Some days, you will go for that promotion, think you are going to get it and… defeat will be snatched from the mouth of victory…
Some days, you will lose a loved one and it will break your heart…
Some days, you will put your heart and soul into selling your next program, and no one will buy ... Views: 1495
If you choose it, you can have it…
If you choose money, fame, love, you can have it…
Nothing, no one keeps anything away from you…
This is the simple truth.
Will you accept it?
Will you see that NO ONE takes anything from you?
Will you see that you are not prevented from achieving every ... Views: 1456
You worry that you worry too much about money…
You worry that your worry and your desire for more money will stop you making money…
And so then you try hard to stop worrying about money and stop wanting to have more money…
Because, in your mind, wanting more money means you must be evil and ... Views: 1460
Lets be honest here…
The weight of your dreams sometimes feels darned right overwhelming, overpowering, just too much and ‘why on earth do you think you have a right to all of that’!
When you really stop to think of everything you want to make happen, it makes you want to yell and cry and ... Views: 1371
It is fairly amusing to see people do this thing where they think that because they have paid their dues to their higher power, he/she will now give them the secret path to wealth that no one else has.
I see it in Christians who think that because they have the hotline to God, they can now just ... Views: 1306
When last did you take a time out?
A time that was completely yours, to do with whatever you will?
Not a time filled with mindless entertainment that prevents you from contemplating…
Not a time when you escape thinking by flicking through Facebook, or some other technological distraction…
A ... Views: 1356
Yes, honey you do KNOW what you want…
You dream of it when you let your mind wander…
You can see yourself confidently doing it, in the dead of the night…
But then in the light of the morning, you smile condescendingly at your dreams and chase them away as you get stuck into your regular ... Views: 1370
This is exactly the right moment for you to begin…
Who cares what went before… NOW IS YOUR TIME!
Who cares what you failed at in the past… NOW IS YOUR TIME!
Who cares who said you can’t do this or that… NOW IS YOUR TIME!
Who cares about anything other than the fact that NOW ... Views: 1283
You are chosen to live in abundance and you have tapped a little into it but there is more.
So, understand this, you can have everything you desire, including wealth but…
The Problem
You keep hiding.
You keep doubting yourself.
You keep thinking that there is something you are missing…
And ... Views: 927
You have a story…
It is one of rejection…
It is a story of not being loved by the very ones that were supposed to love you – your parents to begin with and then it spread to those you learnt to trust – They proved unworthy of that trust…
And now you walk around wounded but you do not even ... Views: 736
I get tired of knee jerk responses from people who are not willing to question their beliefs.
Beliefs that have been passed down to them by other people who were not willing to question their beliefs. And so, these unfounded beliefs keep going from person to person, generation to ... Views: 1439
A few days ago, some lovable soul left my mailing list and community (sob) with a terse note about me being disruptive.
And I got to thinking about the word.
I liked being called disruptive.
Why on earth would I want to not make any waves at all?
I am called to be disruptive!
To break ... Views: 1546
There is a time to be a consumer and a time to be a producer and at the moment, it seems you are veering too much on the side of consumer. And it is not doing you any good because you look and you look AND YOU LOOK at what everyone else is doing…
You see their highlights…
You compare ... Views: 1510
When will you start living like your life is yours?
When will you start asking for and receiving the best?
When will you start believing that the dreams and visions in your heart are really yours to fulfill?
When will you stop selling your soul for money?
And I speak to me, probably much ... Views: 834
Your calling is yours. You get to define it, you get to clarify it, you get to decide when you are ready to step into it.
And yet, you wait with baited breath for the approval of someone just like you! You want that external confirmation from some person you see as an authority on your life… ... Views: 1627
A few steps forward and then you put on the brakes to look back and see if it is okay to keep moving forward…
Another few steps forward and then you put on the brakes again…
Imagine if you tried to get anywhere in a car by doing that…
Is it any wonder that you get nowhere fast?
Think about ... Views: 1794
YOu know what you want to do…
YOu know what you want life to look like…
You have the vision inside of you as to what it will be like when you finally do the work you feel called and commisioned to do…
And yet, you keep looking to everyone else to tell you how to go about making it ... Views: 1764
1. Decide That It Will Be So.
You have bought into the lie about all the struggle that you must experience first before you are allowed to experience wealth in its fullness. You have sought to follow rules and you have decided that you are not yet good enough to be wealthy and so you have ... Views: 1789
From birth, you look for security. You look into the eyes of your parents, seeking out love, seeking out acceptance, checking to see that who you are is good enough for them. They are your first measure of whether you are worthy or not.
And then you look into the eyes of friends, ... Views: 999
Do you have to beg the air to fill a room? No, you don’t. It is there, always present, always flowing in, supporting life…
You can create a vacuum only by deliberately forcing out the air and sealing the container, sealing the room but the moment you let even a pinprick of a hole be ... Views: 950
Most people are waiting, waiting, waiting for something outside of themselves to change.
They think that when it changes then life will suddenly take on a more hopeful light and then they can get the transformation they have been waiting for forever…
They forget that they are the ones with all ... Views: 719
Have you seen a baby learn to walk?
Have you heard that example time and time again?
Have you learnt the lesson in it YET?
Or are you still thinking that unless you can take one step to greatness everytime, then your ideas, your visions, your mission is not worth getting back up and trying ... Views: 2065
Why would you put a barrier in place against creating wealth for you and for yours? I know you say you want it and yet, when it comes down to doing the work to create it, there seem to be barriers in place. Barriers that keep you stuck and trapped in a place of struggle and ... Views: 769
Most ‘norms’ live in fear of failure…
They are too scared to try anything new for fear of losing money, losing face and losing the will to live!
And they forget that they are the ones completely in control of what happens even if they hit the unlikely end-result of failure.
Yes, honey, you ... Views: 985
Sometimes, we get so focused on the practical sides of running a business and that is absolutely right and fair that you do that but this is the thing…
If your brain is set to always believe that things are going to be a struggle, then who is to say that you are not creating the struggle with ... Views: 856
I am listening, you know…
Listening hard to all that you say you want…
And I am watching you – yes, I know it sounds a little creepy but, keep reading, you will hear my heart…
I watch you, wait, wait and wait some more for things to come to you, instead of you taking courage in both ... Views: 894
Most people get into business with visions of glamour, of financial freedom, of changing the world with their product, service, business opportunity…
They know they have something good to offer and so they expect everyone to JUMP on them immediately…
They never want to work for another soul ... Views: 774
There comes a day in everyone’s life when they realise that learning to love yourself is pretty important. It is usually after years of living to the agenda of the masses and realising that there is no reward to be found there and then, suddenly people remember that their own opinion is ... Views: 899
So, you have listened to this guru and that guru telling you exactly how things MUST be done…
They have given you the instructions and you follow it to the letter…
Surely this is how life and business must work – That person said it and so it must be so!
But then nothing ... Views: 783
There is no point getting angry, frustrated or fed up with the ways things are at the moment.
There is no point feeling sorry for yourself that you have not yet reached your goals…
All of those types of emotions, stifle the one thing you absolutely need to break free from this particular ... Views: 889
There are so many distractions, SO VERY MANY! and it is easy to allow these distractions take you away from the path to getting the life and the business you want.
Everything seems like a great idea…
Everyone makes their magic bullet solution seem like the ONLY way to make it to your ... Views: 919
You know it and that is why you run scared…
You feel it deep inside and so you go fleeing in the other direction…
And yet, like a glutton for punishment, you look back, you come back, you again dip your toe into the fray…
Because you want the success, the wealth, the glory of being someone ... Views: 823
I see you with the big ideas, the big dreams, the big goals…
You think about it, you talk about it…
And then you go back to live out your ‘settled-for’ life because you don’t actually think that you can have everything you dream of.
You think your dreams are too big…
You think that if it ... Views: 1219
You are looking, searching, wondering what you are doing wrong…
You are begging, pleading, crying before your God…
You keep searching out what you are missing…
“Why is it not working?” “What am I doing wrong?” You ask…
And then you attempt to act on whatever comes up…
And something will ... Views: 952
It is so easy to settle, isn’t it?
It is easy to ignore the longings in your heart as you tell yourself it is all impossible, isn’t it?
Or is it?
They are always there, whispering and calling you to arise and wake up and do the work you are called to do but you always have those excuses, ... Views: 705
Let’s be honest… Great things take time.
And YOU are called to a GREAT THING!
You want everything yesterday, right? And this waiting game is not pleasant at all and yet, it is inevitable that as you stay on the path, you WILL get what you are ‘hustling while you wait’ for.
And it takes a ... Views: 962
How many business ideas are you juggling currently?
Have you made even ONE work?
How many things are you trying to do at once?
Tell me, is it working?
Listen, I know you are capable and you do have many interests – Of course you do. And yet, you want them all at once! And can I ... Views: 652
Let’s get straight into this.
Too many direct sales people struggle with the cold list, warm list thing and lots of family and friends are running scared of having conversations with these newbie business owners! Is there another way to warm people up? I mean, I get it, the more ... Views: 869
Let me ask you a question (ok, maybe a few…)
What do you want?
What do you really want?
Do you want to create wealth?
Do you want a business that fulfils you?
Do you want to do work that stirs your soul and brings you to life? Work that makes you wake at 4am with a spring in your step ... Views: 922
I get it…
Things have happened…
PEOPLE have happened and they have caused you to doubt yourself but honey…
They are not the creator of your life… YOU ARE!
Events do not get to define you… YOU DO!
And whatever it is that you have been through gives you the exact strength that you ... Views: 1452
So… you have a big dream…
And it includes changing the lives of many, many people with your product, service or business opportunity…
And you also dream of the awesome lifestyle you are going to make happen for your ... Views: 926
Oh for goodness sake, are you not done with the whining already?
This is the thing – I see you moping around the place looking for answers INSTEAD OF BUCKLING DOWN TO DO THE WORK…
You persist in telling yourself that you are too scared…
As though that means you get a free pass…
You ... Views: 968
It is so easy to get trapped into thinking that you are not going to be able to find your people because you start to see the people around you as the only options that there are…
You have been pushing and striving to build your business and as great as that is, you are starting to get a ... Views: 1193
There are two main types of people who I tend to come across and neither one of them really gets what they want…
And then there is a third type and they get everything easily – Wealth and freedom and everything nice seems to flow to this type of person without too much aggravation and ... Views: 997
There is always someone out there to tell you what you are not doing right…
There is always someone to remind you of your failings…
And how does that help anything, really?
Yes, it reminds you of the promises you made yourself this time last year and it reminds you that you have not yet ... Views: 970
Yes, I suppose you could get down on your knees and pray and pray and pray…
Beg God for help, do a little fast every week…
Read through your holy book and increase your faith by looking up to the heavens…
Check for every little sin you can think of and ask for forgiveness…
WHILE ... Views: 963
Today, I read the following and it is something you need to hear because I see you, worried, wondering, uncertain as to whether what you want will ever come about. You doubt yourself and you doubt the journey and it keeps you trapped in this uncertain limbo where you are not sure whether to go ... Views: 866
Some people are under the impression that they are ants, worms, slaves for a huge deity who wants nothing but to belittle them and make them helpless and completely dependent on him/her.
And needless to say, these people struggle ALL THE TIME!
And instead of taking matters into their own ... Views: 1110
Some people walk through life thinking that everything they do is doomed to fail and so they think “Why Bother?”
That cannot be you…
Some people blame everyone and everything for their misfortunes and again, stay trapped in lives, careers, businesses they do not like.
That cannot be ... Views: 1304
Yes, like many before you, you want something big…
You want to win at life…
You want to create a life and a business that makes you feel great!
You want to wake up feeling awesome and full of purpose and the joy of living a life you are designed to live…
And you want to make lots of ... Views: 1799