You are a leader-champion and no one around you gets it!
You want soooo much!
And you have been ashamed about wanting it all, until now…
Because Leader, I tell you right now, that you want it all because you are perfectly positioned and designed to get it all but you have to let go of all the ... Views: 761
You have something to say but you think and think and think yourself out of it because you are scared about how it will be received…
The message you have for today does not seem politically correct enough…
You worry that people will hate you for saying it…
Your friends will be shocked that ... Views: 850
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Here’s EVERYTHING you need to live a purpose driven, successful life NOW – Views: 854
You keep lurking to see what the latest, greatest marketing technique is…
You don’t think that who you are and what you have, is enough…
You hide behind pretty websites, whizz bang program names, complicated membership sites, fancy sales funnels and all of that stuff but it separates you from ... Views: 877
You are a hidden warrior…
You have always had a shield about you…
Covering up the person you really are…
Wanting that approval from people who want you to play a lot smaller than you want to.
And you have given in, and hidden parts of you because it was easier…
It helped you get along with ... Views: 859
You are a hidden warrior…
You have always had a shield about you…
Covering up the person you really are…
Wanting that approval from people who want you to play a lot smaller than you want to.
And you have given in, and hidden parts of you because it was easier…
It helped you get along with ... Views: 781
There are two kinds of pushing…
Two kinds of action taking…
And you need to know which one you are doing…
Is your pushing making you feel exhilarated as you realise just how powerful you are?
Is your pushing, your hustling the result of a desire for an awesome life for you and your ... Views: 774
Man!!! When last were you just ‘YOU’?
When last did you let yourself express your own thoughts, your own feelings, your own individual personality?
We have all been trained and trained to be anything but ourselves so before you say ANYTHING, you check yourself, you see if it will stand ... Views: 835
Think about it…
A life with no guilt, no shame and no fear about whatever it is you are about to do or have done…
How freeing would that be?
No longer worrying about being a good or bad parent – Just loving your kids the best you can in this moment…
No longer worrying about being a ... Views: 696
Regardless of what Dan Kennedy says, YOU ARE NOT A MARKETER!
So, you know what, stop trying to be one!
You are a leader, through and through!
You carry an amazing energy that can change lives and also, MAKE YOU A LOT OF MONEY!
But you think you have to do ... Views: 694
Lots of people want it all…
Lots of people dream about having it all…
Lots of people do not want to hustle to make it happen!
And so therefore lots of people do not GET IT ALL!
But you are not LOTS of people!
You are ‘YOU’!
And you know you are made to be a champion!
Nothing less than the ... Views: 715
Let me be honest with you – You already know everything you need to know to get rich…
Everything has been revealed to you but…
And this is the big but…
You do not believe it can be that simple…
And so you go looking for some convoluted pathway to wealth…
You listen to any person who ... Views: 734
You have reached a level of success and now, you feel stuck there…
Because everyone expects certain things of you…
And now, you feel you have to be that person…
That person they want you to be…
Even though you feel called to be someone else…
And also ... Views: 769
You know what… I am not your regular business coach that is only going to talk to you about numbers and statistics and conversion rates and all that…
Important stuff for sure, kinda but only relevant when you are showing up and doing the work consistently…
And right now, you are ... Views: 784
There is a reason you are not doing the work you know to do to get a result and it is not because you do not know the latest and greatest techniques, tips, tricks, strategies…
And it is your reluctance to see that it is not as simple as learning these things, that holds you back.
Come on, ... Views: 681
There is a reason you are not doing the work you know to do to get a result and it is not because you do not know the latest and greatest techniques, tips, tricks, strategies…
And it is your reluctance to see that it is not as simple as learning these things, that holds you back.
Come on, ... Views: 730
Everyday, we are asked for this password and that password…
This PIN number or that PIN number…
There is security everywhere trying to keep us safe.
Trying to stop people from stealing our identities and our money.
And as I click on another ‘Forgot Your Password’ link, I am reminded about ... Views: 693
Are you bought into yourself?
Do you really believe you have what it takes to get what you want out of your life and business?
Do you really think it is possible to live a life full of activities you adore, rather than just doing what HAS TO BE DONE to survive?
Do you really think that you ... Views: 747
We all have rules…
Rules about what we have to do in order to be fulfilled and make money…
Who we have to be…
How exactly we have to make it happen…
So many hidden rules, so many obvious ones…
And all those rules just get in the way of what is TRYING ... Views: 706
OK, the chances are that if you are here reading this and you are in my community, you want to make the world a better place in some way…
And at the same time, you want to make money and change the lives of YOU and your family too…
And maybe for a while now, you have been wondering why ... Views: 660
Your focus is too much on the here and now…
And so how can you create the wealth and riches you want while all you see is the debt and struggle of today?
When you act in fear and uncertainty, of course the result you get is more fear and uncertainty.
You cannot physically see the big vision ... Views: 817
You and I, we are driven…
We are different from most because we have these big ideas of making a huge difference and also making a whole lot of money. It is always a fine balance thinking about money and difference, isn’t it?
Thoughts such as ‘Am I allowed to do both?’ arise…
The ... Views: 957
I see you holding back on what you put out in the world…
I see you second guessing and wondering whether people will like what you have to offer, what you have to say…
I see you, being less than the person you are created to be…
And it is painful to watch.
You ... Views: 706
OK, I don’t want to suggest that starting something new is always easy -peasy-lemon-swueezy because well, we are all human and it can be tough to change the way you see the world and start doing something different, right?
I get it! I live it every day and it can feel tough to ... Views: 717
You set uncommon goals for yourself.
And beneath your external mask is a deep desire to achieve it all and also, to get rich. Be honest about it!
You are done with all the worrying about where the money is going to come from for you to fulfil your destiny and make all the difference you ... Views: 698
A few weeks ago, I decided to stop caring…
To stop caring about appealing to people I am not called to serve…
I have always preached this to my clients – The art of polarisation – Know your people and deliberately repel everyone else and yet, I had been trying too hard to help ... Views: 914
This is the question that plagues your mind. You have worked hard, put something together that you know will absolutely help anyone that avails themselves of it and yet, it is so hard to get anyone to make a move, to pull out their wallet, to pay you the money to allow you to serve ... Views: 903
Yes, of course you can quit…
Of course, you can call it all a lost cause…
Of course, you can settle into your boring old existence doing things that you do not want to do forever…
Living beneath your potential and living with the dissatisfaction that arises from living like a ‘norm’ when you ... Views: 812
Enough of the waiting…
Enough of the asking for permission…
Enough of thinking that anyone else has the right to tell you what you are allowed to do or not do…
Have or not have…
Be or not be…
Enough, enough , enough!
If you want something, ... Views: 881
Hey you!
Yes you! You, the one with the big ideas…
You the one who knows that you are called to do something great…
You the one with a BIG, HUGE story of triumph and winning over all the odds…
You who knows that you have something to offer people who are currently in the same place you ... Views: 811
Let me come right out and just say this to you – You are paying far too much attention to what everyone else thinks you should be doing and so it is getting in the way of you listening to your own unique money-maker.
Your internal wisdom is crying out but the sound of everyone else is ... Views: 698
People go to their spiritual place on whatever day of the week and think that that is faith.
People set rules for other people to live by in order to be part of the ‘faith’ club and again, think that that is faith.
But none of that is real faith.
Real faith is an act of ... Views: 1007
I became a mum about 9 years ago when the beautiful, wonderful T came into my life. It was, like most mums would agree, a HUGE change.
And for the first few weeks, figuring out the breastfeeding (which was one of the toughest things I have EVER done!), the lack of sleep, the constant ... Views: 908
Yes, I know…
You are tired, sleepy and everyone else is still asleep…
You had a hard day yesterday and you have a hard day coming today…
So, yes, I suppose you could stay down, hit that snooze button again…
Get that much needed sleep…
Loose yourself ... Views: 954
So, you have distilled out your purpose…
You know what you want your life to stand for and to be about…
And now you are all excited…
All those years of the fog are behind you!
You are on path!
You feel the pull of purpose, drive, enthusiasm and ... Views: 816
I used to do this thing all the time and I wonder if you do it too.
I did this thing where I would wake up at some weird time in the morning and lie in bed thinking and worrying about all the things I had not done yet…
I would lie there imagining the worst, wishing I was ... Views: 659
Let’s be clear…
Some days as you pursue your goals, you will feel delusional…
You look at those big goals of yours and you look at the people around you scurrying around doing what they always do and there you are, thinking big thoughts about how you are going to make millions ... Views: 932
You have built a wall around you…
And you think it makes you safe…
No one sees this wall of yours but they feel its power to repel them…
They can only get so close to you…
And most of the time, you like it this way because it seems that people bring hurt into ... Views: 1024
Listen, it is all well and good, telling yourself that abundance is your birthright but there are days when it just does not feel like it.
There are days when you feel the nervous agitation in your chest as you consider how far you are from where you want to be…
No matter how ... Views: 745
Part of this wonderful journey to abundance will come with you getting angry, OH SO ANGRY, with the people who supposedly love you (And they really do), but they don’t support you.
They think you are crazy and deluded…
But they humour you…
And you can feel that they ... Views: 1046
It is hard when you do not feel like you are experiencing abundance to then claim that it is your birthright. I know. I have lived with poverty and though nowhere near as bad as it could have been, it still infected all of my thinking.
Everything came with a struggle…
I had to do things I ... Views: 1158
So, how do you step into abundance when it seems well beyond your current level of experience?
Take some time each day to be silent and to journal
Every leader needs to take time to think, to navel-gaze, to write out what comes up, to pick up on new ideas in the ... Views: 924
Imagine the scene…
A street artist drawing, painting, scene after scene of people living life…
Normally these pictures are still-life – A depiction of life with no life in them but this time, as you walk round looking at these pictures, they seem to come alive.
Men, women in all walks ... Views: 845
So, I am just like you…
I want to know exactly how things will work…
I want to know that every single effort I put in, towards the quest for my big goals will result in all the riches and the impact that I know I am born for.
And so, instead of just going with my gut, I go look see what ... Views: 740
You think it is the lack of sales – No, this is a symptom…
You think it is the lack of a great strategy – So, you go looking for the best-est tip/trick/technique you can find and that is such a time suck because it keeps you from actually doing the work…
You think it is your fear ... Views: 846
Everyday, you speak, you write, you talk life or death into your desires and you are still not completely aware of your own power.
It is easier to think that things happen to you and that you just have to roll with the punches and that is so not true. You always get a choice. You ... Views: 974
So, honey, tell me…
What do you want the money for?
Because that reason is the thing that will empower or disempower you to receive it.
Money alone is lifeless. It represents certain things to you and if it represents security and certainty then the chances are that you will never get ... Views: 1441
Yesterday, I was tired…
A little bit fed up…
And a whole lot “Wondering why on earth I keep doing this”?
Yep, I get like that too…
I certainly am not perfect but I am committed…
Committed enough that I still do the things on a daily basis that I have made a habit of…
And I only made them a ... Views: 1469
Yes, I know I cannot control you…
I cannot control what you choose to do or not do…
I cannot make you stick around if you choose to run off…
But I will do my best!
Because honey, I am showing up!
Every single day and I will keep doing it.
Join me!
You have a call, a deep inner longing to ... Views: 1417
The difference between you and every single person out there, is that you have vision.
Vision about what you want to create in your life and business/ministry…
Vision about the money you will make from your books, music…
A great big huge vision…
And a determination that it absolutely IS ... Views: 1504