When I was a small child, I watched many movies in the Shawmut Theater in Roxbury. It was located close to Eagleton Square, which was bustling with activity and safe years ago. Today you don’t venture there if you value your life. The Shawmut was more than a movie house. It was a community ... Views: 1053
The key to getting the most out of life is to first have a clear picture of where you're at right now. For example, if you wanted to go on a trip across the country, you'd obviously take out a map, determine your point of departure and THEN chart the course to your destination. Life is no ... Views: 782
How many people realize how much acupuncture treatments can help children rid themselves of unwanted illness? Rearing children without overuse of antibiotics, ear tubes, allergy shots, and excessive use of OTC and prescription medications can be a daunting task. If western society understood how ... Views: 1052
Our third grade class was listening to our teacher, Miss Pratt. She told us she was disappointed that we were not making the progress she had expected with multiplication tables one through nine. She explained that we really understood the meaning of multiplication but that we had not spent ... Views: 1530
Did you know that habits are incredibly powerful tools for personal growth and success?
Think about the habits you have now and how they affect virtually every aspect of your life. Your weight and health are determined by your eating habits. Your relationships with people are determined by your ... Views: 2432
"If a salesperson expresses a view to a prospect, it's a pitch. If a prospect expresses it--out loud -- it's true."
Probing is about uncovering prospects wants, desires and needs --and differentiating the three to provide a solution that will enable them to accomplish their goals.
There's an ... Views: 803
Assumptions can kill a sale. In my sales training workshops, I frequently discuss the importance of not making assumptions about a person before, during, or after the sales process. Participants frequently nod and tell me that they NEVER make assumptions. One person (Doug Maquire, ... Views: 892
"I saw the word 'free' used effectively in an ad recently," ETR's editor Charlie Byrne told me.
"Jimmy Buffett is coming to town, and there are MANY tickets for his concert being offered on eBay. If you look at the listings, you'll see 'Buffett Tickets for Sale!' . . . 'Jimmy Buffett -- Good ... Views: 1076
Last month, I sold yet another small business -- my third "flip" in the past 12 months -- for a nice profit. I'm currently in the process of starting up another, and I've got more planned for after that. Life is pretty good.
But things weren't always this way for me.
In was May of 1987 and I'd ... Views: 3391
"You can go 60 miles an hour in the car- but you can go 60 miles a minute on the phone."
Selling is about how many times you can get in front of how many potential clients to create how many opportunities to ultimately earn business.
But who says that getting in front of prospects has to be ... Views: 1665
Sometimes it seems that no matter what you do, some days it seems like you would have been better off staying in bed. And sometimes, even that is no escape. There are natural therapies, available to everyone, that cost zero, that can help get you back on track. After all, everyone wants to feel ... Views: 14059
When was the last time you took a day just for yourself? If you're asmall business owner or anyone else for that matter, your answer isprobably never. Essentially an Extraordinary Self-care Day is taking one24-hour period where you take "extraordinary" care of yourself. You dono work at all. I ... Views: 1059
A recent article in a business magazine asked the question "If theeconomy is doing so well, why does everyone feel so bad?"
There are a lot of very sophisticated answers to this question like"jobs are moving out of the county, there is a war in Iraq, the cost ofliving is rising, etc, etc." I ... Views: 2747
"Now don't you go getting any ideas, Harold".
"Don't you get any ideas either, Terry".
"Don't you two get any ideas".
The young mother's words to her small children echoed in my head for several days. While I realized she was probably warning them to not do something against her wishes or ... Views: 915
This may sound like a strange question, but are you really excited about your goals? Of course, I'm making the assumption that you have already invested the time to think about what you want your life to be like and identified some of your goals in several areas. If not, please do this ... Views: 837
How Big Are Your Questions? It doesn't get any simpler than that. Aswith most real wisdom this idea, expressed so beautifully by Mark VictorHansen, co-author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul," is very simple to understand and even simpler to implement. If you want a bigger outcome ask a bigger ... Views: 1056
A number of years ago, I had the rather unique experience of beingbackstage in Madison Square Garden, in New York, during the RinglingBrothers Barnum & Bailey Circus. To say the least, it was a fascinatingexperience. I was able to walk around looking at the lions, tigers,giraffes and all the ... Views: 871
The recent media reports alerting us to the impending terrorist attacksare an insult to the intelligence of the American people and nothingmore than sensationalism, designed to boost ratings. This is not news.Everyone in the United States above the age of reason knew that at9:00am on September ... Views: 861
If you're like most people, you have a difficult time thinking of exactly what you really, really want or what you'd like to create in your life/career/business. Brainstorming about your "perfect" day can help you begin to get in touch with your needs, wants and values and clarify longer term ... Views: 882
If setting goals and resolutions keep you focused and work for you then by all means keep using them! However, if goals seem too rigid or too restrictive and leave you feeling cold/bored/unmotivated, perhaps using vision and intention affirmations will help to inspire you. Below are some ... Views: 825
I'm really excited to share the following 5 steps for goal setting with you. If you're like me and need an occasional nudge in the right direction, this formula can definitely help:
1. Write down your goal - - make sure it is specific, measurable, time-bound and fits who you are...honors your ... Views: 848
Our bodies have great healing wisdom but do we listen?
There was a great true story I read where a lady who had breast cancer and the doctors gave her 6 months to live. They said they could do nothing for her and sent her away to die. She as a last resort went to see an intuitive healer the ... Views: 1247
You know that YOU are the creator of all that occurs in all of your lifeexperience, right?
You create your physical life experience through your thoughts.Literally, every thought that you think gives birth to a creation. EVERYthought has creative power.
The subconscious accepts whatever you ... Views: 1002
I found the key to life and happiness on a Golf course. Golf Course, you might wonder? How could a game that makes grown men cry like babies and throw their clubs like toddlers hold the key to anything but frustration and pain? The answer came to me a few years ago when my family and I moved to ... Views: 1869
"People buy on emotion. It's your job as the salesperson to trigger those emotions to create interest. Interest=opportunity."
Initial Benefit Statement: An explanation of what you are offering, what it means and why anyone should care - in the exact opposite order
Why should someone consider ... Views: 14701
Prospecting: Uncovering qualified opportunities through various methods in an effort to advance potential clients in the sales process
Firm date, firm time. In the world of sales, there's an old cliché that nothing happens until someone sells something. Not true. A better saying:
"Nothing ... Views: 948
Objections: Buying signals in which emotions are expressed.
People buy on emotion. Whether they are introverts or extroverts is immaterial, if emotions are not expressed, no purchase will be made. Just because not all people are vocal about their feelings does not mean they do not have them. ... Views: 1857
"Persistence, Perseverance and Patience=Payoff."
Follow-up, follow-up and more follow-up.
If ever there were one key to what separates top "consultants" from middle of the road "salespeople," it would come down to one word: follow-up.
Contrary to those supporters of the "Do Not Call" list, ... Views: 1108
Is neediness ruining your relationships?
By John Gray, author of Men are from Mars Women are from Venus
In a recent survey conducted at MarsVenus.com, “neediness”—clingy, controlling, possessive and/or demanding behavior—was one of the most commonly cited reasons for ... Views: 7267
Where is he when you need him...and why does it hurt so badly?
By John Gray, author of Men are from Mars Women are from Venus
Has this scenario ever played out in your relationship?
You and your partner are getting along just fine, and with no notice something changes. He’s no longer ... Views: 1030
Unlucky in Love?
Learn the five golden rules to building a happy relationship
We recently asked our Mars Venus telephone coaches to name the top relationship struggle they hear from female callers. The number one response was dating relationships that have failed because the man pulled away, ... Views: 2471
Mind/Body medicine is based on the fact that our health and well-being depends on all the individual parts to work together effectively. So it should come as no surprise that healthy eyesight is also dependent upon our total well-being, which is affected by our genetic makeup, the food we eat, ... Views: 918
I'd like to tell you a story...
It's a story that you might find strangely familiar. Don't be alarmed.
Once upon a time, there was a man who was very attracted to a particular woman.
... Views: 933
If you listen to a group of attractive, single women talking alone over dinner or drinks, the topic will always turn to MEN.
And in most cases, it will eventually turn into a RANT session about how hard it is to find good men to date...
Which will lead to a FULL-ON RAG SESSION about ... Views: 3944
How Guys Screw Up First Dates ...OR...
"The One Thing NEVER To Do With A Woman" By David DeAngelo I get a lot of guys who write in to ask me how to behave around women. Many of those questions focus on the first meeting or the first date.
... Views: 2150
Here Are The Top TenReasons Why Men Fail With Women—And How To Make Sure YOU Avoid Every One OfThese Deadly Common Mistakes...By David DeAngeloMISTAKE#1: Being
Too Much Of A “Nice Guy” Haveyou ever noticed that the really attractive women never seem to be ... Views: 2468
Let me start off by telling you something interesting:
I've personally stopped focusing on just getting phone numbers. I've found that EMAIL addresses are far better (I still get the phone number too, of course).
... Views: 1494
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health fact: 25% of employees view their jobs as the No. 1 stressor in their lives, more so than financial or family problems. Now job stress can be reversed and prevented with a new treatment at home, the pulsed magnetic fields of Magnopro. This ... Views: 1767
Will we ever be totally unafraid? Probably not. Fears and doubts willalways arise. As we go through the various stages and events in life,making one transition after another, we're constantly called upon toface new things that we've never confronted before. Being prepared witha process to ... Views: 3021
“One day, men, too, will benefit. But today, it is our turn. Today the big health breakthroughs are woman-wise cures—cures discovered by women, with women... for women.
“One day,” says Susan Lark, M.D., pioneer of woman-wise cures, “all medicine will be practiced this way.”
Surprisingly, ... Views: 955
Question: I would like clarification on this thought: "Your present isnot a result of your past."
Answer: Since now is all there is, nothing in the present can be aresult of your past. Your past has nothing to do with the present,unless you drag your past into the present, which then becomes ... Views: 1140
When you change your mind about something, you change your experience of it. If there is any room for growth in your finances right now or you have a desire to grow your business, then it is time to “grow your mind” by expanding your thinking. By creating a mindset for wealth, you begin a ... Views: 1050
The very presence of life means that stress is also present. The recognition of and the reaction to stressors is fundamental to physical and emotional existence. Our reactions to stressors are either healthy, that is, adaptive, or unhealthy, that is, maladaptive. Maladaptive reactions to ... Views: 2292
What's Your Dosha, Baby?
Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love
By Lisa Marie Coffey
* Endorsed by Deepak Chopra and Cherie Carter-Scott.
* Foreword by Dr. Vasant Lad.
* Edited excerpt: The ancient Indian "science of life" called Ayurveda
explains that human beings, like ... Views: 3720
(c) 2004 All Rights Reserved.
You most likely recall exactly where you were, and exactly what you were doing, when you learned of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center.
I most certainly do!
I clearly recall my disbelief and total amazement. I recall exactly where I was standing when I ... Views: 838
Referrals: An effective way to earn business in which
one individual endorses the services of another
individual to a third party in an effort to increase
everyone’s income
There is no better way to earn clients than with the help of others. Cold calling and telemarketing are necessary, but ... Views: 877
(Warner Books, May 2004, $13.95)
Have you ever berated yourself for missing a golden opportunity to talk about yourself and your accomplishments because you were fearful of coming off as too showy or self-serving? How come so many of us can only think of the right things to say about ourselves ... Views: 1983
Here is an amazing review of "Positive Energy" by Judith Orloff M.D.
written by Caroline Myss - author of the best selling book, "Sacred
Contracts and
Anatomy of the Spirit"
Ask my friends at Wachovia Bank in Florida what it means to be an Energy Banker and they'll be able to sound off the answer quicker than this week's mortgage and CD rates. I recently gave a seminar to 150 of their employees and they learned that how we invest our energy is even more important ... Views: 2208
1669 hours or about 70 days is the amount of time the average American will spend watching television in 2004 according to USA Today. 70 days. Wow. Just imagine what we could accomplish in 70 days. Unfortunately this statistic underscores the reality that many of us would rather spend hours ... Views: 808