A lot of clients tell me that they do not feel like experts…
They feel a little like frauds actually!
And maybe you feel that way too so can I help you out a little?
ONE – You do know more than most about your subject…
because you have studied it more than most.
Most entrepreneurs ... Views: 1075
It is a new year! And as usual, I find myself determined to create more, to be even more wealthy and to have even more of the things I desire. I am obsessed with living to my full potential and that includes making as much money as possible, firstly for my own comfort and that of my immediate ... Views: 1558
You may or may not realise this but you have been conditioned to think poor…
To think lack…
To think that it is bad to be rich…
And so, of course, it is a struggle to create abundant wealth.
You ask me about how to grow your business…
You ask me about how to get more clients, ... Views: 1524
Once upon a time, I allowed myself to remain poor by holding on tightly to the little money I had and refusing to let it out of my sight because it felt so hard to come by.
I was living in poverty and I did not even know it.
ON the face of things I was successful, I had the career, the ... Views: 1395
Yesterday, my hubby walks into the lounge and announces he has completed his run…
And though it was painful, he completed it.
And he is proud of himself because he is still on track, he is being consistent and he loves it. He has a goal he is working towards reaching and though it hurts ... Views: 875
Most people, and I call them ‘norms’, think obsession is a bad thing but then you look at their life and their huge desire to spend as much downtime as possible in front of the TV, or drinking and getting drunk with friends, or at church all day everyday…
Trying to drown out the lack of ... Views: 740
It is okay to want whatever you want.
Do you realise that?
You do not have to couch it in good-sounding words…
You do not have to become holier-than-thou to get whatever you want…
It is not selfish to want what you want.
There is just no need to attach any emotional baggage to ... Views: 1155
Gosh… The amount of time I spend thinking about what to do next!!!!
So much time spent in thought and so little time spent in action and guess what gets results?
Not the thinking, I can tell you that right now.
OK, maybe I exaggerate – There is a little room for thinking – you have to ... Views: 684
You have everything you need to flourish. Do you really understand that?
There is no need to wait around for any kind of saviour, do you GET THAT?
I know the leaders reading this have always known that they are powerful. And yet, I think a few of you just need someone like me to remind you ... Views: 902
Some people like to judge others.
They say others are too rich, too greedy, too worldly, too money-focused, too selfish or too lazy and it all is a reflection of what they themselves are on the inside.
I am not that person…
I do not seek to judge anyone though I have my moments when I ... Views: 702
You want it and yet, you run from it…
You continually put stumbling blocks in your own way because you worry about the opinions of men, the opinions of people who are not even thinking about you, the opinion of a god who seems to want to keep you down…
You keep living to old ideas about ... Views: 730
Another year ends
I see you, honey…
With the tears dripping down your face as you contemplate another year where nothing happened the way you wanted it too….
The doubt rises…
The fear seems all-encompassing and you wonder if you have what it takes to keep going…
To keep moving ... Views: 886
Facebook ads can seem like an easy way to get things working in your business or they can seem like the most difficult thing you have ever done. Probably a mixture of both.
Here are a few ideas for you to consider as you grow using ads…
1. Complacency Kills
It seems so easy to just click ... Views: 716
7 billion…
That is the number of people roaming the earth today…
And that number is increasing…
Every minute babies are born, and people die but overall, we are created for expansion and so the number of people on the planet continues to increase.
Some get scared by it…
They want ... Views: 1135
Think on the caterpillar as it looks up at the butterfly…
It may want to fly and be so beautiful…
But in that moment, as the caterpillar, it cannot do that…
It cannot even believe that it is possible for it to ever be that…
And no matter how many times, some more knowledgeable ... Views: 1146
You keep forgetting…
You keep going through life feeling like you are stuck…
You go through the motions of living life to the full and yet, there is still something inside of you that doubts yourself…
Something that sees the world as a place of despair…
And you wonder whether you ... Views: 948
For the longest time, I lived a half-life…
I knew I was capable of more and yet, I refused to live it out…
And now, I look back and realise that it was a choice…
A choice to believe the lies about not mattering…
A choice to believe the lies about not being important enough…
A ... Views: 872
For most of my life, I have felt like an outsider…
I was a little bit too white (and still am) to understand and live to the ‘rules’ of my Black African family…
And I am obviously too black to be considered white…
I have always wanted more than the regular person and I have always ... Views: 832
We are so blessed that we get to live in such privileged times…
And for the most part, it has come too easy and so we forget…
We take it for granted …
And we are blessed that we can even take it for granted!
And I am no different from anyone reading this…
I ... Views: 888
Wealth creation always comes back to the simple things…
The simple things that you do on a regular basis…
‘Norms’ go looking for the complicated things, the strategy that they can place on top of the strategy they are NOT implementing now and they find nothing because you know what?!
It ... Views: 740
I used to think I was proud and horrible for wanting to follow my heart. The training I received at church at the time, seemed to always suggest that I had to lay down my gifts and talents and all the stuff I actually wanted to do, in order to figure out what God wanted me to do and to follow ... Views: 827
Some days, it is hard to not see the fact that you are not quite where you think you should be…
You start to think that this is a permanent state of affairs…
And if you are like a norm, you make it so because you stop taking action, you start navel-gazing and you start doubting everything ... Views: 884
Every day, you wake up and get to create a life and a business that you actually want to live…
Every day, you get to design your life any old how that you want it…
Every day, you are fortunate enough to have your wits about you and you can think and plan and take action and be whoever you ... Views: 744
Did you know that you do not have to know everything in order for you to make a start?
Did you know that you can just take a step, any step and given enough time, you will get the results you are focused on getting?
I know it seems too simplistic and so you think that if you stay sat on ... Views: 667
“In South Africa, they dig for diamonds. Tons of earth are moved to find a little pebble not as large as a little fingernail. The miners are looking for the diamonds, not the dirt. They are willing to lift all the dirt in order to find the jewels. In daily life, people forget this principle and ... Views: 721
The internet runs on WORDS, lots and lots and LOTS of words…
And I see people trying so hard to avoid it.
The problem is that even the offline world runs on words…
So, no, you cannot avoid content marketing and why would you want to?
People need to hear you, to listen in to what you ... Views: 774
So, you want everything to work right now? And you keep second guessing, doubting, wishing things were different? the question I have to ask you is how does that help anything?
In fact, does it help at all?
Or does it just take you off-track and next thing you know, you have lost a whole ... Views: 920
I know you want it…
The automated way to get more customers, clients, recruits, with minimal input from you…
You want to set up this machine and see them coming in over and over and over again with no more work from you…
And yes, it can happen but you will always work the ... Views: 1050
Life has happened to you and it has not always been fun. And now you are beginning to think that you need to settle for any old nonsense that comes your way.
So what, that you are bored to death with the status quo?! You have somehow convinced yourself that this is all you can get and you ... Views: 879
My computer quit on me…
For no reason, it suddenly stopped working…
And when your business is mostly carried out on your computer, that is not a great thing to have happen…
And for a few hours there last night, I let myself feel fed up, frustrated, teary and like the world was going to ... Views: 1125
You think that you always have to be appear to have it all together…
You think that you have to pretend to be a superhuman type of person…
You doubt yourself and what you have to offer and so you put on this front…
The problem is that no one can relate to that…
And so, you drive ... Views: 917
I am all for you having everything…
You know that, right?
I completely believe in your ability to conquer the world and make all the money, impact all the people you want…
It is absolutely something you are capable of…
However, I see you stuck in place getting no results because you ... Views: 944
When last did you take the time to really get clear about what you actually want?
I know it can seem a little scary to state categorically what you want, because you think that it might not happen and so, you make it not happen by never directly asking for what you want.
Here is a new ... Views: 767
Most of the time when I ask people what their challenges are, they come back and tell me it is a lack of money, a lack of finance, a lack of the green stuff that makes the world go round…
And I listen to them and depending on what stage we are in our relationship because some people just do ... Views: 781
So, you want your own business…
And you want it to be successful…
You have experienced success in other areas of life…
But for whatever reason, this whole business thing is beyond you…
And so, you get to wondering how you can be a successful entrepreneur…
You get to wondering if ... Views: 884
Once upon a time, I was a young one (about 8 or so) desperately writing out bits of poetry for my parents who did think it was sweet but kinda told me in no uncertain terms that it was unlikely to make me money as I did live in a third world country. I listened and relegated writing to being a ... Views: 593
OK, so I sometimes have the weirdest conversations on the planet and I wonder, I truly wonder whether the people I am talking to, can even hear themselves as they tell me why they are not getting results in their business or their life for that matter (After all, how you do anything is exactly ... Views: 523
Fear is one big thing that gets in the way of you creating the life and the business you want.
You claim to want to get rich, to impact people and change lives, to live a fulfilling life but then…
You get stifled by fear…
You put the brakes on the actions you must take to create ... Views: 644
For the longest time, I wanted to be rich but I was not sure that I was allowed to want that so I pushed down my desires and just got on with being ‘okay’.
For the longest time, I wanted to impact people, to change lives but I did not really believe I had anything to say…
I had a feeling I ... Views: 629
So, you want to market your business? – How sensible of you!
We both know that you absolutely have to do that …
And yet, though you say that you know why you need to do it…
Though you say that you actually want to…
Though you keep asking questions about exactly how to market your ... Views: 566
You can love the person you are…
After all, you were created in love, you were created perfect, you are priceless, you are worth more than you will ever realise…
You can love the work that you do…
After all, you are certainly not created only to struggle…
You are created with purpose ... Views: 621
Have you ever been in a sticky business situation which you allowed to escalate because you did not know how to deal with it?
I have.
I have been in situations where I would lie in bed, worrying and worrying, unable to sleep, beating myself up and trying not to be a victim about ... Views: 761
You have some strange ideas.
The unfortunate thing is that you do not see them as unusual because you think that everyone in your world thinks the same way. And yes, they do but does that make it right?
I don't think so.
You may have been brought up in a family where it was considered ... Views: 1402
Some days, it feels really, REALLY tough to keep building your business.
No one seems to care about what you have to offer and you are trying and trying to get them to pay you some attention but NOTHING is working.
You release a program that people asked for but they do not buy...
You ... Views: 824
Being a heart-centred entrepreneur that really has a big call to change lives, it can be pretty difficult to 'sell' what you have and so, unfortunately, this tends to mean that
You get trapped taking the side road doing something you do not completely believe in because it pays the ... Views: 1715
This is the thing - You need a list. No matter how much you think that you can make it big on just social media or just by how awesome you are but it gets tough to try and hack it without a mailing list.
I see entrepreneurs struggling and struggling to build their business and when I ask, I ... Views: 953
There are two ways to sell something – Sell it yourself or get someone else to sell it for you. And with the wonderful stories of the super entrepreneurs that get their stuff into the mainstream high streets, it is every one’s dream to do this too. The problem, of course, is that a lot of ... Views: 780
Everyone starts writing a blog expecting the whole world to beat a path to their door and then after writing a blog or two, they give up because no one reads their well-researched, ‘shed-blood and tears’, posts.
They give it up as a bad job and think blogging is useless to their business ... Views: 1186
Lots of people go through life not knowing who or what they are about. They chase after goals because others have told them that that is what they should want and they get to their goal but find that it is not as great as it is cracked up to be.
And so they go off and start chasing after ... Views: 692
You may have been informed that the money is in the list and yes that is true but it is only a part of the story. The truth is that the money can be found in building relationship with the people on your list.
Trying to get lots of unqualified people onto your list in the hopes that they ... Views: 714