Most people, and I am sad to say that I used to be one of these, think that you can give things a go for a little bit and then quit if it gets too hard, quit if it seems impossible, quit if all your friends seem to be happy to settle for nothing, just simply stop and settle for the okay ... Views: 873
Honey, you went through some bad shit!
You went through it and you kept on walking, you kept on doing what had to be done to hold everything together and no one honoured you for it!
It was a horrific thing that you went through…
You carried the weight of it and no one saw just how much ... Views: 933
It is the last day of the year when I write this and I wonder what you are creating for next year. Surely not more of the same old stuff. The same reactive stuff where you wait to see what happens and react to it accordingly. Surely not that!
I just spent hours reading, dreaming, creating, ... Views: 930
You say you don’t want to be greedy…
And so you downplay your goals…
Making them smaller and smaller each passing year…
You don’t see that you are living from a place of lack.
You think that you getting yours means someone else has to lose theirs…
And as you say, you don’t want to be ... Views: 846
What was your immediate response to that headline?
An indignant ‘YES, of course I do’ followed by an uncertain, more silent ‘NO, I am not sure that I do, actually’…
And guess what? The ‘no’ rules you at the moment if you are not at the income level you want to be at.
That silent ‘No’ is ... Views: 1085
Go on, take a deep breath and consciously choose to breathe in peace and as you release the breath, let the tension in your body go.
You just got through the Christmas period, you spoke to family, cooked with family, tried not to kill family, tried not to talk too much about your dreams because ... Views: 807
It feel weak to admit this, doesn’t it? It feels like you are looking for excuses not to have fulfilled the dreams and visions you have for your life. You don’t want to be one of those that cry about their mummy not loving them or their daddy ignoring them and yet, it is true.
I ... Views: 711
I see you all stilted, trying to be proper, trying to say the right thing, do the right thing, BE the ‘right’ thing…
Let go, Let loose, Dance naked in the rain…
You are so scared to be seen…
So scared that you will not be liked…
So scared that you will end up in hell…
Wanting to know the ... Views: 2291
You feel tense, anxious, fed up with the struggle…
Year upon year, the struggle remains and you wonder when you will be free…
And you will be free as soon as you choose to do the work to be free!
Your finances have been a stronghold round your neck, constricting your creativity, keeping you ... Views: 830
One of the hardest things you will face in this quest for unlimited success and freedom is your past history. It is such an all-pervading thing and in some ways, you do not even realise just how much your past story holds you back because you have always lived this way. And everyone in your ... Views: 1280
The resistance feels strong within you. So strong that you keep holding back on saying the words that you want to say. YOU think no one cares and so, you stay stuck doing work that you do not really want to do because you think that that would make you safe.
Except you are bored to ... Views: 1085
Of course, there are always reasons to stay stuck, to stay broke, to keep doing what you have always done, to avoid the pain of facing yoru financial situation, to not grow the business you desire…
There are always reasons and there will always be reasons…
The question to answer is ‘Do you ... Views: 767
I can see you…
I can hear you…
Your silence speaks so loud…
You want so much more than this…
You have such great ideas inside of you and yet, you think that no one will care. And so, you keep them hidden inside. You downplay you all the time. You do what is expected and yet, you crave more, ... Views: 839
You are not your mum…
You are not your dad…
You are not your brother…
You are not your sister…
You are not your friend…
You are not your pastor…
You are whoever the fuck you choose to be!
You have this picture in your head of who you want to be…
And you have this other picture of who you ... Views: 839
They said I was lazy and I suppose I was…
I did not want to cook, to clean and do all that boring stuff that a ‘woman’ was supposed to know how to do…
I took it to heart…
I made it mean something because I did not suit them…
It hurt because I let it hurt…
I forgot that I was me…
And ‘me’ ... Views: 849
You have been dithering and procrastinating for a while about this decision…
Wondering if you are giving up too soon…
Wondering if you are throwing in the towel like a little whiney bitch…
Wondering if this will make you a quitter…
And you do not want to be a quitter…
You used to be ... Views: 824
I used to wander aimlessly through life wondering what I felt motivated to do…
Wondering why I did not feel inspired to do what I said I wanted to do…
Wondering why I did not get my own version of the ‘Because I want to’ Life!
I had bought into a lie…
A lie that in order to do something ... Views: 857
Lets be honest, you have been worrying and worrying and staying stuck in indecision as to what to do next and where has it got you?
Worse off, right?!
The hole keeps getting bigger and bigger…
You are still not living the life you want to live but you are definitely worrying more and more ... Views: 947
Man, my money story used to be one of disaster…
It used to be one of getting so far, thinking everything was alright and then realising that everything was going down the tubes again…
I thought that was going to be my story forever…
Except I saw the light and realised that sitting on my ... Views: 795
The darkness is real…
In this entrepreneurial journey, there will be times when you sink so low, you wonder if you will ever come back up for air…
There will be times that you wish you did not care so much…
There will be times when you feel as though the darkness is going to eat you up and ... Views: 798
You have an identity…
A way you see yourself…
A way you look at the world…
And there are only certain things you are allowed to do when you act within the confines of that identity…
You can only eat certain foods which can be a good or a bad thing…
You can only belong to a particular ... Views: 694
I love my princesses.
That kinda goes without saying but this morning as I write this, I have been watching them on YouTube expressing themselves. And it is awesome to watch because they are fearless! They have not yet learnt to judge everything before they let it out into the ... Views: 903
YOu hold yourself back so much…
Scared of what people will think of you…
And then you look at your bank balance and you see that there ain’t much there…
And you know it is because you are not boldly gong after everything you want…
You are being held back by worries that you might just ... Views: 910
This morning, I had one of those moments of clarity that appear like a light being switched on after years of creeping around in the dark. It was instantaneous and it was on a subject that I thought I had conquered previously but I now realise there was even a deeper level to it.
And it ... Views: 765
I see you thinking, thinking, thinking some more…
“Will this work, will that work?”
“Can I do that or would it be too much?”
“Am I allowed? Will the gods of business and all things entrepreneur curse me for trying to do this thing over here?”
“Maybe I will break my business if I do ... Views: 853
This is the thing, honey, for the longest time, people have told you that there is something wrong with you. They have told you that your big ideas are just toooo big for little old you and they have tried ever so hard to get you to live like they live.
And for the most part, you went ... Views: 840
I used to think that the inner cravings inside of me had to be tamed in order for me to be accepted by God and man.
I have always wanted to speak to a large group of people, sing to them, write and have my words read by them. I have always known that I have something to say and I have ... Views: 800
Yep, I said it and I got your attention…
I feel so horny, so very horny and not just for the great powerful orgasm(s) I know I am going to have to have today but also, for the next phase of life…
The thing I know now about my powerful sexual desire is that it is not just about the act of ... Views: 2337
You know how you have these big, hidden dreams inside of you that you want to make happen? The ones you don’t ever really share out loud with the people in your world. The ones you feel you have to qualify and make small. The ones you are still not sure came from Spirit and so ... Views: 1081
Can I let you into a secret?
It is not self-hatred to no longer want your life as it is…
In fact, it is self-love that helps you see that you no longer want your life to play out the way it has been playing out to date…
It is self-awareness that makes you choose to go after whatever you ... Views: 695
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Here’s EVERYTHING you need to live a purpose driven, successful life NOW – Views: 672
I woke up…
I felt down…
And I faced a choice – Allow my day to be defined by that feeling or Create a powerful day DESPITE the feeling?
I chose the path of the creator.
I used to choose the other path – the path of the victim. I reacted to life and my feelings.
I had to ... Views: 1026
So, I have a love-hate relationship with my extended family…
I was never quite sure why I felt out of place, thinking there was something wrong with me…
Never wanting to play to the rules…
Never really understanding the FUCKING RULES!
I was considered selfish and rebellious…
The one who ... Views: 865
Some time ago, the bottom fell out of your world!
Everything you thought you knew, suddenly got shifted and you descended into a massive fog from which you are still trying to extricate yourself…
And you wonder where the hell you have gone!
How did you become this victim of ... Views: 865
So, I woke up to a negative email from someone…
It got past my filters and I read it way before I should have! I had not done my journalling for the day. And yes, as I always walk with Spirit, I had connected but I like to have long convos with Him first thing before looking to see ... Views: 827
It can be so hard at times, right? To keep pushing forward when the fire of change is burning through your body and every fibre of your being wishes you were not a maverick and you could just quit and pretend to be happy with the status quo.
OK, lets be honest – quitting is not an ... Views: 997
The Spiritual Entrepreneur is a maverick…
At least the successful ones are!
You may learn the foundational knowledge that other trainers and successful business owners teach you but when it comes down to it, you go your own way.
You have the courage to find your own path and stay on course ... Views: 824
Most people are talkers, thinkers, hopers, wishers and fucking pretenders!
And I have wasted too much time with them…
They don’t get great results…
Because they don’t take enough action!
They think my demands are too high…
They think I am some kind of superhuman person…
Some kind of super ... Views: 707
You may be called to the whole 7 billion people on the planet…
Or you may only be called to 10 people
Are your people hearing your voice?
You may wake up feeling down and out…
Or you may wake up feeling full of the joy of life…
Are your people hearing your voice?
Stop buying into the ... Views: 854
Once upon a time, I wanted a particular internship. I wanted it desperately. I thought it was my ticket to a whole new life and so I asked God to give it to me. I held on to a particular passage in the best book ever – Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the ... Views: 848
A few days ago, I was at a Christian Woman’s Conference. I was the keynote speaker there and as I love to talk, it went incredibly well and I adored every minute of it. I got to speak with amazing people as well to help them come up with ideas for moving forward. It was ... Views: 775
Stop with the second guessing before you share your voice – Just yell it out loud…
Stop with the overthinking before you put something out – It just takes up so much time…
Just believe enough in the power of you to put your words out in the world fast, swiftly and with ... Views: 991
You do know that you are THE product of your online business, right?
And you do know that that is why you struggle so much to sell anything in your business?
There is a part of you that doubts yourself and actually does not like yourself. You know all the mistakes you have made, you know ... Views: 912
I see you…
Going through the motions but not actually doing anything that gets you any attention in the marketplace…
Giving into the crazy voice in your head…
Giving into the many, many, MANY demands on any leader’s life…
Doing less and less and getting absolutely nowhere…
WHEN WILL YOU ... Views: 734
I have been searching, looking for a deep connection with God since FOREVER!
Maybe, I was a lonely child…
Maybe, I felt powerless around the crazy events of my life…
Maybe, I just ALWAYS knew there was more, so much more to our existence on this planet than just what met the ... Views: 679
OK, honesty time…
Every day you wake up, what do you feel?
A sinking feeling, a horrible, physically sick feeling or a frisson of excitement and joy about what the day just may bring?
What would you like to feel?
What do you want your life to be about and are you heading there or are you ... Views: 974
Some days, it does feel like you are working your socks off and getting absolutely nowhere, doesn’t it?
You can see the goal you are aiming for and it seems so close and yet also, so far away.
It is like the Walls Of Jericho.
The walls are thick.
The walls are high.
The walls look ... Views: 842
I know you think this is about me!
But it is not!
It is completely about you!
Because I am appalled, APPALLED at how we the Spirit-Driven can act so weak about what we want out of this life!
We are supposed to be the STRONG ONES! We KNOW that we are created in the image of the ... Views: 844