I went through life much like my family and the community around me – not valuing the feminine strengths.

Every day in your business, you are required to make decisions. Some are small decisions that you can do without needing a lot of deep thought, like ordering supplies, buying an information product or deciding your priorities for the day.
However, every so often you need to make decisions that you know are really going to change the direction for you or your business. Decisions about a new direction in your brand, joining a high-end coaching program, or designing a new premium service. These aren’t choices you want to make lightly, as they will impact your own growth and the growth and direction of your business.

So often we were taught when we were young or even in college that the only way to make big decisions was by writing a pro and con list. I don’t know about you, but whenever I try doing that, I end up still sitting there wondering what to do.

There’s more to making a decision than the logical issues, and there’s more than one way to go about making important decisions.

Here are my top 5 favorite ways to make decisions in business:

1. Imagine that you are the goddess of your business. As a goddess, you are grounded and tuned in with your inner wisdom. See yourself making decisions with ease, trust and confidence. Let yourself stand as you would as a goddess, tilt your head, adjust your posture and fully assume the stance of a goddess. From this place, ask the question and let the decision come to you with trust and grace.

2. Go for a walk. This is an easy way to shift your energy by moving your body. Tell yourself that you will know the right decision when you walk back in the door. Then let go and just enjoy your walk.

3. Sleep on it. I like to write to my guides before I go to sleep, especially when there is something I want to know but can’t seem to articulate. I’ll write the question and hand it over to the universe. I’m amazed in the morning how quickly the answer comes to me – and with such clarity!

4. Talk to a supportive business girlfriend. We get energy when we connect with others. That energy can give us new perspectives, new ideas, and insights.

5. Talk to your coach. Mentor coaches are great at this because they hold your higher vision and don’t let you forget it. So when you are making big decisions, your coach will hold the big dream and coach you in that direction of what you really want.

This week – Keep this list on hand and when you have a big decision to make, use one of these techniques or support structures. Be sure to drop me an email and let me know how it works for you!

Author's Bio: 

Award-winning entrepreneur Laura West, CPCC, PCC, is the President of Center for Joyful Business, SpritRich™ Success and Business Coach, author and speaker. She specializes in supporting women entrepreneurs in creating a successful business that is meaningful and makes money! She makes marketing simple and takes the confusion and fear out of promoting your business with integrity and grace. Laura is the Fresh Entrepreneur Expert for Ladies Who Launch and the Attraction Marketing Expert for several online communities, including Solo-E.com and IdeaMarketers.com. Author of The Spirit of Women Entrepreneurs and the Joyful Business Guide™ system, which combines law of attraction principles with smart business strategies and is in action in over eleven countries.