Yes, it's Awards time in Hollywood. Several award shows honor the top-performers in film and TV. There are several actors and shows "nominated," and one award is given per category on each show.
Why compare awards with a job interview? The comparison with the job interview process is that ... Views: 1371
If you find yourself “under-employed” in a position that you are over-qualified for now or in your past, one of the questions you may be asked is how that situation came about. “Why are you working as a clerk when you are applying for a management position?”
The worst possible scenario is to ... Views: 1433
How Do You Demonstrate Confidence?
As you read articles and books about interviewing you will notice that most of the information focuses on “being prepared.” When you look closely at the information provided by “experts,” you will notice that a great many of the tips given concern the external ... Views: 1491
Job Postings are “pieces of gold.” They are your customer’s wish lists.
Any sales person would tell you that in order to sell someone something you have to know what they need.
Read through job postings to find out what your customer (the employer) is looking for – what is the ... Views: 1441
“Do you have any questions?”
When this question is asked in the interview, surprisingly, the most common answer is “No.”
Not only is this the wrong answer, you have missed an opportunity to find out information about the company. It is important for you to ask questions; not just any ... Views: 1161
This is one of those broad questions that can take you down the wrong road unless you have done some thinking about what to say ahead of time. This question deals with your ability to sell yourself. Think of yourself as the product. Why should the customer buy?
Answers that WON’T WORK - ... Views: 2571
When I was a journalism major I wrote countless papers. Many of the papers that I would get back had the words, “Show – don’t tell” written on them. It took a while to figure out what I was not doing and why I was getting this feedback. But once I got it there has been a profound improvement in ... Views: 1188
“Why has it taken you so long to find a job?” Or,
“What have you been doing since you left your last job – 6 months, or more ago?”
It’s amazing that employers are still asking this type of question. Don’t they read what’s going on in the job market? If they were informed, they would know the ... Views: 1163
You might want to think twice before you decide NOT to send a follow-up, thank you letter. The follow-up, thank you letter can be more than a nice "thank you for the interview." It could be what makes the difference between you or another candidate being selected.
Think of this letter as one ... Views: 1330
If you have been reading articles or listening to news reports about the job market, it becomes obvious that the number of people currently seeking jobs outnumbers the jobs that are now available.
If you happen to be one of those job seekers, you realize that you are competing against the ... Views: 1323
As difficult as it is to accept - it’s time to stop celebrating that grand moment in your life --- the diploma and the graduation ---- and get down to the really hard lessons of life.
Like – going out and getting a job.
Hopefully you have sent out some resumes and are starting to get ... Views: 1024
The Diagnosis
Are any of these symptoms familiar? At least some of them?
Your heart is beating faster than usual, your hands feel clammy, your mouth is so dry it feels like you have cotton inside – and the butterflies in your stomach are out of control.
Are these common feelings when ... Views: 1411
It’s a time for joy – A time for tears – A time we’ll treasure – Through the years – We’ll remember always Graduation Day (song- JAN-1991)
Congratulations on attaining your degree! A special time and a proud accomplishment -- You did it! You’re finished! With school that is – now it’s time ... Views: 1091
Slouching is out!
It's about demonstrating confidence - standing straight, making eye contact, and connecting with a good, firm handshake. That first impression can be a great beginning, or a quick ending to your interview.
Body movement or lack of
Once the interview begins you should ... Views: 1582
Almost every article - or career coach - will tell you that in order to do well in an interview - and to ultimately get the job offer, you must "Be Prepared." But what if you don't know how to prepare?
- "What does prepared look like?"
- "How do I know what they are going to ask?"
- "How ... Views: 2058
Nobody’s perfect. But nobody wants to hear about your problems and baggage either. Especially in the job interview.
Some people’s lives begin to sound like a Soap Opera because there have been so many extenuating circumstances.
The following is some advice to handle those tricky situations ... Views: 1276
You name it - Blackberry, Skype Connection, Cell Phone, iPhone – these are the tools of this trade.
Who would believe that someone with a home-based business could reach out to someone in a far away country and work with a client via a Blackberry and a cell phone?
Picture this ... Views: 984
You name it - Blackberry, Skype Connection, Cell Phone, iPhone – these are the tools of this trade.
Has it happened to you in your business? You reach out to someone in a far away country and work with a client via technology ? Believe me, this is the way of the future – and it is already ... Views: 1122
“When do I start?”
That’s about as aggressive as you can get at the close of the interview. It may knock the interviewer for a loop, and might appear to be overly aggressive, but some people think of it as “closing the sale.” And, for some people it has worked. For others this approach may not ... Views: 2894
The phone rings just as you are about to sit down for dinner, butthis time it’s not a pesky telemarketer – it’s a companyrecruiter calling. You’ve been caught off-guard!
The telephone “screen call” can come at any time – day or night.Some interviewers find evenings the best time to catch people ... Views: 1234
Since no two interviews are alike, it is difficult to be prepared for what lies ahead, but you can focus on your presentation skills, which may be even more important than what you have to say. Three areas of performance, which should be considered dangerous and deadly, are worth spending some ... Views: 1241