Every time I have given money to someone coming from the FEELING GOOD space inside of me, it has come back to me, in a short period of time, from sources unexpected, multiplied a minimum of 10 times and as much as a 100 times....

All I have to do is wait for the FEEL GOOD feeling to come over me to know who I am to give money to and how much... The great thing about this abundance 'money-giving' process for me is that it is a no-brainer....

If I get the FEEL GOOD vibe to give money to someone, I give...and if I don't get the vibe, I don't give it....

No more do I give money out of guilt, duty, burden, obligation or feeling pressured by others. I only give it when it FEELS GOOD to give it, that's how I know the Law of Attraction (LOA) in regards to money is working for me.

Often times the money I give to others comes back to me multiplied within a 24 hours, rarely longer than two weeks...and if it is longer, the amount that comes back to me is larger than I thought possible...

The KEY to creating a properity pipeline for yourself is to only give money away when it FEELS GOOD to give. Even if it is only a $1.00, start the giving process and before you know it, money will be pouring into your life moving from a trickle to a FLOOD in no time at all.

Author's Bio: 

Frederick Zappone is a former vice-president of an internationally known company. He is the founder and host of the Money MASTERY Forum. His insights, humor, wit and wisdom on the subject of money allow people to attract to themselves, with effortless ease, all the money they want by using the proven ideas and principles found in the law of attraction. To find out more about Frederick Zappone's Money MASTERY Forum, visit: www.zpoop.com