We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Dating". If you have expertise in Dating and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Do you know what kind of person would make you happy? What qualities would you want someone you would want to marry have? As human beings, we all respond to certain gestures and behaviors positively. This dating advice for women and men are to describe which qualities you need to have on ... Views: 4522
1. Writing a good online dating profile utilizes many of the same skills as writing in general. To avoid becoming intimidated by the process, write like you speak. Pretend you are writing to your best friend. Then simply begin writing as quickly as you can, without taking the time to read ... Views: 849
A journey into the unknown
Everyone has an opinion on love, but few are brave enough to define it. This universal and apparently inconsistent emotion seems almost incapable of definition. The Biomatch.com description of love is: The affinity experienced between two people who are naturally ... Views: 794
Dear Doctor,
I am 26 years old woman, married for about 3 years. I am a positive person with self-esteem and confidence in the future. I have a great CV with high education and experience. However it is not easy to find good income work in the country I live in where most good positions rely ... Views: 765
Hey Doc:
My fiancé just left me about a week ago she says she needs to find her self and figure out what she wants. We were together for just over 3 years and have our problems like any relationship. I have a hard time expressing my deep feelings and at times I am independent and distant I ... Views: 825
A Few New Ideas Here:
Some Do's:
A. Always keep a good sense of humor.
B. Read novels. That way you will have a new topic of discussion every time you meet. Become a story teller.
C. Talk about the things that are most important to her, but don't be judgmental or give advice unless ... Views: 1048
Single people, especially those new to a community, experience a unique social challenge as holidays approach. Casual friends and colleagues avoid us. Holiday conversation dies when we enter the room. Hovering in the air is not only mistletoe but also the unspoken question, "Must I invite this ... Views: 794
Hey Doc:
My fiancé just left me about a week ago she says she needs to find her self and figure out what she wants. We were together for just over 3 years and have our problems like any relationship. I have a hard time expressing my deep feelings and at times I am independent and distant I ... Views: 606
It’s amazing but many guys unknowingly ruin their dating game because they do the same things other guys do and just end up frustrated and perplexed. Check out the following common dating mistakes so you can get rid of them and tighten up your dating game.
One of the biggest mistakes most guys ... Views: 1091
Have any of these thoughts ever crossed your mind?
I deserve the best in life. How can I make the most of this situation? What¡¯s the best solution? I¡¯m taking the smartest actions toward my most important goal. I¡¯m doing my best. I¡¯m maximizing my options. What¡¯s the most constructive use ... Views: 863
Are you tired of losing body fat just to find it again? Feeling guilty about all the money you have spent, chasing the perfect answer, wishing for magic? Do yourself a favor and stop allowing the media and everyone else to take charge of your physique. Right Now! Whether you want to lose 25 ... Views: 607
The idea of "TRUE LOVE" is by nature romantic. Everybody hoped, dreamed, desired and aspired for it to happen in their life. Some have been so lucky to find it earlier in life, others are struggling to keep it, and the rest are still in their relentless quest to find MR. RIGHT.
Our definition ... Views: 896
HI,Im recently seperated getting divorce for sure and I am trying to date. I am above average looks and confident, have money and really love to treat ladies good. Now I keep blowing it because of this stupid GAME we need to play. I was the master before I got married now Im a disaster. In NJ ... Views: 785
I try and observe and learn from people who are very successful with the opposite sex. Recently, I had the privilege to witness one of these rare beings in action. He walked into a room walked straight toward the most attractive girl there and started talking to her. Unfortunately I couldn't ... Views: 754
Are you all alone and hating it? You lucky dog! I know, I know, you are used to hearing everyone sympathize with you, pity you, or tell you what men are looking for and how to change yourself. Sorry, but if that’s what you’re looking for, you are reading the wrong article. You won’t find any of ... Views: 797
Hey Doc,
I'm writing to you again not because I'm in a jam, but because I want to learn from a previous relationship. My girlfriend broke up with me 2 months ago. It was cold-hearted and all of a sudden. We dated for 4 months and were so glad to have found each other.
Nonetheless, after ... Views: 643
When Dave married Sue, his high school sweetheart, he envisioned the typical marriage scenario. He dreamed of a big house with a white picket fence, a couple of kids, career growth, prosperity, grandkids, retirement and maybe even adjacent burial plots.
That was 25 years ago.
Now their ... Views: 17425
Do you go to topless clubs and get tongue-tied when you try to talk to the topless dancers? Well, here's 25 proven opening lines to use on topless dancers:
"What is your real name?" (If she tells you her real name instead of her stage name, this could indicate that she's interested in ... Views: 792
TIP #1 - THE POWER OF "RESPECTFUL AGGRESSIVENESS" IN LOVE-MAKING. "He who hesitates is lost!" is often sadly true of the would-be lover. Aggressiveness, assertiveness, courage, and persistence are often essential in meeting the woman you want and in developing a satisfying love affair. This is ... Views: 723
I would like to focus this week on the do's and don'ts on how to attract sexy single women with your looks.
TIP #1 - Yes, sexy single women are attracted sexually and romantically to men with nice bodies and having a fit body usually means that you take care of yourself and take pride in your ... Views: 962
Let's become good friends, then...Hope for a beautiful relationship.
I feel that before we can have a good relationship, we must put forth the energy and time it takes to first become good friends. Friendship is one of the most important building blocks of a good relationship. To me, ... Views: 743
TIP #1 - Three Basic Attitudes Which Form a Golden Key in All Human Relationships if Practiced and Lived: Every woman wants, unconsciously yearns for, three basic attitudes from the man she will love. But for that matter, every human being needs and deserves and will grow in power when he ... Views: 688
There are good ways and bad ways to ask a single girl out. The bad way to ask a girl out is, "Would you like to go out with me?" By saying this:
1. You set yourself up for rejection. She might say no.
2. You imply that she would be doing you a favor by going out with you.
3. You imply a formal ... Views: 861
TIP #1 - Three Basic Attitudes Which Form a Golden Key in
All Human Relationships if Practiced and Lived: Every woman
wants, unconsciously yearns for, three basic attitudes from
the man she will love. But for that matter, every human
being needs and deserves and will grow in power when he ... Views: 5147
A very important time for making beneficial changes in your
love life and relationships with single women is coming up. And it will be a golden opportunity to turn your love life around.
What is this special time? It's the upcoming New Year 2004.
This is the perfect time to make resolutions ... Views: 787
The most important thing you can do to make single women feel romantically attracted to you is to make her feel special.
Women are a lot less interested in the way you appear to her than in the way to make her feel about herself.
It's very important to make single women feel special and ... Views: 1749
This week I want to share with you some great personal ads to use to attract single women like crazy and increase your responses to personal ads that you place in singles publications, on the net, newspapers, etc. Try these ads (just fill in the blanks for your personal data and the kind of ... Views: 17550
ARIES (March 21 - April 19) - She's aggressive with men, dynamic, hot-tempered, and very bossy. You must be very strong-willed with this woman and don't let her boss you around. Don't be a wimp, this woman loves a challenge.
She attracts men quiet easily and can discard them just as easily. ... Views: 846
TIP #1 - SOME SINGLE WOMEN CRAVE A MAN WHO IS DOMINATING, "MACHO," AND EVEN JUST A LITTLE BIT CRUEL! - It's important to sensitively explore the unfulfilled needs of the woman you have met. At times, in the nature of being just a wee bit unpredictable and complex, you may act dominating, bossy, ... Views: 775
1. It's very important that you make your letter legible. Write or type very clearly. I would recommend that you type your letter and be sure and use your spell-checker feature.
2. Don't focus on just writing to one woman. Be sure and write to many single women. This increases the chances of ... Views: 821
If possible, avoid asking a single girl out for the first time for a Friday or Saturday night date. Here's why:
1. The odds of her being busy are high so she may have to turn you down, which creates bad vibes right off the bat.
2. It tells her that you don't have a date for the weekend with ... Views: 1063
This week we will focus on what turns single women on and what turns single women off. It's very important to know these things so you will know what to do to attract and turn women on. Also, by knowing what turns women off, you can avoid making mistakes that men make which can cause a woman not ... Views: 1337
The most important thing you can do to make single women feel romantically attracted to you is to make her feel special. Women are a lot less interested in the way you appear to her than in the way to make her feel about herself.
It's very important to make single women feel special and ... Views: 919
The most important thing you can do to make single women feel romantically attracted to you is to make her feel special. Women are a lot less interested in the way you appear to her than in the way to make her feel about herself.
It's very important to make single women feel special and ... Views: 569
Hello Doc -
Is a bookshop or a music shop a good place to ask women out? If so, how do you start a conversation? Wouldn't it be strange? You see, I haven't met anyone that great through friends or at bars and clubs.
I also wanted to know what to do when either you or she is with a group of ... Views: 717
Maybe you knew it was coming. Maybe you didn’t. You’ve been dumped.
So, other than moping around in your pajamas, spending quality time with Ben & Jerry, what can you do? Well, clear away that mountain of soggy tissues, and I’ll tell you how to get through the worst of it, the first 30 ... Views: 1917
AskPhilippa — April 2, 2000 — Dating A Man's Man
Dear Philippa:
What is it with guys who prefer to spend more time with their friends than their girlfriends? They're all attentive at first, then after you've been together a while you feel like you have to beg them to go out with you. I had it ... Views: 859
When we coach guys (and in our upcoming tape program), we concentrate on three things: First, throughput--that is, getting a lot of women through your system, in front of you, and somewhere on your personal seduction spectrum. Second, we focus on technology--that is, knowing what to say and what ... Views: 1247
Let's go over some of the basics of getting women on-line. First, sending out 23 emails and getting no response shouldn't be a big deal to you. On-line, no response is the norm, so you have to be able to move quickly through large numbers of women. The secret is quickly, quickly, quickly--using ... Views: 902
In relationship, Anger can be either healthy or unhealthy. Anger is just an emotion. How you process it is what determines whether it becomes a tool for growth or a source of pain and destruction.
In this society anger is perceived as a negative emotion. If you are a person who expresses ... Views: 782
Joy, bliss, happiness--a life with no conflict and no major issues to work through?
Ward and June or Ozzy and Harriet with passion?
In our opinion, that just isn't the way it works.
In our relationship, we are best friends--we have passion--we have joy--we are totally comfortable with each ... Views: 962
Everyone gets angry. Some people show it openly and others don’t. If you are one of those people who claim you don’t get angry- you’re either not in touch with your emotions or you are lying. In relationship, Anger can be either healthy or unhealthy. Anger is just an emotion. How you process it ... Views: 703
Querrant: "It's near Valentine's and I'm not in a relationship!" or possibly worse, "My relationship is on the rocks!" In either case, "Oh, Tarot Master, what is the instant fix?"
Tarot Reader: "Hmmm, I seem to have misplaced my magic wand. I don't suppose you would accept some guidance on ... Views: 745
How can we improve communication and understanding in our romantic relationships ? John Gray says in his book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" that men and women have very different forms of problem
solving, thinking and listening. Are we from different planets. If so, can this gap be ... Views: 963
Copyright ® 2007 W. Paul Barton
So you want to be confident in talking to people -- dates, people you want to meet, anyone.
If I were a $150 per hour consultant (which I am) I might make a lot of money helping you do that.
But, since the answer is just one word -- only 7 little letters, ... Views: 5777
I would like to focus this week on some vocabulary habits that can turn single women off and hurt your chances for getting women attracted to you for love and romance.
Some women will judge you by how you talk to them and what you say. Unfortunately some men have a very small vocabulary and ... Views: 1319
There is a big difference when it comes to men and women and their dating styles. In general, men are more willing than women to put themselves on the line to make the first move. Conversely, women are willing to risk never seeing someone again by not making a move.
Men are generally more open ... Views: 1051
I keep reading that if a man is interested he will ask you out (which I think is true to a point). When a guy asks you out that definitely shows interest, but it is hard for me to believe that every single guy has the guts to ask out all the girls he has been interested in.
My question is: ... Views: 17020
Oh, the pressure! Men and women are trying to find “The One.” When looking for a potential mate, the urge to get in there and make it work is a driving force. People are so busy looking for someone who is relationship material and finding Mr. or Ms. Right that they forget to have ... ... Views: 1521