Not much hurts more than the sting of betrayal by a partner. If you suspect that your partner is cheating, know to look for the following signs that may indicate that your suspicion is correct.
1. A change in routine. If your partner suddenly no longer has time for your ritual Friday evening ... Views: 1798
Despite the fact that you love and care for your partner, it takes time and effort to truly get to know your partner. Use the following tips to learn how to get to know your partner on a deeper level.
1. Open up. The best way to get someone to open up to you is to share a bit about yourself ... Views: 4050
Occasionally relationships seem to lose the spark that they were built on, the fire snuffed out by the stresses of work, kids and family life. You and your partner may have gone from being lovers and best friends to business partners and professional kid wranglers. Bring your relationship back ... Views: 1910
Whether you can be friends with your ex depends a lot on the kind of relationship that you and your ex had as well as the way that your relationship ended. The level of intimacy within your relationship has a lot to do with how long it will take for you to be friends, if ever. This includes both ... Views: 1743
Just as your relationship with your parents is more than likely pretty important to you, your partner's relationship with your parents is also critical to having a strong, healthy relationship. If your parents do not get along with your partner, or do not know him or her well, this could put ... Views: 1659
Moving on after a breakup is one of the hardest things to do. Most of the time, it's not something that just happens, but rather something you must will yourself to do. No matter how impossible it may seem, just remember that it will happen; you will move on. All you need is to make slight ... Views: 3696
Figuring out if a guy is "the one" is difficult, because every person and every relationship is different. There is no exact list of traits or definite signs to tell you that the guy you are dating is who you are meant to be with. A guy could look great on paper, but that doesn't necessarily ... Views: 3816
Can men and women really just be friends? It depends a lot on the individual, but it does seem possible. However, this doesn't make it any easier for some people to accept their partner's friends of the opposite sex. A little bit of doubt about your partner's opposite-sex-friendships is only ... Views: 1721
Most of the time, you can tell when your relationship has taken a turn for the worse. But sometimes we are caught completely off guard or we don't allow ourselves to see the signs that are right in front of us. If you're having doubts or worries about your relationship, look for these five ... Views: 3447
All relationships are built on trust between two people. If this trust is betrayed, steps must be taken to regain a healthy, trusting bond. Knowing that you have hurt your partner and want to rebuild your relationship, you must reach out to the other person and offer a solution to the problem. ... Views: 3857
A relationship with someone you truly love and care about can be invigorating and life changing. In order to experience this bliss, you have to be ready to be in a relationship. It is no secret that relationships take a lot of work, and life continuously throws things at us to make navigating ... Views: 6797
Unfortunately there comes a time in every relationship where the rose-colored glasses come off, and the honeymoon phase ends. Little things that may have been considered quirky characteristics may now quickly get on your nerves. When reality begins to set in, and you begin to see your partner ... Views: 1966
If you have been dating your boyfriend for a while, you may be hoping that he proposes to you. However, time spent is not always an indicator that you are headed for marriage. There are signs that your boyfriend is more likely to propose than others—or is at least thinking about it. The top five ... Views: 6617
Regardless of how much you love your partner, if your family is not too fond of your partner—or worse, despises your partner—it could lead to the demise of your relationship. Fortunately, there are ways that you can help your family and your partner find the reasons for the conflict between them ... Views: 6395
The unfaithfulness of a partner, regardless of whether it is discovered or confessed, can be one of the most devastating moments in a person's life. Especially if there was little warning, the discovery can blindside an individual, and make them question everything about the relationship up to ... Views: 2127
Your partner calls up ecstatic. They just received an amazing job offer that pays better, has more opportunity for advancement-and is halfway across the country. That excitement quickly turns into apprehension, and leaves you wondering what will be involved, what sacrifices will need to be made ... Views: 2460
Few things in life can impact a person’s happiness as much as their relationship with their partner. As a result, suspecting that a mate is being unfaithful can be one of the most emotionally trying experiences for an individual to go through. If you suspect that your mate is being unfaithful, ... Views: 2287
One minute you feel like you are on top of the world. You have a great relationship with someone that may just be “the one.” You get along great, the relationship is progressing nicely, you get along with each other’s friends and family and then, it all comes to a screeching halt. Just as ... Views: 7973
Relationships are built on trust, but it can be very difficult to trust your partner if he or she has a frequently wandering eye. However, if your partner has a wandering eye, your relationship is not necessarily doomed. There are ways you can remedy the situation.
It is important to realize ... Views: 11539
You think you may have met the person of your dreams. He or she is funny, intelligent, kind, good looking and has made a great impression with your friends. There is just one problem-dating can get expensive. After all, you want to make a good impression, and you certainly want to be able to ... Views: 1714
There is no denying that in this modern era of information and technology, online dating has become increasingly popular. Thanks to successful advertising campaigns, including many featuring very humorous commercials, some online dating sites have nearly achieved household-name status. The ... Views: 4007
Long-distance relationship. The very words are sure to elicit strong opinions. Some will point to their own strong relationships as proof that they work. Others will relate horror stories about their past experience with them.
Without a doubt, long-distance relationships certainly have their ... Views: 2503
A relationship, like a favorite article of clothing, can provide a certain level of comfort and familiarity. At times, however, that comfort and familiarity may actually be detrimental. If a relationship has ended, sometimes the loss of that comfort can cause a person to rush right back into ... Views: 3659
Relationships are built on trust. No matter how much you love your partner, if you are excessively jealous, it will be difficult for your relationship to last. Jealousy can take a toll on any relationship, regardless of whether you are married or dating for years. Being jealous is harmful to ... Views: 5151
As if making a relationship work isn't hard enough, the addition of jealousy can make it that much harder. Intrusive questions of your whereabouts, your wardrobe and who you talk to can be annoying, and abusive. Excessive jealousy can ruin any relationship. If you are in a relationship with a ... Views: 2389
As the saying goes, the good things in life take the most work—and relationships are no exception. Relationships are hard work. They require a high level of commitment and accountability from both parties, as well as patience and selflessness. That said, not all relationships warrant this hard ... Views: 5316
Many relationships that end do not end with a clean break. Feelings of loneliness and regret, and questions like “What do I do now,” and “Did I make the right decision”? often linger for quite some time after the breakup. Regardless of the reason that you and your partner broke up, and ... Views: 5099
Whether men and women can truly be friends (without benefits) is an age-old debate. Those that do not believe men and women can be friends without the relationship progressing into deeper feelings often argue that the strongest romantic relationships are first built on solid friendships. When ... Views: 1923
Whether you are recently single and just entering the dating game, or are a seasoned veteran on the dating scene, and wondering why you are not having much success meeting a partner to start a long-term relationship with, your lack of success may be due to a few common mistakes, rather than "the ... Views: 1229