Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood are The Official Guides to "Human Design". You can find complete information on Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood and their products by visiting Human Design for All.
When people lose everything, and the survival of themselves and family are at risk, they may be tempted to do some bad things. Millions of people have lost their jobs. Many have either lost, or are losing their homes. Food is now, or has been, becoming an issue. With less and less people to ... Views: 2056
Nature's Golden Ratio
Leonardo "Fibonacci" of Pisa revealed a numeric sequence in which each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 and so on. The sequence in turn gives rise to several unique ratios including .618, .382 and 1.618 (AKA The Phi ... Views: 3905
“The Soul is a construct in time.” This was the initial answer I was given when I asked a Spirit Mentor of high authority in the spirit world exactly what the soul is. He went on to share with me a greater explanation of the system that is 'the soul'. This I will share with you.
The Soul is ... Views: 1650
It seems everyone I talk to these days is experiencing some bumps and bruises of life. While the economic downturn is causing widespread financial difficulties, fear is all around, and more and more people are searching for ways to get their lives in order and find peace.
But know that what ... Views: 6201
Messages are being sent all the time. By emails, cell phone texts, faxes,letters and postcards from people who care about us. When we do not reply, we receive a second message. Each of us wants to be acknowleged.
We receive messages everyday. Anyone that has visited Manhatten knows, one of ... Views: 1769
To correctly restore Human Energy Field disturbances; it is important to understand when and why this interference started. This information allows for a Systematic Approach developed by the Metaphysical Institute to restore these disturbed Human Energy fields. This process is done in a quick ... Views: 4389
The Human Design System is a revealed system that uses an astrological calculation that it then indexes into I Ching hexagrams, each of which has a specific location in one of the body graph's nine centers. The centers correspond to the chakras, so you get a chart that lets you immediately ... Views: 1950
At the top center is the prominent image of the body graph.
The Body Graph
The body graph is the integrative field where the results of the database calculations are made visible. Each of the 64 hexagrams has a place in one of ... Views: 5027
The Human Design System is a powerful tool to help you understand yourself and others. When you meet Human Design, it gives you a map of the nine centers of the body graph. Through this visual image, you can
• See who you are.
• Identify your true nature.
• Distinguish between yourself and ... Views: 2081
The Premises of the Human Design System Synthesis:
With Illustrations, see
The Human Design System arrived as a revelation. Some of its premises are part of established modern science; others are from the esoteric traditions ... Views: 3179
We are all guilty of taking things for granted. Perhaps the thing we take for granted most of all are our personal relationships. However, very rarely do we stop to think about the processes involved in forming personal relationships. The reason why we should, is because personal relationships ... Views: 2575
Believe it or not, your baby – even as young as 6 months old – might be brighter than you think. In fact, your little tyke might be able to interpret the emotions of your family pet even before he/she can talk.
A new study published in the July edition of Developmental Psychology ... Views: 1836
The value of our own healing
How much value do you place on your own wellbeing and healing? In these financially precarious times it is tempting to skimp on what can be seen to be a luxury. But skimping on healing or resenting paying for it defeat the purpose
Healing of any sort involves ... Views: 1946
Generally, the growth process is stopped when you reach 20-21 years of life for boys, and 18-19 years for girls. Human growth is strictly connected to the genetic material that a person has and for an adult, to grow taller significantly is something that has not been substantially proved by ... Views: 4887
Scientist’s recreated the big bang in an attempt to find the God particle haven’t heard how that went but given I wasn’t sucked into any black holes I would assume all is okay. I am sure Creator is upstairs thinking he/she has tuned into the Universe’s version of extreme makeover. Lets tear her ... Views: 1358