points if you don't have a great example of how you ... Views: 855
1. Low-cut, Cut-offs, and Cutting Edge should be cut out of your interview dress.
50% of hiring managers say dressing inappropriately is the biggest mistake.
Business dress works even if the company does business casual normally. It shows respect. Remember you can always take your jacket or ... Views: 2382
I am a small business owner and sometimes just to break the monotony in the hiring regiment I will ask a prospective interviewee if they would work for free. I do this because I understand that the standard resume and usual interview questions are predictable. So, when I pitch this curve ball ... Views: 2466
These interview tips on how to prepare for sales job interviews can be the difference between success and failure. These job interview preparation tips come to you from an experienced sales manager with over two decades of sales recruitment experience. They will help you to prepare the evidence ... Views: 1802
I have interviewed potential applicants for a variety of staff positions over the past 20 years. In the nonprofit field, I have found there are certain steps supervisors should take when interviewing potential candidates. My top seven items to consider during the interview process, to ensure ... Views: 1678
Here are some tips for a job interview that will help you come out of the process on top. When you walk into a job interview, the product you are selling is YOU.
In order to successfully sell yourself, you must market your personal brand. That is, you must build a reputation that qualifies ... Views: 1178
Millions of people have lost their jobs in this economy so let's talk about managing the stress of a job search. Anyone who is in this situation, or loves someone who is, might consider these six suggestions….
Step One - Do not internalize a job loss or job search into your personal ... Views: 1321
In this challenging economy, where our unemployment rate is high and you have many job seekers going after the same few positions that are actually available, it is very important to be prepared for the job interview. Many candidates are so glad their phone rang or they received an e-mail from ... Views: 858
One aspect of meaningful work is being compensated adequately for the work that you do. It is important then to negotiate a good job offer.
Several people have told me recently that they had job offers. I hope that means that the economy is improving. Some tell me they were willing to take ... Views: 1578
If you’ve been on multiple job interviews then you know that you might encounter a different environment depending on the company you interview with. This is pretty common because every company has its own culture. And more importantly, each company – and even department – instills its own ... Views: 745