Unfortunately there comes a time in every relationship where the rose-colored glasses come off, and the honeymoon phase ends. Little things that may have been considered quirky characteristics may now quickly get on your nerves. When reality begins to set in, and you begin to see your partner for their good and their bad qualities, many relationships get into jeopardy, because let’s face it, the grass always seems a little greener on the other side. The good news is, you can revive your relationship or keep the spark in it before it ever hits this dangerous stage. Simply following five easy steps:

1. Remember why you fell in love in the first place. Sometimes falling in love again can be as simple as giving yourself a little reminder. Think about how you felt the day you met your partner, the day you were married or had your first child (if applicable) or any other significant time that the two of you shared. Also think about some of the tough periods in your life. How has your significant other supported you during times that were not so perfect? Remembering the past can often help you rekindle that magic. If you find that you have fond memories of the past, but cannot think of any recent reasons why you love your partner, your relationship may not need its spark maintained, but rather it may be time to end it.

2. Establish a weekly date night. After you have been in a relationship for a while, it can be easy to slip into your routine without leaving appropriate time to spend with your significant other. Scheduling quality time is a way to ensure that you and your honey don’t forget about what is really important in life. You schedule everything else, right?

3. Tell your partner at least one reason why you love them every day. Yes, we have all heard the saying “Actions speak louder than words,” and while this may be true, it does not mean that the words don’t need to be spoken. Make an effort to give your partner one sincere compliment every day. Not only will it make them feel loved and closer to you, it will also become a habit. After a while, the compliments will be flowing from both of you—and so will the love.

4. Get active. Playing together really can equate to staying together. We are all kids at heart. Getting active with your partner can help bring out simple feelings of joy and love, which can help you and your partner reconnect on a deeper level. Go for a walk, ride bikes or join an athletic team together.

5. Get physical. A little physical contact can go a long way. Remember the early days when you were dating when you used every opportunity to hug, kiss, hold hands and so on? Make a conscious effort to make more physical contact with your partner, and this too, will become a natural occurrence for both you and your partner.

Author's Bio: 

Brooke Alexandria offers relationship advice for men and women of all ages, and in all stages of life. Regardless of if you are newly single, a dating veteran or married, you'll surely find useful tips to help you find love, navigate through your relationship and build stronger, long-lasting relationships. Follow Brooke on her journey through relationships at http://truth-about-relationships.blogspot.com.