“Serenity now!” When Frank Costanza shouted the words he made famous in the especially hilarious Seinfeld episode, he was seeking immediate peace. It didn’t work, of course, but don’t you wish it was that easy? Unfortunately, it’s not. But you can find time for calm and stillness within the midst of a busy life?
Is it possible to find true peace while you’re driving to work, making dinner, or reading to the kids? I asked clients, friends, and my Intuition Newsletter subscribers these questions and received some wonderful answers. I’ve shared ten of my favorites below.
“I spend a great deal of time on the road in my job as a salesman.I used to experience a lot of road rage. I was always angry! Now I try to see other drivers as people who may also be having a tough time. I see them as teachers of patience. I send them love.I wave them into my lane and let them go ahead of me. It may sound silly, but this shift in attitude has created an enormous oasis of peace in my car. And guess what—my sales have increased exponentially!”
“I work in a busy office and make it a priority to eat lunch in a nearby park or, when the weather’s bad, in my car. It’s very hard to listen within when I’m multitasking. I take those rare moments when my cell phone, iPod, and radio are off to just rest while I eat. It’s amazing all the helpful inner whispers I hear when I take time to slow down.”
“Most people I know listen to some heavy pump-you-up music at the gym. I listen to meditation music and feel in the zone. I go to the gym for half an hour during my workday. Working out gets the cobwebs out of my brain, and I come up with wonderful ideas while running on the treadmill or practicing yoga. I also use part of this time visioning my intentions and praying. My belief is that the body is the temple of the soul. I hope it doesn’t sound sacrilegious, but I feel so much more in tune with my spirit at the gym than I do when I go to church.”
“My company has a meditation room. I go there for reflection and prayer as part of my lunch break. I come back to work feeling centered and relaxed. The answers to issues I was struggling with in the morning seem to be resolved during that brief time for contemplation. Even if your company doesn’t have a special room, most folks can close the door to their office and hold the calls.”
“If I can’t actually get away from the office, I make a point of changing my location. It can often be as simple as switching from my desk to the couch in my office. I actually think of it as my ‘inspiration couch.’ The minor change helps me be receptive to new ideas as I listen within. I like to meditate on questions or issues I’m struggling with. Usually after five minutes, some answers have popped into my mind that weren’t there moments ago.”
“I reserve time in our company conference room several times a week. It looks out onto a huge field filled with wildflowers. I use those occasions as my intuition time. I bring a notepad, colored pens and pencils, and do some creative mind mapping—which is a form of brainstorming. I get amazing results fast.”
“If I’m feeling really agitated and anxious, I bring to mind a line in the book A Course in Miracles. It says, ‘I could choose peace instead of this.’ I’ll take a few deep, calming breaths and ask myself, ‘How else could I be thinking about this?’ or ‘What would bring me peace in this situation?’”
“I have a lot going on in my life and have to work hard to find peace in myself. Simple phrases or mantras are helpful in keeping me centered and connecting me to Spirit. My favorites are ‘I am loved and protected,’ ‘I feel God’s peace flowing through me now,’ ‘I am a child of God,’ and ‘Peace be with me and also with you.’”
“I have three pictures I keep in my wallet. They are Jesus, the Dalai Lama, and my grandma (God rest her soul). They all represent people who are really wise and spiritual. When I feel like I need guidance, I pull out one of the photos and ask ‘What would Grandma do?’ or ‘How would Buddha respond?’ Usually an answer will pop into my head immediately.”
10) ASK GOD.
“I feel that I have a personal relationship with God. I believe He exists in me and around me.I experience Him as a loving friend.I talk to him all the time saying things like, ‘Is this the right action to take or the best way to respond?’ Sometimes if I’m feeling discouraged I’ll say things like,‘I’m feeling down right now.I don’t know what to do. Please show me the right next step and the best attitude.’I just listen within. Sometimes the answers come quickly and at other times they’ll arrive slowly or in a form I wasn’t expecting.Asking the questions always centers me and makes me feel connected to a larger vision and purpose.”
What about you? How do you find peace in your busy day? I’d love to hear your answers!
Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed., is a leading expert and professional speaker on the topic of intuition. Through her work as an intuitive consultant she's helped thousands of people discover their life passion and achieve their goals. Voted “Best Psychic” by Boston Magazine, she’s also a bestselling author whose latest book is LISTEN: Trusting Your Inner Voice in Times of Crisis. Her other books include Divine Intuition and Trust Your Gut. She writes a free, highly popular Intuition Newsletter. She may be reached at 800-925-4002 or at Lynn@LynnRobinson.com.
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