One Small Shift That Will Revolutionize Your Life
Best Motivational Speakers
We will get out of our lives whatever we invest time and effort into creating. The way our lives ultimately turn out is our responsibility. Whether our lives are fulfilling and enjoyable or difficult and uninspiring is all the result of what we do or fail to do. As the creator of your own experience, empower yourself to become a super achiever, by taking the first step right now and accept 100 % responsibility for everything in your life.
Yes I am talking about all the good and bad things that have happened and will happen to you in the future. When you make this small shift, you understand that the thoughts you think, the words you speak and the actions you take are creating the life you will live in the future. This is one of the most enlightening experiences, where you get to realize that you can have do and be anything, if you consciously think, say and do the right things every day.
Start the process of conscious creation by first having HUGE EXPECTATIONS. If you don’t first think about the possibilities of what you can create, you have nothing to aim for. Your thoughts are the creator and driver of your expectations. Expectation is the catalyst and driver of the creation process. So consciously design your expectations. Your level of achievement will never exceed your expectations.
There are so many books that have been written around the subject of how your thoughts mould your life and create your future. “The Magic of thinking big, Think and Grow Rich, The power of Positive Thinking, As a Man THINKeth etc. Consciously control your thoughts, be the master of your thoughts and avoid negative thinking as much as possible. Your thoughts are creating your future, whether you are aware of it or not.
The primary function of our minds is to keep us safe, by helping us to avoid danger and to ensure our survival by constantly carrying out threat assessments. Our minds are programmed to search out and find whatever is wrong, lacking or missing in our environment. Our mind constantly fills our head with emotions such as fear, hesitation and suspicion to protect us. This is done at every turn, in an effort to ensure that we remain safe and secure.
You must take control of your thoughts and not allow negative thoughts to dominate your mind and to become your expectations. Your expectations always determine the direction and size of your creative potential and the way your life will ultimately turn out. When you allow yourself to constantly explore negative sentiments, you are dooming yourself to a lifetime of disappointing and unfulfilling experiences.
The way to stop your natural defense mechanism, from controlling your life, is to redirect your thoughts towards abundance and your positive potential. One of the easiest techniques that will help you to move your thoughts in this direction is to focus your energy and thoughts on all the things you are grateful for. When you focus your attention on all the things that are working in your life, you move your attention to positive and good thoughts. This shift will see you instantly change the trajectory on your life.
When you choose to change your thoughts to gratitude you change your “STINKING THINKING” into creative positive thinking. An attitude of gratitude adjusts the thoughts in your mind away from the negative and allows you to focus on the positive. As you train your mind to focus on the positive, you will start to discover and create more of the same experiences, of abundance, prosperity, wellbeing and love in your own life.
Author: Andrew Horton Best Motivational Speakers
Andrew is one of the best motivational speakers in South Africa. You can trust him to deliver a relevant motivational message that works, every time. He is a straight shooting, grounded and deeply curious teacher that will inspire your team to deliver their best, every day. His credible message will leave all attendees with a practical set of tools and techniques that they can immediately begin to utilize and apply in their lives and careers.
His No. 1 goal when he speaks as one of South Africa's best motivational speakers, is to ignite magic in each person, connect with them so that he can help them renew a vision, inspire someone to find a lost belief or birth a new one, guide them to create a spark or inspire someone to take action so that they can achieve what they desire!
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