We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Dating". If you have expertise in Dating and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Forgiveness is a destination and not an action. When you tell yourself to forget and forgive some wrong or hurt, you can not. You tell yourself to take the action of forgiveness, yet can not, because forgiveness is not an action.
When your boss passes you over for a promotion or a raise, you ... Views: 691
Do you suspect your teen is in an abusive dating relationship? Some teens feel that having a boyfriend or girlfriend proves their own worth. They may feel so strongly about having a relationship that a bad relationship is better than no relationship at all. Teens are also highly susceptible ... Views: 823
Dr. Neder:
I read one of your articles about how to keep my boyfriend interested in me sexually. You said to try to change things up but honestly I feel like I just want to be myself because if he fell in love with who I am then why should I change just for him to show interest in me again?
He ... Views: 695
Today’s dating advice for women and men, is designed to help you discover if you are a Strategic Dater. When you go out to singles event, do you:
1) stick with your friends?
2) hang off by yourself and look like you are available?
3) never would be caught at a singles event!
If ... Views: 2344
Theresa was a cheerleader and the school Social convenor.
One afternoon, around lunchtime, I was at my locker and Theresa approached me, wide-eyed and smiling and said, "You’re Art Nefsky, aren’t you?". I nodded, and she introduced herself. She said she recognized me from the school plays. We ... Views: 790
You’ve met many people in your life. How many of them have been your ideal mate? Probably very few. You may have dated someone very attractive, only to find that they don’t seem so wonderful after you get to know them. If you’re going to find Mr. or Ms. Right, you’re probably going to have to go ... Views: 736
First dates sometimes offer a range of emotion from thrilling to terrifying! Here are some tips that will help things go smoothly:
#1: Be on time! Timeliness is expected, but being late (or too early) makes a bad impression. If you can't help being a little late, call before the expected ... Views: 653
Dear Dr. Neder:
I’m 23 years old and I met this guy (25) about 6 months ago and we really hit it off. He’s absolutely perfect! We got along great and started dating and things turned physical pretty quickly. I’ve decided to wait until I’m married before I’ll have sex but we made out and ... Views: 1861
Online Dating - When and How much do we open up?
I recently was interviewed by a writer on Match.com regarding the email communications between prospective online daters. It made me realize how our dating society has changed. In my dating days, I remember the difference in how men ... Views: 968
In order to understand what is really going on with this phenomenon we need to stop projecting our male perspectives onto women. Actually this apparently annoying behaviour makes perfect sense when evaluated from the point of view of a woman.
One of the reasons that women engage in this ... Views: 13228
Hello –
This is questions requires some background information.
My ex-boyfriend and I just broke up about a month ago after a two-year relationship because he got into medical school 7 hours from home, and I can’t move because I had accepted a really great job. We decided that long distance ... Views: 1125
What do women want? many men have wondered. Who knows. But figuring out what women want in men is crucial to becoming effective not only in dealing with women, but developing the kind of Dating Life you really want.
So what do women want from men? What traits do they look for? And why -- ... Views: 2232
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the divorce rate in 2005 was 3.6 per 1,000 population and the marriage rate was 7.5 per 1,000 population, leading to the statements that half of all marriages end in divorce.
But the truth is that many of these divorcees want to get ... Views: 1762
Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
What's up, Doc!
I read your articles every week in askmen.com and I consider myself a follower of The "System." I wonder if you could help me out. My brother's girlfriend told me about this girl she works with. She told me that we had a lot in common, ... Views: 809
Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
Dear Doc,
Sometimes a woman refuses to give me her home phone number for "security reasons" (i.e. she wants to keep away the weirdoes and stalkers), but she is perfectly willing to meet me at a restaurant first and usually does. I really prefer to call the ... Views: 915
Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
Dear Doc,
I've studied your Dating Dictionary, listened to your tapes and even watched some Cary Grant movies. I have also been looking around for women to practice The "System" on. I recently ran across a woman from my past and wondered if, with my new ... Views: 962
Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
Dear Doc,
I think my wife has lost interest in me. I'm 36 years old, and I've been married for almost twelve years. Lately, I have been feeling that every bit of energy she has either goes into our two children, or into keeping her girl friends happy.
Don't ... Views: 710
Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
Hi Doc,
My name is Joey. I'm nineteen years old and I went out with this girl for a year and a half. She was my first love - I mean I was head over heels for this girl. She was beautiful, very attractive, very intelligent and funny - qualities you can't ... Views: 5275
Hi Doc,
I'm having a problem with a girl I met through an Internet dating service. On our first date, I came to her house with flowers and took her to a nice restaurant. I thought it went pretty well; we had a nice ... Views: 6201
Dear Doc Love,
I am a woman who has been around the block at least once, and I just have to tell you that I think your advice is very accurate and honest. I am 38, divorced, have children (with whom I have a very open rapport about everything from sex to politics), and I have the most ... Views: 5041
Hi Doc,
I'm having a problem with my girlfriend, and I really need some advice. Recently, my girlfriend was over at my house when my ex called. (My ex and I had been together for 9 months, and I broke up with her about 6 months ago.)
I chatted with my ex for about 10 minutes and my ... Views: 831
Hey Doc,
I met a girl on a blind date. She's 21 and I'm 29. We went to a bookstore and hung out at a bar. At first, she was shy, so I bought her a few drinks. After three wine coolers, she loosened up and made it clear she was attracted to me.
At three different times during the date, I went ... Views: 734
Dear Doc Love,
I have a love challenge from Germany. I am a good-looking 29 year-old physician. I recently put an ad plus my photo on a singles website and a beautiful 26-year-old teacher answered it. Without asking her, she sent me her picture and phone number with her second e-mail. We later ... Views: 744
Hi Doc,
I have been dating this woman seriously for the past three months. Recently she has gone through some stressful times - for example: she got into a fight with her mom, a friend informed her that he had cancer, and she's had difficulty with some of her college classes.
Another male ... Views: 658
Hi Doc,
I am smitten with a beautiful redhead who has a three year-old daughter. She told me from the beginning that she wasn't looking for anyone because she didn't want anyone telling her how to raise her little girl. Apparently, she had had a bad relationship with her daughter's father, ... Views: 679
Hi Doc,
I've taken all of your advice and used The "System" extensively. As a result, a girl I've been seeing has shown a high degree of interest in me. First: she's been the one to call me to go out places. Second: she's sent me emails telling me how special I am (she normally doesn't give ... Views: 1745
Hey Doc,
A waitress I like works at a restaurant I go to a lot. I gave her my business card and on a couple of occasions after that, we spoke about going out sometime. She was very open to the idea.
Before leaving town for a holiday, she gave me her cell phone number. I called her and we had ... Views: 877
Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
Dear Doc Love,
I just discovered your Internet column in Askmen.com; the one entitled "A Dose of Male Perspective on this Romantic Love Stuff." As a babyboomer single (divorced) woman, I disagree on one aspect: "The woman is happiest when she does the ... Views: 750
Hey Doc,
I'm a freelance designer in my thirties who has been working for a company off and on for about six months. At this company, there is one girl in particular that I've grown very fond of.
Lately, I've been a little flirtier with her and she's responded with smiles. I haven't ... Views: 643
Hey Doc,
I have had a platonic relationship with a girl for four years. We have done almost everything together, even vacations. Things have gone very well - until about a month ago, shortly after she met her current boyfriend.
When she first told me about the new man in her life, I told her ... Views: 4063
Hi Doc Love,
I wrote to you before and your advice helped a lot. I have another question for you.
I've been in a relationship for eight months. Three weeks ago, my girlfriend moved to the West Coast, while I'm still stuck here on the East Coast. Just to keep her interested in me, and to keep ... Views: 10328
Hi Doc,
Got a stumper for you. I met my fianc? at a time in my life when I was financially set, carefree, and had lots of time to shower her with attention. I asked her to marry me and move to Missouri to be with me (she lives in Rhode Island). True - she had to give up a job, her family and ... Views: 682
Hi Doc,
I was on a date with a girl, and I was thinking that she really liked me. She had invited me over to her house to watch movies and stuff like that. Then on the second date, she started telling me how she went out with some other guy the previous week. Though she didn't have anything ... Views: 1560
Hi Doc,
I've been talking to this girl for about a month now and we hit it off real well. We have a lot in common and we talk a lot on the phone.
The problem is that when I ask her if we can take our relationship to the next level and be a couple, she tells me that I need to take it slow ... Views: 946
Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
Dear Doc Love,
I just discovered your Internet column in Askmen.com; the one entitled "A Dose of Male Perspective on this Romantic Love Stuff." As a babyboomer single (divorced) woman, I disagree on one aspect: "The woman is happiest when she does the ... Views: 2265
"Can't we just be friends?"
"I don't kiss on the first date."
"I need someone who is more exciting."
"Did I tell you about my present lover?"
"I think you're a nice person, but…"
If you have heard any of these lines, you're in luck because I have the medicine to cure your case of ... Views: 861
Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
Hi Doc,
I'm currently a sophomore in college. Back in high school, I met this girl that I really liked. Though we never saw each other outside of school, we would always talk and have a good time in class. During our senior year I tried desperately to ask ... Views: 693
Hey Doc Love,
I have this friend who has the ability to talk women into buying him things. He does not buy them anything or tell them he loves them but they still give him stuff. Recently, a woman bought him a pair of shoes that cost 300 dollars!
How can I get girls to buy me things too? I ... Views: 3888
Hey Doc Love,
I'm a college student who considers himself a "nice guy," and I've been seeing a girl for about two months now. We started out as friends, but I actually wanted more (though I was afraid to tell her so). Luckily, she made the first move and kissed me.
We both successfully got ... Views: 1917
Hi Doc,
I need help on how to approach a woman at my college. Her name is Elizabeth and I wish to ask her out to dinner, but I am worried that she will say no. Why? Because a man at her church prophesized to her that she would marry a preacher some day and travel the world with him, and she ... Views: 830
Hi Doc,
I'm a Desktop Support Technician for a major company and I'm attracted to a woman in my office. This started when I serviced her computer one afternoon, and she struck up a conversation with me. Her idle chatter and the way she kept leaning over me while I worked made me think that she ... Views: 1026
Guys, are you dating someone special and you don't want to lose her like all the others? Are you getting bad vibes because your girlfriend of six months only gets migraines when you try to kiss her goodnight at her doorstep? Does it bother you that your wife is meeting too many perverts in chat ... Views: 945
Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
Hey Doc,
Sometimes I think the advice I get from you and put into practice may work too well. I sometimes unintentionally attract young ladies that I'm really not interested in. When I learn of their crushes, I treat them coolly until they get the message. I ... Views: 2092
Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
Hi Doc,
I met a girl at a nightclub whom I was sure had interest in me. This was due to her body language, and the fact that she told me almost everything about herself within 45 minutes of conversation.
I invited her to my upcoming graduation party, and she ... Views: 719
Women Don't Lie - Men Don't Listen
Hi Doc!
My name is Mark. I'm 27 years old and I've read your Dating Dictionary. I live in a rural Christian Homeschooling community - which is kind of like an Amish community, except we like to drink and smoke cigars.
The families here practice "Christian ... Views: 4905
Some more baying at the moon from.....
The Single Experience
It's in the Stars
Well, I thought that being single already had enough hurtles to bound, but I have found yet another. Along with all the other impossibilities involved in ‘second time around’ relationships, it now seems that on top ... Views: 646
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*Being Your Best - by Debra Berndt, the Official Guide To Dating
Everyone has unlimited potential, but they seem to hold themselves back from their greatness. They get distracted, talk themselves out of their dreams as if they were unattainable anyway and ultimately feel unsatisfied. It is a tragic cycle of dreaming, getting disappointed and giving up. Most ... Views: 1275
Hey Doc:
About a year ago, I was unemployed, and my girlfriend's mother told her that if I didn't get a job, that she wouldn't allow her to see me anymore. She then called and told me this. Right then and there I made a terrible decision – I lied. I lied telling her that I had just gotten a ... Views: 911
If a single woman is not as sexually interested in you for romance as you are in her, then your relationship has a basic weakness that may be an insolvable problem.
In other words, if you are the only one making sexual advances, if you feel as though it's a battle to get her interested or ... Views: 13209
End the date before she does. Example: The evening is winding down. It's pretty obvious that you aren't going to "get lucky" this night for any love, sex, or romance, but you hang on 'till the bitter end hoping that the chance in a million shot will come through. Wrong! Instead you alertly ... Views: 725