It is tempting to look to Facebook to get you organic reach and think that every algorithm change is a call to battle stations…
So much frustration is brewed this way.
It is tempting to think that if you throw enough money at it then THAT will solve your business issues…
Again, lots of ... Views: 655
You spent all your life at a job where someone told you where to be from 9am (maybe 8 or even 7am) until about 5/6/7pm…
And in each day, you racked up about 8 hours or more at work…
In theory, you worked for that period of time with a break or two for meals and a snack and well… a break…
And ... Views: 868
Yes, honey, it is true…
Everyone around you, well, if they are norms anyway, wants you to just fit into their little narrow box…
They want you to conform, to play nice, to be nice, to be whatever they want you to be, to keep them comfortable…
You may think it is because your loved ones love ... Views: 731
Ok, let’s get real here…
You are a leader with a message…
You want to teach, to speak, to coach, to heal, to transform people with that message…
But to date, you have not got the traction you want with this message of yours…
And mostly because you think you have to wait for the right ... Views: 628
For a long time, money made me uncomfortable…
I felt I did not deserve it…
I felt it was greedy to want it…
I felt I should be willing to work for peanuts or even ‘better’, free…
And needless to say, I was not able to make money or keep money…
It seemed to flow away from me.
Yes, I looked ... Views: 747
I know you have a calling that you desire to see fulfilled…
You want to see lives transformed by the power of what you have to say…
You want to teach, inspire, coach, motivate, heal so many people and you want to start doing it now…
And it is a given that you want to make money at it though ... Views: 750
You have always known that you were born to win…
It has been a constant burning within you…
A refusal to settle for the nonsense…
A refusal to be less…
A refusal to back down and give into the fear and shame and guilt of mistakes made…
And you have been tempted, OH SO tempted to give up ... Views: 677
Yes, Leader, you can have it all…
And right now, I see you at the starting point…
Waiting for the order – Ready… Steady…
You see the goal…
You want it…
The wealth that just keeps flowing in…
The people you are called to impact…
The work ... Views: 675
Oh… you did not sleep last night… the child was up with some illness or the other…
Oh, I am so sorry…
You worked 20 hours in the job you hate and now you have no time for your biz…
Oh I am so sorry…
You feel down and unable to get your head in the game…
Oh I am so sorry…
You feel ... Views: 705
You are a spiritual being…
You know that but you are not always sure how to tap into the power that comes from being intimately connected with Source…
In fact, if you are honest, you have not always connected with Source, with Spirit…
You have found the heavens silent…
You have been knock, ... Views: 702
You have always wanted to be the centre of attention…
Be honest, you know you have…
But you did not think that you were allowed to be that person…
You did not think that it was something that people like you were allowed to do…
And yet, YET, YOU WANT TO!
To be noticed by the world…
To be ... Views: 831
It is scary and exhilarating to see how much power people have over their own financial futures…
Just this morning, I woke up to a question on one of my Facebook adverts asking how it is even possible to make $5k a month from online courses in just 180 days. And I must admit that at ... Views: 815
You have strong, powerful desires…
Big dreams, ideas of how life could be…
And you try.
Yes you try to make it all happen.
Except you think that the current version of you is somehow going to transform into something else, someone else and get better results somehow and needless to say, IT ... Views: 750
You are just about ready to quit…
You are fed up with the lack of response, you are fed up of putting yourself out there…
You are fed up of having passivity thrown back in your face as you try so hard to help people see how you can help them…
And you are ready to quit!
QUIT AND DO ... Views: 751
Man, sex is such a beautiful thing…
Such a pleasurable feeling…
Such a powerful sensation…
And most leaders, especially the more spiritual types (or maybe I should say, religious types), do not speak of it…
Well, in most cases, they do not speak of it because they are not having amazing ... Views: 841
You need it, you know…
You might be uncomfortable with the word because it reminds you of that crazy preacher man from your past, calling down fire and brimstone and now you associate the word with that…
But that is not what I mean…
No need for religion ... Views: 738
Nope, I don’t say this to warm the cockles of your heart and make you feel comforted and stuck in place…
I say this to help you remember that you have always been and you will always be a winner…
And because you are a winner, there is no room for the wimpiness that sometimes can be ... Views: 723
Stop holding back thinking you are greedy or selfish or not allowed or any other reason you come up with…
You are created for freedom but YOU MUST CLAIM IT…
No one will give it to you until you have the confidence to decide that it is yours and you go after it against the odds of living in a ... Views: 733
Man, for the longest time, the fear won me over…
Like it is doing you, right now…
It made me feel that I could never win… Not in the way I wanted to…
I could win a little…
But I thought I would always just survive…
I thought I would always just get by…
I thought I would just about ... Views: 675
Leader, you want to hit $5k online in your business and you are stuck in a stifling relationship that does not satisfy you…
But you are committed to this person…
But this has got to be dealt with, not swept under the rug…
It is impossible to create an abundant life when there are ... Views: 889
Life is not happening to you…
You are happening to it!
You, with every thought, are creating your experience of life…
It can sometimes feel untrue that this is the way life works and yet it is…
You really are more powerful than you give yourself credit for…
It all originates with ... Views: 675
So, you made an offer…
You put your life’s work out there…
With baited breath, you waited for the response from your people…
And there was nothing…
A few likes…
Even a solid heart!
But overall, no one actually puts their money down…
And you wonder what on earth you have done ... Views: 687
You keep waiting, praying, believeing that somehow you will feel a level of certainty that you did not personally create!
You think that someone, somewhere is going to come and tell you that today is the day you win!
Honey, no one is coming!
You are the magic!
You are the one who ... Views: 643
I used to think sex was bad…
Something tacked onto every human being by some mysterious mistake and now we had to put up with it as a distraction from perfect holiness or something…
Thankfully, I was mistaken.
Unfortunately, a lot of people, even leaders like you, may still live beneath the ... Views: 2157
Here’s a lesson for you…
It will be different for everyone reading it…
OK, listen in…
About a month ago, I spoke to a lady over Skype…
With big ideas about what she wanted to do…
What she felt compelled and called to do but uncertain about how to market her thing…
She said she ... Views: 712
Let me be completely honest with you…
Living with me is not easy…
I don’t want to do what normal people do…
I have offended incredible numbers of extended family members because I don’t want to clean up, cook, pick up the pieces behind them or do any of the things they think I should ... Views: 667
I listen to people telling me day in and day out about how they only want to make the money they need…
And I see from their demeanour that they think that that makes them in some way, holier than everyone else out there who is out to grab everything they can get – or so they think…
And I ... Views: 1209
I talk a lot about doing ONLY things that you want to do…
Of building a life based on your desires and wants…
And some may take that to mean that you can just do things when you feel like it…
And I suppose that it might make sense to the weak-minded that that is what I mean but Let me be ... Views: 1993
I wanted to be a stripper when I grew up…
I was about 7/8 sitting in my mum’s office, reading ‘The Happy Hooker’ and thinking how cool it would be to be a stripper…
Thankfully, I was too wise to say that out loud to anyone or else I would have been beaten, probably…
Yep, you can say I was ... Views: 915
Some people think that you can only fail at the work that you love and so they stay stuck in a job, a business that they dislike thinking that it is safer…
And then, they get made redundant…
The company they work for, shuts down…
They come to work one day to find that everyone left the ... Views: 940
You feel it in the resentment and annoyance that is beneath the surface everytime you do things just because you think you have to…
You feel it in the lethargy that dogs your every waking moment when you have to get up to go to that job…
You hate what you have to do to grow your business ... Views: 691
I hid myself all the time…
So scared to be seen…
So scared that I was not good enough…
So scared that whatever I said would be used against me…
So scared that I was a fraud…
I had a solid shield around me…
More like a high tower and no one was allowed in…
No one was allowed ... Views: 655
You tell me how determined you are to win in your online business…
You tell me that this time is the time when you will not back down…
You pay mentor upon mentor…
You get all excited for about ten seconds…
And then some event happens…
And there is always some event…
This is not a new ... Views: 669
I see you, Leader…
And you are lying!
Lying over and over and over again about what you claim to want…
About what you claim your life is supposed to be about…
About how busy you are…
Actually, no… You are not lying about being busy!
Of course you are so busy…
Busy attending to ... Views: 717
Leader, as you jump on the success trail, the narrow path that is solely yours…
There will be reasons to jump straight off…
Whether it be sick children…
Aged parents demanding attention…
Partners who claim to feel neglected…
Bosses who demand more than your full attention…
Church leaders ... Views: 773
OK, this is going to ruffle your feathers…
It is going to make you think that I don’t care…
It is going to make you wonder what on earth you ever saw in me…
Unless you really are the leader I think you just might be…
Because honey, no…
I will not call you…
No ... Views: 685
This morning, I got caught up again in trying to know before taking any action whatsoever, if something would work or not…
I fell for it again…
I got to thinking and overthinking what text to put in my adverts for Facebook…
Trying to go see what others had done…
Trying to see the end before ... Views: 792
So many people walk around hating themselves…
Hiding themselves behind frumpy clothes…
Hiding themselves by not saying what they really think…
Hiding themselves by settling for relationships where they are not ... Views: 795
Leader, it is time to step things up!
It is time to stop giving into the excuses…
It is time to be the POWERFUL creature you were created to be!
That leader who does not give excuses and actually gets off their butt and does the work that they are born to do…
The leader who recognises and ... Views: 733
As I journal-ed and communed with Spirit this morning, I was reminded of going to my antenatal class before my first baby…
We had a midwife there, explaining about what to expect in childbirth…
And she said to tap into your inner animal when giving birth…
To make the sounds, give into the ... Views: 772
You are still stuck trying to be the same as everyone else…
Judging your every thought and word before you let it out because you want to be sure that it will be accepted by everyone…
And so, you blend right in and get NOTHING that you want!
You think that just because people want something ... Views: 799
You think you have to go the roundabout route to the life you want…
And why?
Because you have spent so much money learning the wrong way for you…
Because you think your dream is not practical…
Because you think people will think you silly…
Because you doubt your ability to do the work you ... Views: 621
That pent up energy in your loins can be a source of great inspiration, you know…
Yes it is yummy to take it through to full orgasm but while you feel that high feeling, tap into your creative energy as well..
Leader, we are not the same as everyone else, okay?
Accept that and live!
Accept ... Views: 724
I thought I was frigid…
I did not seem to like sex much…
I had loved the idea of it before having it…
(Apart from the guilt of it, of course…)
But now I was married, supposedly allowed to indulge in as much sex as I liked and I kinda hated it.
I dreaded the nights when I would have to be ... Views: 628
Unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives. Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for ... Views: 885
OK, so for the longest of times, I thought that I could be both an ordinary and an extraordinary…
For the longest of times, I thought I could stand out AND blend in…
For the longest of times, I thought that I could take advice from ‘norms’ and somehow, find myself living an extraordinary ... Views: 726
Most spiritual peeps feel they have a call to do the work of changing lots of lives…
And they willingly give themselves to that call…
However, they cannot do as much as they want to because they also feel compelled not to learn how to do the real work of building a sustainable ... Views: 775
I am decided…
I make at least 4 million pounds every single year… (And that is the small version of the goal!)
I live a luxury lifestyle with my husband and princesses…
I have the most amazing relationships with my husband and princesses…
I am moving to a warm climate with a cook, tutor, ... Views: 651
You left college, university with high hopes…
You knew you were called to change the world!
I mean, everyone said it to you!
You were up to big things…
The local spiritual guide would come up to you randomly and remind you of your destiny…
Your lecturers, teachers, everyone could see ... Views: 840
1. You Actually Show Up
This weak impression of yourself that you are currently indulging in, is not sufficient.
You are not a marketer, you are a leader, a champion and no one knows it because you hide!
You hide behind your brand, your logo, your company name, your perfectly professional ... Views: 654