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Anxiety and Depression is caused by an imbalance of brain chemistry. Symptoms are normally dealt with by drugs, such as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI's) like Paroxetine (Paxil), Sertraline (Zoloft) and Fluoxetine (Prozac).
Little do doctors tell you that imbalances in brain ... Views: 1198
Not many people recognise the degree of the sad extent of depression in young people.
Juvenile depression is largely assumed to be a relatively atypical thing. In reality though, childhood anxiety and depression is one of the most persistent problems in our community today.
When full-blown ... Views: 1653
Depression by definition is a mental illness that is usually characterized by prolonged periods of sadness and melancholy. Of course when one person is moping all the time and just generally hating the world around him or her, doesn't mean that it's depression. It is when this kind of behaviour ... Views: 1497
There are times in just about everyone's life when the question, "Am I suffering from depression?" emerges. The mere fact that you are asking yourself this question though isn't necessarily a reason to search for a prescription for an antidepressant.
Clinical depression can be distinguished ... Views: 1234
It is not infrequent for parents to deduce behaviour in their child as a passing stage, considering how fast fads seem to come and go through out childhood and adolescence. However it is important to recognize that while they may not be able to take part in the world as an adult they are just as ... Views: 1316
In contemporary Western societies pregnancy is considered delightful, and all women are understood to be joyfully happy and at ease with their dreams of motherhood ultimately being realised. Nevertheless, while this picturesque interpretation exists, the reality remains that, no matter how ... Views: 1343
Depression is a serious condition affecting millions of people. Prozak and other drugs in the same class have been used by some 40 million people world wide. That represents earnings of tens of billions of dollars for producer Eli Lilly.
Now, there is evidence that these drugs don’t work. ... Views: 999
Why are so many people depressed or unhappy with their life? I believe that it is because we have become a culture of negativity. Somewhere along the way our focus has changed from what is and could be to a very negative what should have been. This way of thinking has taken a very firm hold in ... Views: 1330
Research shows that depression runs in families and that some people inherit genes that make it more likely for them to get depressed. Not everyone who has the genetic makeup for depression gets depressed, though. And many people who have no family history of depression have the condition. So ... Views: 758
Mental health conditions are common in all nations of the world. According to the National Institute for Mental Health, about 26 percent of Americans aged over 18 years are diagnosed with a mental disorder every year. This equates to almost 60 million people. The NIMH has also found that about 6 ... Views: 1043
Aromatherapy can be very beneficial for those struggling with depression. And while, it will not be able to cure or totally eliminate feelings of depression, it can certainly be very helpful. This is for several reasons. One reason is that aromatherapy taps into the power of smell. In the brain, ... Views: 934
Neurotransmitters are powerful chemicals that regulate numerous physical and emotional processes such as cognitive and mental performance, emotional states and pain response. Virtually all functions in life are controlled by neurotransmitters.
Interactions between neurotransmitters, hormones, ... Views: 4756
When I first came to Los Angeles over a decade ago, the city's love for psychiatrists was already a longstanding joke. And when Prozac and its ilk first arrived on the scene they were hailed as miracle pills that would bring instant happiness to the metropolis' two-hundred buck an hour couch ... Views: 800
Finally, the truth is revealed about antidepressants. Lead researcher, Professor Irving Kirsch from the Psychology department at the University of Hull, said, "The difference in improvement between patients taking placebos and patients taking antidepressants is not very great. This means that ... Views: 2099
Why Did the Great Depression Occur?
Economists still cannot agree on what caused the Great Depression. Most however have agreed that it was a combination of events and decisions that came into play that caused the Great Depression.
It has been suggested that people who tend to get depressed ... Views: 722
WASHINGTON (AP) People who tend to the elderly, change diapers, and serve up food and drinks have the highest rates of depression among U.S. workers. Overall, 7 percent of full-time workers battled depression in the past year, according to a government report . . .
When we work with old people, ... Views: 665
Depression is a mental health disorder that can affect the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you think about things. A depressive disorder is more than a passing mood. Depression is medical condition that affects people of all genders, races, ages, and income ... Views: 815
Depression is one of those things that nobody really understands. Every person being unique in how they experience depression also varies from individual to individual. Basically most people who have chronic depression feel paranoid and sad. They often feel that there is something wrong with ... Views: 938
In today's world, there are many who suffer from depression and other emotional disorders, and it is truly astounded to see the many individuals who are on depression medications.
Recently an individual came back home after living two years in a South American country. He was amongst people ... Views: 2945
Depression is a "whole-body" illness, involving your body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you think about things. A depressive disorder is not the same as a passing blue mood. It is not a sign of personal ... Views: 1230
There are situations in a person’s life where isolation and lack of happiness is experienced. Depression is a condition where a person feels bored and miserable. This feeling can be troubling particularly when a person seems so low and cannot conquer the obstructions that he is ... Views: 1233
A major survey on depression symptoms from the National Mental Health Association (NMHA), released in july 2006, revealed a dramatic degree of progress in public understanding. Yet even amid this promising trend, the survey sheds light on the difficulties faced by millions of people striving to ... Views: 836
There has been much news about the side effects of antidepressants, but I believe there is a deeper health issue that needs to be recognized.
I clearly remember the day my mother passed away. I was just starting university. A friend put their arm around me and comforted me. The tears were ... Views: 865
More than we’d like to admit, anger and depression are often related. Dr. Paul Meier of Meier Clinics once reported that approximately 15,000 Americans come in one week to the Minirth Meier Clinics for insight-oriented therapy. Of all the depression cases, he finds that 95% are depressed ... Views: 2629
Have you ever said or felt that one of the following statements is true about you?
“How come I can’t lose weight” (control my temper/get up on time/or whatever).
“What’s wrong with me? I know I shouldn’t do that.”
“I must be sabotaging ... Views: 1759
This week the Daily Mail published an article on Deep Brain Stimulation that entails two holes being drilled into your skull and then the brain being stimulated with electrodes. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/health/healthmain.html?in_article_id=512373&in_page_id=1774
Is this ... Views: 2698
Depression is experienced by a lot of us. Sometimes it’s situational (job lay off), sometimes it’s related to past issues (e.g. childhood) and for others it’s hereditary.
When you have situational depression something unexpected has happened over which you feel you have no control, i.e. death ... Views: 1160
Two types of seasonal affective disorder have been identified: winter SAD and summer SAD - winter SAD being far more common. Characteristic is a reduction in mood and/or energy during periods of reduced hours of sunshine and daylight (even during the summer). Common symptoms include ... Two ... Views: 1332
There are few who will go through life completely untouched by depression, with the majority affected either directly through personal experience, or indirectly by having someone close to them such as their partner, child, friend or another family member suffer.
The experience of depression, ... Views: 654
Now the excitement and rushing around for Christmas and New Years are over you may be feeling blue, your energy level may be low. This is not uncommon. Most of us have been so busy trying to get everything done and now it is over some of us, especially the older ones, have to push our selves to ... Views: 1084
Niagara Falls in Toronto is very much famous for its natural beauty. A great number of tourists often come to this area of Niagara Falls to enjoy the beauty of nature. Like its fantastic climate and nature, the spas are seemed to do well in this region. Lets have a quick look on the spas of the ... Views: 749
Depression can be hell. Basically three scenarios contribute to depression. The first is an identity crisis. Example: John, my client, (referred to me by his doctor), sheepishly looked at me and said, "I just can't get the energy to get up from bed in the morning. As I look at my 90 yr. old ... Views: 1618
Emo and Cutting
Cutting is something that has come to many people’s attention in recent years for the wrong reasons. Although people have been engaging in self-harm behavior, such as cutting, for decades, it has only recently been thrust into the spotlight, usually under the guise of an ... Views: 5478
Sarah*, a client who was diagnosed with Clinical Bi-Polar Depression turned round during her RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing Treatment session and said:
“There was something small I forgot to mention. I usually travel around London on double-decker buses. I always sit up top so that I can look ... Views: 1464
Despite what the pharmaceutical companies may try to tell you, curing depression naturally is not impossible. In fact, it can be the most effective way and quite possibly the only way. Let me explain…
Antidepressants serve a purpose, indeed. However, they are like a set of crutches. They ... Views: 913
Everyone has moments in life where they feel down. Sadness, hopelessness and loneliness are entirely natural human emotions and experiencing them is not, in and of itself, evidence of a mental health problem or disorder. In fact, those who are unable to feel lonely or “blue” are probably more ... Views: 1607
Some of you know that I have suffered from depression at times in my life, and December is a great month for me to
either go into that depression and view my life as what could of been, or to view it as what it can be!
I thought I would share with you my daily routine that I practice to stay ... Views: 1212
Depressing news: According to Australian Government statistics,
"Everyone will, at some time in their life, be affected by depression, their own or someone else's".
Depression statistics
* Australian depression statistics are comparable to those of the US and the UK
* 15% of the population of ... Views: 2765
As a small child, even as young as two years old, I felt an overwhelming responsibility to my father. I felt that, although he was physically stronger and certainly older than I, it was up to me to protect him because he was fragile and vulnerable. It was many years later that I learned of my ... Views: 1194
Hypno-Freedom.com is continuing it’s popular “Life Changing Stress Relief Tips and Techniques from the Masters” on Tuesday, November 13 at 6 pm Pacific (9 pm EST). Wendi Friesen was the first expert interviewed about her masterful knowledge of stress relief, and it was a huge ... Views: 1399
In recent years, depression has gained much attention from the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Not only are much research done to study the causes of depression but substantial development costs too have been heavily invested by pharmaceutical companies to produce effective drugs in ... Views: 786
It is possible to overcome Depression without the use of drugs? Yes it is, YOU have to want to have a better life. The decision to change is up to you and you have to make the commiment to take responsibitlity.
Depression is one of the most misunderstood illnesses, If you have never had ... Views: 1783
"You're Robin Rice?" the young, dark-haired woman asked me.
We were in line, signing in for an open mike poetry reading at the local bookstore. I'm not exactly a household name, but as I am an author, some people know of my work. Despite my own "off" mood, which had been in a downward spiral ... Views: 755
With all the stress in this day and age, it is not uncommon for people to experience periods of depression. To deal with this problem, many are taking anti-depressant medication. Doctors are prescribing these drugs for treating symptoms caused by the epidemic of low serotonin in this country. ... Views: 1337
1. No life balance
The percentage of Americans who are not taking vacations continues to rise. Because of financial stress and needing to do more work in a downsized workforce, personal down time is seen as an option rather than a ... Views: 6739
Why Diabetics Don’t Take Better Care of Themselves
And What Can Be Done About It
By Devin Hastings, President of the MN. Institute of Advanced Communication Skills
A common complaint among all health care professionals who deal with diabetics is that many diabetics just don’t do the ... Views: 3218
There is a flip side to the much advertised holiday joy, optimism, hope, generosity, peace on earth and good will to all. For some there is a dark side present known as the holiday blues. It can be filled with self criticism, loneliness, self doubt, stress, anxiety and pessimism.
The images of ... Views: 1165
If you're a happy loving person then it's easy to tell someone else - "Just be happy. Just love yourself. Go ahead. Do it!"
But if you're really hurting, or depressed - if you're at the 'low end' of the emotional scale - it's probably just going to increase the hurt or the anger or the ... Views: 1191
Your boss tells you that you did a good job on a project, but it doesn’t please you. It makes you feel that he or she will expect more of you, and you will have to do even better to match those expectations. The praise and recognition was translated into more demands, extra effort and anxiety ... Views: 1259
What Causes Depression?
No-one’s yet figured out the answer. What we do know is:
• Everyone is born with a certain vulnerability to depressive illness, which seems to be genetically determined. You are two to three times as likely to suffer depression if someone else in your family ... Views: 1489