Everyone starts writing a blog expecting the whole world to beat a path to their door and then after writing a blog or two, they give up because no one reads their well-researched, ‘shed-blood and tears’, posts.

They give it up as a bad job and think blogging is useless to their business growth. They are wrong. Business blogging is essential to set you up as an expert, to give your ideal customers a chance to find out more about you, to keep your ideal client on your site until they are ready to buy something from you. Your blog can become a huge asset for your business so never give up on creating great posts and learning how to promote them in a way that gets attention.

Here are a few ideas to help you get the word out…

1. Other people’s audiences

Where do the people you want in your world hang out? Go be there and spread the message of your blog. Share blog posts there if you are allowed to do it. Write for those sites where possible. Leave comments on those blogs as well and be an expert wherever you are. People will start to pay a lot more attention to you as you choose to show up in places where your people are likely to be.

2. Re-purpose your blogs

Yes, you can use your blogs once or you can take snippets out of it and use for social media posts. You can convert it to a presentation and put that up on slideshare. You can repurpose a few of your blogposts into an eBook which you put on Amazon Kindle – Make sure it flows and gives quality information and you find that you are reaching more people.

Record yourself reading your content and upload that as an audio to soundcloud. Make a video of the content and place on youtube.

So many options available to you to reuse and recycle your content.

3. Pay for the traffic

There are sites like Outbrain and Taboola what will get your content shown to the world fairly cheaply. You can start doing this at $10 a day and get clicks through to your content for just 7 cents a click. Pretty amazing. You can then remarket to these people by making sure that this new audience is pixelated by Google or Facebook.

Facebook advertising is another option for getting people to your website.

4. Link up your posts

Make sure that each of your blog posts have links to others on your website. This way, people move from one post to another to another so that they get more and more convinced about you.

When writing, think of posts that would add value to the one you are currently writing and put in a link. Make this a habit.

5. Social Media

Share your content freely on social media. Don’t make it absolutely essential that they go to your site. You can just make the whole post present and again, this way, you are getting people to take a look at what is on offer without having to go across to your site and interrupt what they are doing.

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And if yuo are struggling to get enough customers to make your business viable, pop on over to get a free copy of the business growth pack

Rosemary Nonny Knight was a pharmacist who decided to stop working long hours away from home. She started up and built a successful business within 18 months applying the techniques she now shows other entreprenuers.