People will try to take advantage of you…
Don’t let them.
You are pretty dang strong so people, who are not your people, will want to lean on you…
Don’t let them…
People will tell you their sad story hoping to get you to pity them enough to serve them for free…
Don’t let it happen! ... Views: 866
It can be very interesting being both spiritual and an entrepreneur, especially if your spirituality is actually linked with a religion with all its rules and regulations and traditions. You get so convinced that there is only one way to do things…
Your natural energy and performance gets ... Views: 813
I used to find surrender to be such an ugly word…
One where I was just supposed to leave myself to the whims of some external person/thing and just let whatever happens, happen…
I was scared that Spirit did not love me enough to take care of me…
After all, all kinds of things had happened in ... Views: 851
This morning, I woke up, got out of bed and then proceeded to laze about a little on the couch as I journalled…
I was having one of those mornings where I just wanted to chill out and doze off and just play it down but I felt the call of Spirit to remember who I was…
THE LIGHT OF THE ... Views: 819
Do you ever feel like you are just not really getting the real you out?
Like there is something just beneath the surface that wants to be unleashed but you have all these holdbacks that tell you to tame it, to hide it, to be like everyone else?
You feel that power in the loins and it needs ... Views: 851
I am obsessed with more, you know?
More impact, more income, more connection to Spirit, more awesome sex, more wisdom, more understanding of human nature, more Knowledge, more overall success, more closeness with my hubby and children, more, more, MORE!!
I literally want it all!
I almost feel ... Views: 803
Leader, you are pushing hard…
Doing the work…
And nothing is happening…
It is like you can see the end goal through a transparent film but you cannot break through it…
Fomr the outside looking in – It seems you go so far and then you pull back…
You then lose the sale…
Or some ... Views: 758
You have been waiting for something new to come…
You have felt stuck in place doing the same old, same old that you had thought you had to do…
But I am here to tell you that the NEW IS HERE!
You no longer have to live in fear of communication…
You no longer have to ... Views: 846
Yesterday, I had friends round and it was lovely to hang out…
Not many are let into my inner crazy but these are because they get it more than most…
They get the push, the need to be all we are created to be…
Now that does not mean we agree on everything but it means I can just be…
I can say ... Views: 829
Yep, I see you…
You have fallen off your perch…
Everything you want seems to be getting further and further away from you…
You feel abandoned, alone, fed up!
Actually fed up is such a small word compared to how you really do feel!
You feel broken!
Yep, that is it, BROKEN!
As though ... Views: 907
You want to impact many, to change the lives of many and yet, it feels tough, hard, uncertain and you wonder when you will finally break through!
And I work with people just like you, successful in certain areas but not necessarily in the areas that you want to be and there are certain ... Views: 936
Leader, you feel adrift, far away from Source…
You have always longed for that closeness…
Longed to be so CONNECTED to Spirit that every word that pops out of your mouth is powerful…
And yet, right now, you feel adrift, maybe even abandoned and alone…
All curled up in a ball in a big huge ... Views: 680
When I was younger and on the occasional day even now, I get myself into a tizzy.
A tizzy where I wonder if I am allowed certain things…
After all, my greatest heart’s desire has always been to be close to God, to Source, to my higher power…
I long for Him with every breath in my body…
But I ... Views: 847
I get it, leader!
You are scared that if the real you actually did stand up, no one would want to know…
You would be ignored…
You would lose all your money…
Go bankrupt…
And die alone!
OK, so maybe a slight exaggeration but be honest, it is ... Views: 1307
So, there you are…
Struggling to get people into your business / clinic / practice…
You have a service that people need but they are just not coming to your door in the droves you imagined when you put up your shingle!
Frustrating, right?!
You know you have something amazing!
YOU KNOW ... Views: 941
There is a saying in the Bible
“I will restore the years the locust have eaten”
Spirit saying to you that nothing has ever been lost…
It may have seemed that all was lost at times…
As you battled through the darkness, as you tried to make sense of all the stuff that happened to you…
As you ... Views: 999
You wonder what to say to your people…
You wonder if you are wise or creative enough to keep comig up with things that they want to hear…
And I say that you are!
You are EXACTLY the leader for your people!
You have the EXACT words to say to them to inspire, to heal, to teach, to coach, to ... Views: 937
Everyday, inside of you is an itchiness, a desire for something more than what you are experiencing right now and yet, everyday, you silence the voice inside of you.
You tell yourself to wake up and be like every other norm around you…
You dampen down your BIG Ideas and try to blend ... Views: 716
Most people do not want to link being spiritual with hustling…
The two states seem so disconnected…
The silly spiritual peeps want them to be disconnected because they really do want there to be a spiritual magic bullet that means they can sit on their asses, begging, pleading, praying and ... Views: 1603
Leader, you live life as though you have no choice but to do the things that you do…
You look on everyone else having what looks like a good time and somehow you tell yourself that it is your lot in life to suffer and do whatever others don’t want to do because you are ... Views: 847
OK, so I never ever believed anything could be tougher, more painful than carrying a child for 9 months and then pushing that awesome amazingness out of your vagina into the world (YEP, I am going there!)
And yet, I am now beginning to think that I may have been ... Views: 1124
Listen, I like making money…
And sometimes, it feels like there would be easier ways to make money than to do what I feel called to do which is to support you, spirit-driven leader in growing your business, getting more clients, impacting more people and increasing your wealth…
After all, I am ... Views: 1174
Your thoughts are not all your own…
Just because your brain wants to take you on a merry-go-round to nowhere, does not mean you have to go with it…
You can choose to think better…
To think for success
To focus on what you choose to create and get to work making that happen!
You ... Views: 799
I feel like my writing muscle is broken… (Yes for me, my money making is related to my content and honey, if you are in business then so is yours!)
I cannot reach the flow and stay in there…
I keep starting a post, stopping a post and I cannot seem to make it flow…
And so here I am talking ... Views: 880
Can I let you into a ‘not-so-secret’ Facebook advertising trick?
One that could start the revolution of your business, especially if you are one of those fairly established businesses with a client list…
(And if you do not have a list of people who have bought from you, maybe ... Views: 787
Yep, I know it is not the thing to say…
We are supposed to be all about balance and mindfulness and crazy nonsense like that…
And workaholics are not supposed to care about their families and they are supposed to get sick and die sad lonely lives…
And if hollywood is to be believed, ... Views: 1336
Man, I am tired of appealing to all and sundry…
I am tired of speaking so generally that anyone thinks that they are my person…
I am tired of being surrounded by those who just want to make a few pennies here and there and it is not really attached to a big vision…
I am looking for those who ... Views: 861
You think that no one wants to hear what you have to say…
And yet, right now, in the world, there are so-called ‘leaders’ who tap into a vein of malcontent amongst the everyday, regular people and they say what those malcontents are thinking and use it to give themselves an advantage…
Not for ... Views: 921
Lets be honest…
When you are not so worried about how much money you have or how much money you are making, you WANT TO save the world…
You see the pain and the nonsense that many endure and you know you have something that can help them…
Or at least, you know that you can use any abundance ... Views: 967
The car door opened and I was thrown out…
Behind me, I had the car roar as though it was going to drive off without me and I turned to shout “Wait for me!”…
But I was surprised to find that the car was shorter than I was…
Which is okay if you are an adult, you kinda expect that unless it a ... Views: 791
I know no one wants to experience pain…
I certainly don’t. I want the easy path all the time…
And in a lot of my life, I take that path…
In the non-essential parts like whether I cook or clean, I just let go of anything tough and hard and go the easy path, as should you!
Because ... Views: 937
Waiting for the right time to get your business off the ground…
Waiting for the right permission from the voice in the sky to do the work you want to do…
Waiting to be old and experienced enough…
Waiting for the kids to grow old enough so that you can now live your life…
Waiting for someone ... Views: 937
You posted the offer once on your Facebook page, sent one email to your mailing list and did one video and then you go stare at your emails, waiting for the paypal notifications to come…
And nothing happens…
And so, you get disappointed and tell yourself that no one wants what you ... Views: 1155
The tendency of the human being is to think that if you hide away, pretend it is not happening, bury your head in the sand then somehow the storm will be taken away from you…
It never works…
You tried that already!
And it did not work then, it will not work now…
Things just got ... Views: 962
It is that simple, leader…
You plant your feet firmly on the narrow path and you look the vision in the eye…
And you say…
“I am making this happen”
“I will never ever back down”
“I will do what others only talk of doing”
“I will defeat my internal negativity”
“I set my mind and this ... Views: 1040
You are fed up with limiting yourself because of money…
So make more!
You are fed up with having to say no to your kids because you cannot afford it…
So make more!
You are fed up with having to work a job or be in a business that is not your soul purpose…
And it is all because you have told ... Views: 843
Every day, you wake up and you have the opportunity to start afresh…
To be the person you WANT to be…
Rather than the person that life and its negativity have taught you to be…
There is a vision within you, pulsing, vibrating, nagging at you…
It wants you to win more than you ever have won ... Views: 907
I have never fit in…
Never been a regular kind of girl…
Not black enough to fully understand my African family or be understood by them…
Not white enough because, well, I am simply not white Views: 791
I know a guy…
He is in business to protect himself…
To protect his business…
And to keep the thing going…
Which all sounds pretty good, right?!
Most people are that way…
They just want to protect themselves…
Keep a kinda good thing going…
They do that with ... Views: 578
You are waking up depressed…
Going to bed depressed…
Wondering when your breakthrough is coming…
Wondering when it will be your turn…
Wondering how long you have to be strong for…
When things will get easier…
When life will seem more fun…
When the heavens will open and throw lots of money ... Views: 754
There is a part of you that thinks that you suffer more than everyone else…
There is a part of you that buys into a sad story that says that your life is worse than everyone else’s…
There is a part of you that thinks that nothing ever comes easy to you…
There is a part of you that feels like ... Views: 741
Look at you!
Full of pent-up potential…
With the ability to change lives in that way that you do…
You are leader, born to dominate…
And you know it!
But I look at your life and I realise that you are not doing it…
You say things like…
My children need me 24/7…
My partner ... Views: 671
There is something decadent about getting everything you want…
You kinda want it all…
But there is a part of you that also wonders if you really do want it all…
Because there is a part of you that knows it is not always easy to get everything you want…
And you are not sure if you want ... Views: 799
YOU are leader and therefore you must communicate with your people…
Imagine Martin Luther with nothing to say…
Or Jesus without the 4 books written about all he had to say…
And I get it, leader…
You don’t yet think you are quite up to that standard of leadership…
But who made you ... Views: 733
Some days, it just don’t feel good
And yet, you gotta keep moving forward…
Some days, you want to hand in the towel and become a norm…
And yet, if you ain’t got the dream yet, then you gotta keep moving forward…
Some days, you are going to want to yell and scream and shout about the ... Views: 1451
You secretly think that having money is bad…
Don’t you?
And so you struggle to have that much money…
You have just enough for your needs…
But not enough for any fun stuff (or so you think)
There is just no abundance in your life…
And you are doing it to yourself, leader…
Because you ... Views: 935