Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood are The Official Guides to "Human Design". You can find complete information on Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood and their products by visiting Human Design for All.
The Human Design SystemAn extensive site dedicated to the exploration and education in Human Design. Views: 85
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Better ConnectionsHelping people experience "Better Connections" in all their relationships. Better Connections exists to help people improve communication, understanding, increase personal satisfaction, maximize strengths and talents, create a life plan for personal development,and discover purpose. Views: 33
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Can you see what I see?Find your life purpose. Learn to empower and heal yourself. Finally do what you love and be rewarded for it. Views: 30
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www.LiveLifeThrive.comThis is an motivational website that promotes individual growth and development by offering educational tele-seminars with leading experts in the fields of spirituality, psychology, coaching,intuition and inspirational audio/video presentations, articles providing a platform for personal awareness.
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Exoconsciousness - Rebecca Hardcastle, Ph.D.Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle is the renowned creator of Exoconsciousness and author of Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind. A transpartisan advocate for Exopolitics--Peace on Earth, Peace in Space. Views: 14
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Knowledge Has PowerIntended to build a centralized knowledge base for the purpose of unifying thoughts to improve the planet and the state of its inhabitants. Views: 11
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Melinda's VisionsMelinda's Visions is where you will find the most powerful White, Black, High Magic Spells, Voodoo and live psychics. Our service is fast, accurate, discreet and professional offering the BEST Psychics, Mediums and Spell Casters on the internet today.
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87ConnectMake new connections, improve the ones you have. Learn the dynamics of Human Design that reveal several unique types, how they operate and which types you are most compatible with. Whether you're a Certified Human Design Specialist or have just had a reading create a profile which includes 7 areas of Human Design Criteria. Views: 8
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Your Energy Therapy . ComDiscover the Raine Frequency, an Energy Healing Modality that helps you break free of Bondage and Fear, and live in a higher state of consciousness. Views: 8
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Joe Simmons - Metaphysical Life CoachJoe Simmons shares perspectives that give us freedom to experience love, forgiveness, happiness, connectedness, confidence, empowerment, abundance, increased self-esteem and celebration, which help us to realize, first-hand, that life is rich and spicy. Views: 6
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Minister OrdinationThe Church of Spiritual Humanism offers free online minister ordinations. As a minister you can legally perform religious ceremonies like weddings, funerals, invocations, baby namings, and commitment services. Views: 6
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TazatiTazati Anti Aging Facial System brings you "20 Minute Magic" Natural invigorating face lift for radiant beauty at every age. Views: 6
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Erickson NLP Institute"Neuro" is about Your Mind and How you Think.
"Linguistic" is How You Use Your Language and How it Affects You. "Programming" tells How You Sequence Your Actions to Achieve your Goals.
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Image Masking ServiceImage Masking Service- is a promising photo editing services that provides all kind of image manipulation service. Views: 4
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Dr. Katie GarnettDr. Katie Garnett, PAC Coach, The One Command Certified Leader, Founder, Behavioral DNA and co-Founder, Programs for Awakening. Views: 3
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