Have HUGE EXPECTATIONS about what you want from the rest of your life, have HUGE EXPECTATIONS about what you are going to do with the rest of your life, Have HUGE EXPECTATIONS about what you are going to become in this life and have HUGE EXPECTATIONS about the legacy you are going to leave ... Views: 1245
Are you just drifting through life?
Too many people just drift through life, going with the flow, never having any direction about where they want their lives to go. They are like a paper cup that blows around in the car park at the shopping Centre. It is totally at the whim of the wind and ... Views: 8537
There is only one type of stupid question and there is no such thing as rejection. The only stupid question is one that is left unasked and rejection is a complete fallacy. Before you ask any question, you do not have something and after you ask the question and the answer you receive is “NO”; ... Views: 1208
What are your values reflecting to the world?
Create a set of great personal values and surround yourself with the right people that can form your support system. Have an optimistic spirit and develop a strong purpose that you completely believe in and everything you can imagine is possible, ... Views: 1204
When you choose to follow the advice of any self-professed experts, it is always advisable to be absolutely certain that their advice is sound. Ideas and concepts that work for one person may not work for someone else. The safest way to use any advice you may encounter is to examine it first, ... Views: 2082
Customers are crucial to any business and should be encouraged to know, like and trust our businesses. Are they however always right or are they sometimes even completely wrong? My wife and I were on board a flight that was delayed more than 30 minutes. The delay was due to 3 passengers that ... Views: 1317
Leveraging Social Media to Your Advantage
There are a few amazing stories about people that have gone from rags to riches using the internet and or social media to pave their road to great wealth. So yes it is possible to dramatically accelerate your success if you leverage these amazing new ... Views: 1338
What obstacles are preventing you from achieving your goal? What must you do to overcome them?
Knowing what you must achieve is not enough. You have to anticipate the challenges you are likely to face. Think about what you can do to deal with those challenges and perhaps turn them into ... Views: 4662
What are the resources that can help you achieve your goal?
Look in your immediate circle of influence and identify the people that you already know that can help you achieve your goals. Try to get clarity on exactly how you would like them to assist you. Approach them with a clear request for ... Views: 1343
It takes as much energy to set a large goal that will stretch you, as it does to set a very small goal that does not challenge you at all. When you set worthwhile goals they should feel a little daunting and require a stretch to achieve. An effectively set goal is one that clearly states the ... Views: 1212
We all need to make a living and even though we may be involved in something that is not inspiring us or making us feel passionate, we must never allow that to stop us from expressing our true desire. Make a small shift in the way you think and see everything as on the way, rather than in the ... Views: 1430
“I believe each of us is born with a life purpose and mission. Identifying, acknowledging, and honoring this mission and purpose are perhaps the most important actions super achievers take.”
Discovering and articulating your values, mission and purpose allows you to gain direction for your ... Views: 1730
When you are searching for different, more positive and sustainable long term results in your life. You must start the process by first developing a crystal clear picture of the exact outcome or result you want to experience and then commit to develop a plan to get you there. The final results ... Views: 1124
Dare to Dream
We all have an unquenchable desire to dream about and create a better life for ourselves and our families. What makes life so incredible is that we have the ability to establish goals that will allow us to live these dreams. It is so amazing that we have the affinity and ability ... Views: 1369
Meet Your Future, C.P.A and Performance Management System
Inspiration is that fire in your belly that drives you to begin and to keep taking the necessary daily actions that will help you to realize all your dreams. Aligning your values with the success you desire and developing a success ... Views: 1428
I often wrestle with the concept of what the mission and purpose of our lives actually is. Of the many different ideas I have discovered, the one that rings true with me, is the ability and willingness to live our full potential. Every virtue, treasure and reward in life is dependent on us ... Views: 1543
Success is very difficult when attempted alone
Inspirational Speaker
One of the most important and satisfying choices we will make in our lives, is the choice to experience true joy and happiness. Happiness is always a choice and the level of happiness we experience should never be ... Views: 1252
Creating Successful Teams
Encouraging your team to become energized and passionate about their roles within their respective teams can be a really challenging, yet the results that will flow from this endeavor will most certainly be well worth the effort.
Passion is never passed onto your ... Views: 1431
Commit to Daily Inspired Action.
Motivational Speakers
When you commit to carry out consistent, inspired effort over a reasonable length of time, you will gradually reap multiple rewards. It is simply one of the great arrangements or laws of living on this beautiful planet of ours. This has ... Views: 1686
Inspirational Speakers
We are all born with a personality, if we want character though. We must decide exactly how we want our character to be projected to the world and then we must go about the task of sculpting ours to meet that need. Building character is a conscious process in which you ... Views: 1909
When you make a commitment with yourself, do you generally keep all of them? Or do you continually let yourself down? There is always a price to be paid when you make a commitment or promise to yourself. The price can either be one of regret or one of accomplishment.
How do you feel when you ... Views: 1163
Turning Procrastination Into Perseverance
If you want to ensure that you always arrive at your chosen destination and that you are never left stranded alongside the roadside. You must always check your fuel before embarking on any journey and top your fuel as necessary, during the ... Views: 2487
One Small Shift That Will Revolutionize Your Life
Best Motivational Speakers
We will get out of our lives whatever we invest time and effort into creating. The way our lives ultimately turn out is our responsibility. Whether our lives are fulfilling and enjoyable or difficult and uninspiring ... Views: 1195
The Cycle of Success
Are your routines serving you and complimenting your efforts to discover your excellence or are they like a lead weight around your neck, holding you back and frustrating your efforts? Drag your self out of the rut of mediocrity and have huge expectations around what you ... Views: 1054
Your Attitude and strength of Character will determine your Altitude.
One of the most important choices you must make every day is the type of attitude you project to everyone around you. A positive, optimistic attitude will empower you and set the tone for great success and fulfillment. ... Views: 4543
Plan and Achieve Financial Independence
Inspirational Speakers
Create financial independence, by first setting and writing down your goal to achieve exactly that. Then develop a plan that is aligned with your goal that will allow you to turn part of your monthly income into capital.
Work your ... Views: 1515
Create a very specific order and send it to the Universe for Delivery
Your goals must be very specific and detailed, vivid detail will act as a blueprint for the universe and allow for delivery of your specific dream. Vague goals will only deliver vague results and will hold you from living in ... Views: 1267
Retain Complete Control over Your Attitude at All Times
We all desire the best possible results from our efforts and we all have tremendous potential to achieve the most remarkable things. We therefore have everything we need to be really successful and to achieve almost anything we desire. ... Views: 1335
Can you Offer your Best?
Inspirational Speakers
I know that discovering and living according to our true life purpose is something most of us wrestle with very often. Have you had the courage to explore and discover your true life purpose or grand vision for your life? Stop leaving your ... Views: 1371
What is success?
Have you got any idea what success means, what it means to you specifically? Explore the idea of success for a moment and try to decide what it means to you. Does it mean?
1) Having power and fortune.
2) Fame and fortune.
3) Following your dreams and loving what you ... Views: 2202
What is Your Personal Billboard Telling the World?
Motivational Speakers
There is a simple yet very profound quotation from the philosopher Virgil that states “The greatest wealth is health” We only appreciate how important our health really is when we encounter any challenges relating to ... Views: 1776
Attract Success By The person You Become
Inspirational Speakers
We have an incredible ability to do whatever it takes to get exactly what we “MUST” have. The challenge is to ensure that what we are attempting to achieve is a must have verse a mere want. Search within yourself and uncover ... Views: 1704
Turn your Natural Rhythms into a Cycle of Success
Keynote Inspirational Speakers
We operate best when we allow our bodies and minds time to recover after intense periods of effort. If we try to operate at high levels of intensity for prolonged periods of time without allowing time for ... Views: 1270
The Magic behind Goal Achievement
Inspirational Speakers
After setting your goals and writing them down. The first thought that comes into our minds is “OK! Now what must I do, to turn my goal setting into goal achieving”? Working to discover what you must do is only half right. You must ... Views: 1110
Super Achievement is about the things you don’t do
Business Speakers
Success is about planning, doing, reviewing and improving. The success tool that best compliments these four keys to super achievement is actually related to something you don’t do. Super achievers have mastered the art ... Views: 1381
Designing the Future you Desire
Business Speakers South Africa
Are you ready to finally write (RIGHT) your future? When you think it that is the time to ink it. After you commit to write everything down relating to your perfect future, you are beginning the process to (RIGHT) your future. ... Views: 1281
Now is the Time to Start Investing in YOU!!!!
Motivational Speakers -
Are you one of those people that can state every sports statistic about every player in your favorite sports team, but when asked, do not even know what you bank balance or net worth is. People invest so much of their ... Views: 1163
Marketing your Small Business using Social Media
Conference Speakers -
There is a huge shift and transformation going on in the online world. Social media has made an interesting and very effective marketing medium available to small business. This gives clever marketers a free tool to not ... Views: 1070
Joining the Conversation on Social Media
Keynote Motivational Speakers
When you want to start making your mark in the social media arena, it is best to start out by listening to conversations that are going on about similar companies to your own or about the market you want to enter. This ... Views: 1394
Keynote Motivational Speakers -
If you want your company to stand head and shoulders above the competition, you must commit to use a blend of traditional networking strategies combined with a targeted social media strategy. Traditional networking requires face to face meeting and developing ... Views: 1046
Use Social Media for Targeted Marketing
Inspirational Speakers
The first step to turning your networking and social media strategy into a success is to identify your target market. Next you must select businesses and individuals within your target market, so that you can take action to ... Views: 1219
How can I use Social Media to Market my Business without spending a cent?
Conference Speakers
The secret to successfully Networking and regain a personal touch in the new digital world, is to accept that it is never about how many contacts you have. It is always about the number of quality ... Views: 1273
Has Technology Changed the Fundamentals of networking?
Inspirational Speakers
Effective networking has been one of the cornerstones of building great businesses, since the dawn of time. Before the explosion of social media it was a pretty simple process and was conducted face to face, at ... Views: 1332
You can be a Superstar at Public Speaking
Business Speakers
To create real sustainable and meaningful success, you need to enhance your ability to sell your ideas. Expand your sphere of influence and connect with people that can make a difference in your life. To become great in all of ... Views: 1627
Networking your way to Success
Motivational Speakers
Networking is with the right people is crucial if you want to become a super achiever. Connecting with and forming mutually beneficial relationships with the right people that will make sustainable success possible, is imperative. The ... Views: 1447
Stop Allowing Distraction to be your Master
Keynote Speakers
The information overload you are pummeled with every day is the most dangerous threat to your productivity and effectiveness. The amount of information available is exploding, there are more than 2 billion emails sent every day, ... Views: 891
You Will Get Knocked Down – Are you going to Stay Down?
Motivational Speakers
Facing challenges on the path to super achievement is not only likely, it is inevitable. As you traverse the path of success you are going to be knocked down a number of times. This is a natural progression and ... Views: 1551
Help People Get What They Want and you Will Get What you want
Inspirational Speakers
One of the greatest success skills super achievers develop is the ability to make sales. When I talk about sales I am not referring to the traditional definition of selling. Where someone with salesman ... Views: 1286
Motivational Speakers
Taking the first step along the path of success and super achievement is crucial. The challenge we face though is the ability to stay on track and to keep taking those next steps every day after the initial positive emotions we felt when we made that first step start to ... Views: 1278
We live in an ever changing world. The pace of the change is speeding up every day. The only way to survive and to thrive in this ever changing environment is to constantly innovate, evolve and grow. Your commitment to consistent innovation is what will separate you from the followers and make ... Views: 1465