Have you built a website and are wondering why it’s not attracting clients like you thought it would? Getting clients from your website is an important part of your business. If it isn’t performing well enough, you need to analyze why it isn’t and take steps to make improvements.

You want to visitor to be pulled in and engage themselves in your site and stick around long enough to find out more about you and your services and hopefully sign-up for your mailing list.

When you have a well designed website, you can lead your visitor through it the way you want them to go. It’s similar to how a master painter designs a painting so that the content leads the viewer’s eye to exactly where on the canvas he wants the viewer’s eye to go and in what order. You can do the same thing with a website. Here are a few tips for taking control of your website visitor’s experience on your landing page.

1) Make a strong first impression. You want your target market to arrive on your site and react with a thought like, “This is what I’ve been looking for” of “Wow, let me check this out further.” One way to engage them is to demonstrate that you have a solution to their problem. The landing page should clearly outline a problem and show that you have experience in solving that problem. Many times you can do this in your header with a tagline, or in the headline of your page.

The overall layout and appearance of your website reflects a lot about you also. It should have a clean look, a pleasing, coordinated color scheme, and easy to read text.

2) Make an irresistible offer. The first step in acquiring clients is to allow a way for them to get acquainted with you. In order to do that you need to entice them to opt-in to your mailing list so you can send them valuable content that helps them get to know more about you and your services.

The only way to entice visitors to give out their email address is to make them an offer they can’t refuse. What can you give them that will give them some relief from their problem and also demonstrate how you can help them further with your products? Begin to think like your ideal customer and ask yourself, “What do I want that I would be willing to give my email out for, in order to get it?”

3) Present a strong call to action. I have been on sites where I can’t figure out what I’m supposed to do next. Then there are the sites that only have an opt-in page with no other information at all. These are the extremes.

Ideally you want to make the opt-in the obvious action to take but also provide enough information so that the visitor feels a need for your freebie and understands what it is. After all, you don’t want just anybody on your list. You want a targeted audience of potential clients that you can turn into raving fans with your high-value, high-content materials. Also you don’t want them to have to make any other decisions when they first view your site. Your goal is to capture their email so you can start building a relationship with them. Keep a balance of providing valuable content and give them a reason to want more.

4) Show social proof. It never can hurt to demonstrate that others have benefited from your services. Always have several testimonials and/or success stories on your landing page and a link to a page with more of them. These give you more credibility.

Other forms of credibility you can have on the home page include membership badges, accreditation, books you have authored, any titles after your name such as Phd, founder of, etc. Also having a nice photo of yourself on the home page gets more engagement from the visitor than not having one. You are building a relationship and people like to relate to real people.

5) Give your contact information. Have a way your visitors can contact you either by email or phone. Some marketers advise not to have you email address on your site to prevent spam, but I disagree. I receive many inquiries about my services by email from visitors to my site. And my email service does a great job of filtering out the spam.

One of my pet peeves is when a website doesn’t have a phone number. Placing a phone number along with your email, gives you more credibility. Visitors know that if they have a problem with one of your products, they can contact you. You may be worried about getting spam phone calls, but in the 5 years that I’ve had websites with my phone number, I’ve never had any spam calls and only two calls from potential clients. The phone number is just a security blanket for your potential clients.

Another form of contact information is social media. Some folks will want to connect with you initially via social media, so include your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other links too.

Your website should be a part of your marketing plan. Planning out a strategy for how your visitors will experience your site is something that will attract more ideal clients, and hopefully more traffic too. Identify your overall objective and then plan out how to reach it by designing your website home page to accomplish that objective.

Author's Bio: 

Jeannette Koczela coaches solopreneurs who want to get more clients, grow their business, and make more money. Let her help you create a thriving business and prosperous money mindset using the universal law of attraction. Receive her Empowered Spirit Coaching Success Kit including her report "3 Secrets to Attract Your Ideal Clients" and a free coaching session audio www.empoweredspiritcoaching.com .