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We are currently looking for an Official Guide to "Interviewing Skills". If you have expertise in Interviewing Skills and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
As a recruiter, I’ve always recommended to my candidates that they bring a 30/60/90-day sales plan to the job interview and it never fails to impress hiring managers. Although most candidates who use this plan are in sales, job seekers who are not in sales roles often ask if they should use ... Views: 2960
Many of us have the wrong idea about the job search. We believe that our skills, the industry requirement for skills, and our dedication to hard work is enough. This is never the case and in today's environment this is even less so as you may be competing against dozens and sometimes hundreds of ... Views: 3078
You may be wondering what LinkedIn is. Or you may be a user of LinkedIn and wondering what is the big deal? Or you may be thinking to yourself, I think everyone is wasting their time investing in LinkedIn. Well, read on... LinkedIn may be the positively greatest tool ever created to help you ... Views: 2636
LinkedIn is an amazing professional career tool and perhaps an even more amazing job search and prospecting tool. With over 65,000,000 members (and adding thousands of new members daily), this social networking service is your ticket to a world of career connections that would have been possible ... Views: 2035
Hmmm... Being unemployed stinks. Finding a job is a killer. How do I find the job? Why don't I begin by finding the hiring manager instead? If I can do that, I might be on my way to getting the position that I want. Maybe online social networks offer the key I need to unlock the doors to the job ... Views: 1629
Slouching is out!
It's about demonstrating confidence - standing straight, making eye contact, and connecting with a good, firm handshake. That first impression can be a great beginning, or a quick ending to your interview.
Body movement or lack of
Once the interview begins you should ... Views: 1573
"A" players demonstrate many strong competencies on a consistent and convincing basis. As a medical sales professional, having these items clearly in your mind is a great way to structure your performance, develop your resume, present your experience, and understand your own weaknesses. Some ... Views: 1581
Twitter is one of those social media sites that might surprise you. On the surface, it seems frivolous—do you really need to read all those Tweets about the smallest daily details of life? But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll realize just how powerful Twitter can be for your medical sales or ... Views: 1586
Your job search is one of the most significant tasks you’ll ever have. What job you end up with determines how you’ll spend the majority of hours in your day, how much money you’ll have, and how satisfied you are with your life. It’s worth making the effort to end up where you’ll be happy. ... Views: 2399
Here you are in the interview you have been dreaming about. Now what? Will you nail the interview by making a great impression mastering artful responses to behavioral questions being asked? Or will this be another unsuccessful attempt at getting to your dream job.
The following S.O.A.R. ... Views: 1462
Here you are face to face with your interviewer. It's the moment you've been waiting for, preparing for. Will you nail the interview or will you be stumped by the interviewer's questions. Anticipating the potential questions you might be asked and ensuring you have concise, well thought out ... Views: 1509
Here’s a question: What is most important to your success?
Is it education, experience, product knowledge, job title, territory, or business dress? Is it your company’s reputation, product, price, marketing collateral, delivery lead times, in stock ratios, service guarantees, management ... Views: 5530
Usually, the emphasis in job interview prep involves getting your answers ready for the toughest interview questions–and there’s no doubt that it’s a critical component. But you must remember that interviewing is a two-way street. In one respect, the job interview is your chance to find out if ... Views: 9413
The very best time to look for a new job is while you still have your old one–but what if that means you need to keep it on the down low? Keeping your job search confidential can seem virtually impossible, but it isn’t.
One great way to stealth job search is by using LinkedIn. It’s entirely ... Views: 1591
If you want to build your personal brand, establish an online presence, and be in the right place at the right time for your job search, then you have to utilize social media. The big 3 social media sites are LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. While LinkedIn is focused more fully on business, ... Views: 1765
One of the key things that you need during the interview process is confidence. Confidence in your abilities, confidence in your fit for the role, confidence that the Company are making a good choice when they interview you for this role. This should not be confused with arrogance which is of ... Views: 1291
How do you predict the outcome of a behavior, project, or idea?
A few days ago, an executive career-coaching client came to a session with an interesting PowerPoint presentation. It was a proposal to a potential employer. My client hoped the company would gain a better appreciation of his ... Views: 6318
Online social media is a fantastic tool for job hunting. The Big 3 (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter) each have their own unique style that you can utilize in different ways for your job search. But while you're working these sites to land the perfect medical sales job, employers and recruiters ... Views: 1870
To prepare for a job interview in medical or health care sales, you have to make sure you're ready to answer both common and tough interview questions, and know how to frame your answers to highlight what you're going to bring to the company (a great way to do that is to structure your answers ... Views: 1544
There are so many details involved in a successful job interview, and every one of them is more critical than the last. Hiring you is a big, expensive risk for the company. (If they put in the money to train you, pay you, and give you health care benefits, are you going to make it worthwhile ... Views: 2001
The following article by Siobhan was published in The Kilkenny People 29 February 2008
EVERYONE knows that starting a new job is stressful. You want to make the right impression and want to be able to do your best. You may be having the following worries:
- What are they going to think ... Views: 1939
This is a short article on body language, written as if you will do a presentation, and get feedback on it.
Speaking with Your Whole Body Time: 5 to 7 minutes
Our bodies talk all the time. 80 to 90% of our normal human communication is via our body language, and much of that is ... Views: 2512
I'm going to let you in on a little secret: your best is no longer good enough. I know...I sucks, but it's the truth and what this means is "you don't get brownie points for doing something you're supposed to be doing," to paraphrase a Chris Rock routine!
If someone hires you, they ... Views: 1415
Your personal brand is nothing more (or less) than the image you project to others. It’s the whole (although abbreviated) picture of who you are and what you do–professionally. Online, it’s the sum of the parts. A large (maybe the whole) purpose of creating and maintaining an online brand is ... Views: 1919
Don’t get me wrong…there are many questions you must ask the interviewer in order to land the job. Asking questions in the interview demonstrates your intelligence, drive, enthusiasm, and preparation. It turns the interview into a conversation between professionals, putting you in a better ... Views: 1756
1. Research the Company
2. Know your resume
3. Know your online reputation
4. Prepare an interview emergency kit
5. Study job description - identify skills most relevant to job
6. Build rapport
7. Make eye contact
8. Body language
8.1 Showcase your skills with concrete examples
8.2. Be ... Views: 1366
Bloomberg News reports "the unemployment rate unexpectedly rose to 9.9 percent in April as thousands of job seekers entered the labor force looking for work." It's true that the old adage 'you only get one chance to make a good first impression' holds true in a normal job market. In today's ... Views: 1324
Medical device sales is a hot sales category. Because it’s hot, you’re going to have some competition to beat to land the job. But never fear–the medical sales recruiter has a strategy for you!
1. Know what’s going on in the market with medical device companies.
First, you have to ... Views: 2060
You’ve seen them: the Domino’s commercials talking up their new pizza recipe. Have you tried it? Well, lots of folks have, and it’s changed everything for Domino’s, according to an article in USA Today– New Pizza Recipe Did Wonders For Domino’s Sales.
Domino’s was not doing well. They had ... Views: 1791
If you’re in the job search for a medical device sales job, you know how tough it is. Even if you have the right background in science and technology plus sales experience, there’s some intense competition for these fantastic positions. What can you do to prepare for your medical device ... Views: 2161
The way you feel about yourself will have a great bearing during job interviews. Although it is enough to hire a person based on mere confidence alone, it makes a person express what is in his mind and it allows him to express the kind of person that he is.
Since confidence is one of the best ... Views: 1059
You’re thrilled for your young adult who has entered the job search process and has landed an interview with a potentially fitting employer. Help your adult son or daughter in their interview process by offering these motivational tips and encouragement so that they do not dread the big day, but ... Views: 1446
A good hiring process is built on solid, proven principles and hiring process design that should be taken very seriously. But one principle of hiring process design ranks way up in importance and can have an immediate impact on an organization’s ability to improve hiring and staffing decisions. ... Views: 1256
Job Interview success depends on more than what you say. What you do can also determine whether you become a new employee or another candidate steps out of the unemployment line. Pay close attention to your body language, for a successful job interview.
Attention to Details
During the ... Views: 794
What’s keeping you from getting the job?
It could be the same thing that trips up others: you don’t understand (yet) that the job search is a sales process.
It doesn’t matter what career you are involved in: to get the job, you have to sell yourself to the hiring manager. That means ... Views: 1522
You know the drill for job interviews: research, prepare, and be ready for the toughest interview questions.
Some questions inevitably trip candidates up. “What’s your greatest weakness?“ is a famous one. The typical advice you’ll find is to prepare for the interview by practicing your ... Views: 5483
In the course of my career I have interviewed thousands of individuals seeking employment at all levels from the entry-level college graduate to the Chief Financial Officer. While my experience spans across a wide variety of industries, the interview mistakes that I’ve seen are ... Views: 5797
No one can deny the importance of following up after a job interview. What happens after an interview is just as critical as what happens during an interview. There are more reasons than one to ask you to follow up after an interview. Jobseekers need to equip themselves with all the tips and ... Views: 3411
As a medical sales recruiter, I get almost daily inquiries from people who would like to be in medical sales even though they have no sales background and want to know what they should do. I’m never surprised to get these calls. Medical sales is (I think) the top tier of sales categories, and ... Views: 11303
We all know the feeling: you want to apply for a new profession. In order to do this, you have to write a job resume, make sure that the resume you write is appropriate; it is necessary to know if you need a professional resume, a manager resume,… And if you are not sure how to write it in a ... Views: 24004
Interviews are of different types.There are behavioral interviews, analytical interviews, general interviews and so on. Basically, the first interview is conducted by a human resource staff. If you overcome the first obstacle, you will then be interviewed by several more people. In some ... Views: 2127
Some people show it beautifully to the world while others just wish they had it. Some of us know we have it, but want more of it. The often elusive feeling of confidence affects everything in our lives, from the way we feel about ourselves to the way we interact with other people.
When ... Views: 1980
One of the many, many fantastic applications of LinkedIn is that you can use it to land informational interviews. Informational interviews are just what they sound like: they are interviews that you conduct to gather information, usually about a job or a career field you’re interested in. ... Views: 2179
How do they do it? Those people who look so self-confident, so “put together” … are they really what they seem? They might even be having a bad day, but still they look fabulous, and they interview perfectly. So how do they do it? Here are a few tips – a few leaves from the Actor’s Playbook: ... Views: 1382
Circle of Excellence "Anchoring" is the bread and butter of NLP. It's a technique for capturing and triggering feelings within ourselves. In business, would it be useful to feel flowing confidence on demand? Motivation? To feel persuasive and articulate? Learn an easy process, right here, ... Views: 5021
In these recessionary economic times most of us need to go for interviews, far more than we would have in normal times. The first impression is certainly a lasting one and your employer will decide on that whether they want to go ahead and hire you or not. There is a specific dress code that one ... Views: 1615
As job seekers broaden their horizons to include positions far from their home town, and human resources departments try to deal with the deluge of job applications brought on by the recession, telephone interviews have become much more popular. Here are some telephone interview tips that will ... Views: 2289
The night before your interview, the beating of your heart is so fast. Who on earth can sleep deeply before the big day? Your stomach feels as if your organs are having some trouble. You feel anxious, nervous and uneasy. Your imagination can make you like that. You're confused if you like to ... Views: 707
How to Ace The 2010 Interview
Common sense would tell us that a job interview whether for your first
employment out of school or for CEO of a NYSE company, requires planning
and research.
This same famous - common sense - tells us that holding a seashell to our ear retains the sound of ... Views: 1486
A sales rep's job is to make the sale. So if you're looking for a new sales position in laboratory sales, medical device sales, or any other health care sales arena, the best way to get a medical sales job is to make it your mission is to demonstrate that you can ring that cash register, and do ... Views: 1566