Everyone seems to want motivation.
While I have written many articles on this topic, let’s discuss the two types of motivation, and how you can benefit from them.
Renowned goal setting expert, the late Brian Leaning-Mizen wrote about the two types of motivation in his very enlightening ... Views: 840
As a Counsellor and Life Coach, self care has always been very important to me and to the people I have supported (in a professional capacity).
Self care is something that I always advocate. However, self care can sometimes be misunderstood.
To gain some clarity on this topic, I refer to ... Views: 855
When I was the lead trainer of an organisation called Speak To Influence, we traveled the country, delivering staff training to medium/large companies.
We taught the attendees of our training sessions how to be influential while communicating (be it one-to-one communication or ... Views: 1330
On 21 June, I was fortunate enough to attend a presentation by Dr Sarah Hanieh (research fellow) at the Doherty Institute, and recipient of a PhD in Medicine from The University of Melbourne).
She titled her speech “Breaking Through The Ice”.
The insights in her presentation were based on ... Views: 1111
An impression is simply a clue.
A fact is something that you believe (through information).
When was the last time you formed got an impression about someone or something that was not based on a fact?
When was the last time you based something on what you thought was a fact, and it ... Views: 1438
“Adapt or perish”.
Have you heard that before?
It is said that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. Well, let’s add another one – constant change.
Change is an inevitable part of our existence. Almost every aspect of your life will go through some form of change. Those ... Views: 1100
Do you have expectations of anyone in your life?
Do others in your life have expectations of you?
Do you have certain expectations of yourself?
Today, we will look at some (not all) aspects of expectations. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines expectation as "The act or state of ... Views: 912
Imagine this – something goes wrong in the life of someone close to you. That person is shattered. What is one of the first things they could do?
They could look for someone to blame.
In my Life Coaching career, there have been many clients who chose to blame someone when things went ... Views: 1028
Have you ever been belittled?
Has anyone close to you ever put you down in the presence of others?
How do you normally react when someone does that you?
I can safely say that everyone (to some extent) has been subjected to the above-mentioned.
On my Life Skills radio segment, a ... Views: 1144
At the beginning of every year, so many people set “resolutions” for the year ahead, hoping to create some, or massive personal change.
In a very insightful article by Ray Williams (published in Psychology Today), he mentioned that by the month of February, most people have started to ... Views: 1043
Do you know the meaning of Empathy? How about the meaning of Sympathy?
Quite often Empathy and Sympathy are confused, or taken to have the same meaning.
Let’s discuss in detail what each word means. More importantly, we will explore how each word and its meaning can help you in ... Views: 1002
In June this year, an opportunity presented itself for me to do volunteer work in a remote Aboriginal community. It was located in northern Australia (East Arnhem Land).
Most of us who live in big cities can only imagine what life is like in remote Aboriginal communities. Living there is an ... Views: 990
In the September, 2014 edition of Ideal Insights, I wrote about habits (how they are formed and how they can be replaced).
In that article, the emphasis was on the fact that a habit has to be replaced, not just removed.
In my coaching and mentoring career, there have been countless clients ... Views: 928
The art of communicating intelligently is integral in any capacity, be it leadership, coaching, parenting, or teaching.
When our communication intelligence increases, we are in a better position to exchange ideas and information.
What is communication intelligence?
Have you heard of ... Views: 1004
In one of his recent articles, New York Times Best-Selling Author and Leadership Specialist, Dr Marshall Goldsmith spoke about feedback and feedforward.
I have considered Dr Goldsmith to be a virtual mentor for the past 6 years. His articles are always insightful. On a personal note, he has ... Views: 1065
It is said that the number one skill required in being able to communicate effectively is the ability to listen.
As you might already realise, listening is different to hearing.
There is a lot of buzz about active listening – where your focus is entirely on the words that are coming out of ... Views: 1468
During my days as a Youth Mentor, there were many young people who needed support in either getting their life back on track or in achieving something they desired.
Some of the youth were very challenging to deal with, let alone provide support to, in a professional capacity. The key was to ... Views: 1507
An article in The Thrive Centre For Human Development stated that self control and patience predicted better performance and higher self-esteem.
In this day and age of technology and fast paced living, patience seems to be more and more challenging to practise.
Here’s a short story that ... Views: 896
Motivational speaking legend Les Brown speaks about a study conducted at M.I.T (Massachusetts Institute Of Technology). The study concluded that every time a person directs a negative statement toward you, it takes 17 positive statements just to neutralise the initial negative ... Views: 1126
One of the world’s foremost leadership experts, Dr Marshall Goldsmith (who is like a virtual mentor to me) once said “Personal contact matters — and matters greatly”.
When I was an Executive Coach, I came across many CEOs and MDs who were very emphatic on the personal touch.
Regardless of ... Views: 1132
In February, 2014, I started training at an MMA (mixed martial arts) gym. At the front door of that gym, there was a poster, which said:
“1 hour is just 4% of your day. So, what is your excuse not to exercise?”
That statement really puts things into perspective, regardless of how busy you ... Views: 1187
In the previous article (titled Worrying – The Truth About It), we discussed the negativity that we are exposed to on a daily basis.
To be precise, I suggested “Switch off from the media – the Black Eyed Peas said “Wrong information always shown by the media. Negative images is the main ... Views: 1155
Unless you are a Zen monk who has mastered the art of total thought control, you would be inclined to worry at times.
According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, worry is defined as:
“To think about problems or fears: to feel or show fear and concern because you think that something bad ... Views: 908
As an anti-bullying campaigner, I often speak to kids (and adults alike), who tell me about the challenges they face when they are getting bullied.
This article is not about bullying. Instead, let’s focus on something simple that is available to humans – the ability to choose.
We can ... Views: 908
In this day and age, “winning” seems to be overemphasised in almost every part of our lives.
Think about it - in sports, it’s all about winning. In sales, it’s all about winning the sale.
Is winning everything?
The legendary Vince Lombardi once said “Winning is not everything. It’s ... Views: 859
Have you ever wanted to do something that seemed important to you, but you didn’t go ahead because you were gripped by the fear of failure?
If so, you are not alone. The fear of failure is a crippling force that affects almost every single human being.
In an article in Forbes, ... Views: 1054
Many years ago, I read a quote by the legendary Jim Rohn who said “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”
That is so pertinent to almost anyone alive today.
What is a risk anyway? It is the exposure to the unknown. It is being vulnerable to ... Views: 956
Regardless of how good or how tough things get in life, the one thing that is always in your control is your focus.
Where your focus goes is entirely up to you.
Let’s discuss how to adjust your focus when it comes to what you wish to achieve in your life.
Where your focus goes will be ... Views: 996
Has anyone ever told you how to do something that you’ve already done, and they came across as very critical?
Well, they might call it constructive criticism. Personally, I think that “constructive” and “criticism” is a bit of an oxymoron. They don’t go well together.
The goal of giving ... Views: 976
No one is immune to negative or unhappy experiences in life. We all have been there, done that.
A negative experience has the power to pull you back, make you unproductive, and take a toll on your emotional and mental well being.
Some people are affected by it in an unproductive way, and ... Views: 997
Last month I gave a speech (on Self Care) at a conference. At the end of the speech, a lady came up to me for a conversation. She was facing a few challenges in her life.
At the end of the conversation, I gave her my card (contact details), and asked her to reach out whenever she needed ... Views: 1013
I recently read an article (on how successful people set goals and follow through) by leadership expert and New York Time best selling author, Dr Marshall Goldsmith.
In that article Dr Goldsmith speaks about ownership. He said “successful people have a high need for and reliance upon ... Views: 1064
In his book Public Speaking For Success, Dale Carnegie gives accounts of many people of knowledge who did not publicly share what they knew, purely because they were gripped by the fear of public speaking.
When I first stepped into the public speaking arena, I thought that confidence was ... Views: 2891
When was the last time someone told you about something they wish to achieve?
Whether they are looking at doing something big or doing something minor, there is an underlying reason for wanting to achieve that goal.
At the end of the day, what most people seek is joy, fulfilment, ... Views: 1036
What do you think someone will think of you, or how will they feel about you when they meet you for the first time?
What type of ‘mark’ will you leave on them?
Have you ever met someone for the first time, and thought or felt “There is something significant about this person?”
I read ... Views: 1153
In my experience through working with youth and with people with mental illnesses (such as depression), I have discovered that support from a human being can go a very long way in creating positive changes.
This also applies to the workplace and at home. Support can be very uplifting in ... Views: 1018
A very happy new year to you! I hope that you really enjoyed the Christmas season with family and friends.
Seeing that now things are getting back to the normal routine (people are going back to work, and children are preparing to go back to school), we must focus on what we can do to make ... Views: 1088
One of my earlier mentors in personal development taught me that the word “responsible” carries the meaning of two words “response” and “able”. In other words, responsibility is your ability to respond.
Then, I heard a quote from my single biggest influence on personal development, the ... Views: 2545
Setting goals and achieving goals is something that most of us want. The key is to differentiate between a goal and a mere wish. A wish is something that people dream about. A goal is accompanied with a plan and a time line.
My definition of the word goal is:
G.O.A.L – Getting Over All ... Views: 1467
When I was doing Life Coaching, every single client that I had, wanted one thing (in some form or another) – motivation! I believe that motivation is something that we all want. Yet, some people cannot seem to actually acquire it.
Motivation can be a very commonly spoken about subject. And, ... Views: 1769
Have you ever felt or thought that you have got much more to offer to the world than what you currently do?
Do you know what your potential and capabilities really are?
Let me ask you another question, how well do you know yourself?
While I consider myself a ‘full time student of ... Views: 1511
What is it about you that sets you apart from the masses of the population?
Have you thought of doing something that is considered significant?
Would you like to do something that will be considered significant?
Creating something significant in your life is not just about being ... Views: 1086
We often hear the word “purpose” in the personal development field. One of my favourite lines that I use in my speeches is “Find your purpose, and live it with passion”. Yet, sometimes we need more clarity on the word “purpose” in the context of personal development.
If I were to ask you ... Views: 1100
How do you make the most out of the year ahead? While there might be no single, plain, and simple answer to so deep and wide a question, there are certain things that you can do in order to make the most out of the new year.
So, here are some simple, yet effective things that you can keep in ... Views: 1011
This year will be over in a matter of days. Then, 2014 begins.
I would suggest that you take a long and hard look at 2013 (the year that it was, for you). While I realise that some people may say that the past is irrelevant, I strongly believe that the past can teach us a great deal.
So, ... Views: 1039
Have you ever felt like you needed to get something done, and you didn’t have the internal resources to get it done?
We all have had that feeling at some point of our lives. Perhaps it was a combination of internal resources and external support that you needed. Either way, the task at hand ... Views: 1238
Is there a formula to get something done? I believe that there are many ways in which you can get something done. It all depends on what works best for you (which you may have figured out by now, or will need to figure out at some stage).
What I have used is this very simple approach, which I ... Views: 1633
Have you ever felt like you needed motivation? Has anyone ever asked you to give them motivation?
The word “motivation” is something that we hear much, yet sometimes we may not understand it enough or may not know how to make it work for us.
While I have written two previous articles on ... Views: 1637
Life will always throws challenges at us. That is a given. I believe that if there were no challenges in life (or ups and downs in life), life would become mundane.
As Tony Robbins nicely put it, “Challenges are required for growth".
If life was always smooth sailing, there would be no ... Views: 1444
In May 2010, I was called upon to deliver a speech at a leadership convention. It was a cold autumn’s afternoon, as I drove to the venue of the convention while thinking about how to add more impact to my speech.
Although I was asked to speak about goal setting, I decided (in the last ... Views: 1706