You’re thrilled for your young adult who has entered the job search process and has landed an interview with a potentially fitting employer. Help your adult son or daughter in their interview process by offering these motivational tips and encouragement so that they do not dread the big day, but look forward to it instead:

Remind them that they are not desperate for this particular job.

Many career seekers, when offered an interview, tend to adopt the feeling of “I must land this job or else...!” This mindset can only one up for failure. Truth be told, no one knows what the job will hold until they begin the interview and learn more. It could turn out to be the career opportunity of a lifetime or it may be the opposite – and your young adult won’t know which it is until they get to the interview. Encourage them to take a deep breath and focus on the fact that they have been chosen above other candidates for the interview. So far, so good!

Remind them that they have other options.

Often when a new job opportunity presents itself, job candidates become so preoccupied with this one position, that they feel they must take it. Your young adult may find himself in this position, thinking that he may not find another opportunity should he pass this one up. But remind your young adult that this is not the last job on the planet, other jobs – possibly better jobs – can and will become available. Encourage your son or daughter to continue their search even while they are making arrangements for the current interview.

Encourage your young adult to approach the interview with the question – will this company fit my needs?
Have your child seriously consider whether the position is a good fit, while also cautioning him or her to stay humble and avoid appearing arrogant in the interview. Remind them to speak highly of themselves and their accomplishments without coming across as condescending.

Work with your young adult to realize that they need not be anxious about the job interview, but rather center their self-confidence and develop a ‘go-get-‘em’ attitude that will resonate with the interviewer and help set your son or daughter on the career path of their dreams!

Author's Bio: 

Blast off in your search for your ideal career!

Hallie Crawford is a certified career coach who can help you
find your direction and identify your ideal career path. To learn more about Hallie and schedule a complimentary consultation visit

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