We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Stage Fright and Overcoming Stage Fright". If you have expertise in Stage Fright and Overcoming Stage Fright and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Flutter is a popular mobile app development framework that allows developers to build high-performance and visually attractive apps for both iOS and Android platforms. However, as with any app development, optimizing performance is crucial to ensure a smooth user experience. In this blog post, ... Views: 431
In all my personal travels, accommodation selection is a very important part of the planning process. I try not to travel in group packages when exploring Asia, they usually take me to cashew factories, gem traders, and bird's nest restaurants, none of which appeal to me. I am also often ... Views: 91
This dust mask comes with carbon filters that will trap up to 99% of air pollutants. The great effectiveness of the filters means that the mask will adapt to a variety of sports. The mesh is made of premium nylon material to provide exceptional user permeability and prevent the mask from ... Views: 850
I have not only been involved as a contract speaker persuading audiences to buy into my ideas but a certified presentation of public peaking trainer. I have helped many people get rid their public speaking fears and become more confident and effective speakers. When they leave the Public ... Views: 1086
When you attend a public speaking course, make sure they’ve got this covered.
There are many courses out there. Based on my own experience of attending some of these and what others tell me, some very damaging teaching styles are sometimes used, like:
Videos of participants presenting are ... Views: 1614
White boards are popular among presenters, especially for corporate presentations.
Here’s why I prefer to avoid them and use a flip-chart instead (also read here why I avoid PowerPoint: ... Views: 1638
Regardless of whether you're speaking in front of an audience of people of businessmen or your cohorts, the impact is the same. The greater part of your arrangement flies out the window, your knees thump together and you should drive yourself to make that big appearance. Open talking is a ... Views: 1990
Creating and presenting my TEDx talk was one of the greatest challenges of my career - and an ultimate learning experience.
Having a solid background in acting and speaking for more than three decades gave me the belief, or so I thought, that this would be an easy task. In fact, it tested ... Views: 2317
As those of you who have been following this blog know, a few weeks ago I started taking a weekly art class. It's been great for me to connect to my creativity in a structured way. I have learned so much about my creative process and I've only been in the class for 3 weeks! I can't wait to see ... Views: 2614
Being an actor seems like the most fun job in the world. You ostensibly get to "play pretend" for a living. But sometimes for myself, and perhaps for you, it isn't fun. When my inner critic gets involved, it can suck all of the joy out of the process.
I spent a few years solely teaching and ... Views: 2265
Sales is not the evil of the world.
Although many would have you believe it is.
It is, instead, one of the most important skills you can have in life.
Because many of the things you have to do in your life involves selling something in one way or another.
As sales is just the ... Views: 2175
In his book Public Speaking For Success, Dale Carnegie gives accounts of many people of knowledge who did not publicly share what they knew, purely because they were gripped by the fear of public speaking.
When I first stepped into the public speaking arena, I thought that confidence was ... Views: 2891
Were you to give a presentation with no vocal variety, no facial expression and no body language, what do you think the reaction would be of your audience? Unless you are a comedian and that characteristic is part of your ‘shtick,’ do not expect your listeners to be much enamored by your lack ... Views: 2661
Do you wear “working on weekends and long hours” like a badge of honor?
“Woe is me!” is the battle cry of many entrepreneurs. “Look how hard I am working!”
I used to do the same thing as did many of my colleagues. That is, until it almost killed many of us. Not only were we wearing down by the ... Views: 2248
You've probably heard that public speaking is feared more than death itself. It sounds crazy, but that's what people say. Is there any truth to this?
Certainly the vast majority of people rank fear of public speaking as number one – 75% according to the National Institutes of Mental Health. ... Views: 2453
It never ceases to amaze me how many people want to get rid of their nervousness in public speaking. In truth, they should embrace that wonderful rush of adrenaline. If you’re not nervous when presenting, then I am because being overly confident is never a good thing in public speaking or any ... Views: 5208
There are several dynamics that make for good public speaking but the one component that far outweighs all others is the need to breathe while speaking. Without air, there is no voice. And yet, many novice speakers never think about that life-giving force when addressing an audience. In fact, ... Views: 3438
You’re up for that job that could be a career changer--you’re scared! What if you flub the final interview, what if you say something really stupid, what if the CEO hates your hair?
You’re dating a special someone you really like. You can feel yourself falling for him/her, big-time--you’re ... Views: 2548
Whether you are standing behind a lectern, interviewing for a new position, participating in a team meeting, speaking with a colleague, participating in a Skype job interview, or asking for a raise – you are “on” and presenting.
Make the most of all your speaking opportunities by following ... Views: 2867
Yes, man’s greatest fear is public speaking. The statistics tell us so. Instead of being part of those statistics, however, why not address those fears and learn how to put your nervousness to good use? Of course your first response is to question how that is possible. How do you take your ... Views: 2733
I am amazed at the number of people who confide in me that their fear of speaking at a lectern or even at the head of a boardroom table is jeopardizing their career advancement. This is so unfortunate because their fear is control of them instead of the other way around.
Everyone is nervous ... Views: 2907
One of the greatest problems for the novice in public speaking is nervousness which often results in lack of air. While nervousness should be one of your greatest benefits when addressing an audience, breathlessness is not. The problem with the latter is that it increases your stress which in ... Views: 2730
The first time I had to introduce myself professionally was one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of my life. I remember sitting, waiting for my turn to stand and walk to the lectern amidst 150 members of the London, Canada Chamber of Commerce. At first I was relaxed until it dawned on me ... Views: 3026
“Public speaking is one of the best things I hate.”
-Baseball great Yogi Berra
You’re hyperventilating. You’re dripping perspiration. You’re legs are wobbly and you have the distinct desire to flee. What’s going on here? Are you being pursued by a pack of rabid dogs? No. You are ... Views: 2309
“Public speaking is one of the best things I hate.”
-Baseball great Yogi Berra
You’re hyperventilating. You’re dripping perspiration. You’re legs are wobbly and you have the distinct desire to flee. What’s going on here? Are you being pursued by a pack of rabid dogs? No. You are ... Views: 2469
It is simple, it is basic, it is fundamental, and, it is a necessity. It is something we do every day without a 2nd thought. At the lectern, however, it is something we do not allow to happen and yet it is something we cannot do without.
It is called breathing. The 1st thing your body did ... Views: 2730
You’ve been invited to speak or perhaps your boss has ‘requested’ you speak. Whatever your reason for speaking, if you are like most people, nervousness takes over as you begin the process of anxiously awaiting the date. Hopefully, you create your speech or presentation well in advance and ... Views: 3381
Working in the performing arts is a dream for many, but not everyone will succeed. Talent alone isn't enough, it's as much a case of getting a break as anything. If people don't know where casting calls are happening they are never going to get noticed.
Starting out is tough, but it's not ... Views: 2166
In public speaking or any other type of live performance, the idea of trying to get rid of your nervousness is definitely not the right approach. Nervousness is that wonderful rush of adrenaline that can make you sharper, more alert and more focused. In fact, the benefits of nervousness are so ... Views: 2943
One of the reasons people contact me is because of lack of air at the podium, in the webinar, or in a sales presentation. So I have a question for you.
Do you ever experience breathlessness when in conversation with family, friends or colleagues?
More than likely, your answer is No unless ... Views: 3270
I am ever amazed at the number of people in public speaking who never give any consideration to their speaking voice. Concerned about their physical image, their content, and their delivery skills, they have yet to realize that the vehicle for transmitting their message is the voice. And, it ... Views: 3623
Marcus Tullius Cicero; January 3, 106 BC – December 7, 43 BC, is widely considered one of Rome’s greatest orators and prose stylists. Using his talents he earned his way to be elected consul, the highest ranking office in Roman Republic. At the end of his life, he became an enemy of Mark Antony, ... Views: 2566
One of the most common complaints I hear from novice public speakers is lack of air while public speaking. It doesn’t matter whether you are delivering a speech, giving a presentation, or introducing the next speaker. It also doesn’t matter how long or how short your talk. Lack of air in ... Views: 3758
I was backstage packing up the stuff in my dressing room.
A woman knocked on the door and said, "Can I ask you something?" I invited her in. She asked me how long I had been performing. I told her. Then she said, "What I'd like to know is -- when did you get over stage fright?"
(At ... Views: 2749
When addressing an audience, there is nothing more embarrassing than opening your mouth to speak and the voice that comes out is high in pitch and shaking to boot! The shaking is known as a quiver and it can happen even when you’re not nervous.
If your voice is quivering when you’re nervous, ... Views: 7820
The one thing that many new speakers don’t think about and never have enough of is something that has a negative impact on their delivery skills. It is actually very simple, basic, and a necessity. Without it, there are no words; thus, no message. It is called breathing.
Because of ... Views: 4735
“It is better to be careful beforehand than to try to solve a problem after it has arisen”. The same criteria should be followed while choosing a right tool for batch NSF to PST conversion. Proper planning should be done before starting of any process rather than regretting later because ... Views: 3341
OK If I Laugh Now?
It seems the jury is out on this one, with opinion divided on whether or not it is okay to laugh at your own jokes. Maybe it's just me (although I doubt it given the number of comedians and humorous speakers who also laugh at their own jokes.
But I believe the aim of a ... Views: 3249
There is no doubt that for many novice speakers, breathlessness is an annoying problem. It goes hand-in-hand with a voice that rises in pitch and a speed that goes faster and faster. None of these ‘qualities’ are beneficial in public speaking.
Obviously, without air there is no voice. The ... Views: 2788
Last week I was not looking forward to my upcoming 2-day workshop in Chicago. I had gotten a cold/flu the previous Sunday, after attending my high school reunion the night before – and hopefully not infecting everyone who was there.
In any event, I so wanted to cancel the workshop because ... Views: 3172
While the majority of those who stand to address an audience are nervous, there is a small percentage of people whose nervousness is debilitating. And, their first reaction is often to feel sick to their stomach. If the thought of public speaking makes you want to ‘bring up lunch,’ there are a ... Views: 3300
The business side of belly dance
Tips on how to get the gigs and the art of shameless self-promotion.
By Shetan Noir
The best marketing tool for getting yourself hire for gigs is your performance resume and promotional package. A performance resume is different then a regular job ... Views: 4691
Are you a Glossophobic?
If you don’t know what that means, ask yourself if you would prefer to walk on hot coals instead of speak to a group?
Many surveys have revealed that above the fear of death and disease is the fear of standing in front of a crowd. Millions of people are terrified of the ... Views: 2820
Has this ever happened to you? You stand to give your speech or presentation; and, when you begin speaking what comes out of your mouth is higher in pitch and quivering to boot.
So what is to be done?
In most cases, nervousness is the cause of the quiver. (There are some voices, however, ... Views: 5826
Speaking in front of a group of people or an audience, whether big or small, is both an opportunity and a privilege, so those fortunate enough to be in this situation should best know how to give a compelling speech that will make a positive impact.
There are public speakers who fail to ... Views: 7362
So, you have been scheduled, invited, or commanded to speak. It could be the quarterly budget report for your firm. Maybe you are a member of Toastmasters. You could be enrolled in a local public speaking course. Perhaps it is your best friend’s wedding. Whatever the reason for your ... Views: 3618
While public speaking may seem like a war in which you are doing battle, it really isn’t. In truth, it is not that different from standing at your desk among a group of people and explaining to them how you successfully won a long sought-after account. It is not unlike sharing a story about a ... Views: 3292
When you watch professional speakers in action, several questions might come to mind: How do they rely on notes so rarely? Do they have photographic memories? How do they give the same material repeatedly, yet keep their initial enthusiasm?
However, the question you’ll be most likely to ask ... Views: 2541
Have you ever questioned what you are truly afraid of in public speaking? Personally, I am glad that you are nervous; if you’re not, then something is wrong. All the greats – from professional athletes to entertainers are nervous. And, they will tell you so. It is their nervousness, however, ... Views: 4607
Is it possible to be composed when your heart is racing, your knees are shaking, and your stomach is in knots? Most definitely. When you look at the great speakers like Jack Canfield, Zig Ziglar, and Mark Victor Hansen, do you think they are not nervous? They are, but all you see is ... Views: 3487