Did you know that your self-talk can determine how much money you will make? If you harbor negative thoughts about money, those thoughts will sabotage your ability to attract prosperity. For example, harboring an envious or jealous thought towards someone who is rich will repel your own ... Views: 1890
The journey of attracting wealth begins by improving your self-esteem. It’s of utmost importance that you feel deserving of the wealth you want to attract. The only way you can feel worthy of the riches you want, is to think highly enough of yourself to feel that you deserve them.
What you ... Views: 1171
Sometimes I run into people who are making plenty of money but complain about how little they have. It’s analogous to the spoiled child who upon receiving a gift complains that he or she didn’t get a bigger one, or a better one, or more than one gift. What would be your reaction if you had ... Views: 1086
What is success? When it comes to thinking about success or failure, most people think it’s either or, one or the other. But I have found when you look at success and failure as two sides of the same coin, you may find yourself to be a lot more successful than you realize.
What is success ... Views: 1123
Do you have a fear of success? You may say, “Are you crazy? Of course I’m not afraid of success.” But sometimes I run across folks who really are afraid of being successful. Why is that?
Several things may contribute to the problem. It could come from a negative experience you have had ... Views: 1420
Everyone knows that the number one obstacle preventing most people from reaching their goals is procrastination. Right? Maybe not. I heard a wonderful talk by Robert Allen years ago on procrastination. In the talk, he suggested that procrastination was one of the best kept secrets of ... Views: 1079
There are many ways to apply the universal laws of attraction to your life. One of them can create good luck. But first, what is luck exactly? And how do you use it to your advantage?
What is luck?
On Sept. 9, 2010 over 6,000 couples got married en mass in Taiwan. Why? Because it was ... Views: 1713
Are you actively using the laws of attraction in your business? One of the most powerful ways to use it is in marketing. The new leading edge marketing term is "attraction marketing." This is where you attract customers rather than seek them. This new marketing paradigm is different from ... Views: 1226
A System for Achieving Goals: Energy Management
By Jeannette Koczela
A recent recording of a life coach was saying that from a survey he did, only 5% of the participants of most of the self-improvement seminars he went to actually felt that they had attained their goals from the class. ... Views: 1310
Are you aware of just how damaging negative self-talk really is? It can ruin your day and prevent you from realizing your dreams. If you aren’t earning the amount of money you want, or aren’t in the career or business you want, it could be because of the negative stories you are telling ... Views: 2062
Just about everything that has been written in the 20th century about success and wealth can be traced back to the principles Wallace Wattles wrote about in his book, "The Science of Getting Rich". In this popular book, published in 1910, he revealed the secret to the Law of Attraction and ... Views: 1763