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Before Islam, condition, or worth of women was low. Women were considered as servant or property of men. Women were used for specific determination and after meeting that purpose they were rejected. Women were measured inconsequential and anything connected to women were also measured ... Views: 803
The Holy Book of Islam, the Quran contains basic and fundamental principles of all possible system of human life. Basic soul of each and every subject can be traced from the injunctions of the Holy Quran. As the Holy Quran is not a manuscript of political science, so one should not suppose it to ... Views: 1063
In the contemporary times, various and complex issues are prevailing in our societies. Regarding this, fundamental rights of human beings are most violated. Depriving of persons from their natural and basic rights has become rampant. People of the world in general and Muslims of the Islamic ... Views: 1059
It is a current creed in the West, owing to their scarce knowledge of the Holy Quran and the Traditions of the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him), that Islam backs standards and structures that are mismatched with the philosophies of human rights. Actually, Islam recognized the holiness of human rights ... Views: 1312
Looking for knowledge and education is the motivating force and true essence of Islamic dogmas. It is the obligatory for all Muslims to hunt for knowledges in all paces of life. According to Islam, the Holy Quran and precedents of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), reasons, investigational ... Views: 1305
Islamic law has almost described all issues of human beings in a very organized and systematic manner. Islam has given some rules and regulations to lead life for personal and public affairs. Likewise, Islam has also given some international rules and obligations. It has told us how to rule and ... Views: 1991
Goal that is cited most regularly as a clarification for wildness is that it is a tremendously influential resources of reaching one's goal and purpose. But the holy book of Islam does not recognize and promote this idea and notion of aggression. Islam has clear directed that violence or use of ... Views: 1457
Islam has laid down special treatment for women and even meaningfully more than men. An ethological inspection of the faith disclosures that though men have been legally and morally loaded with duties and responsibilities, women have been, somewhat, reinforced with welfares and privileges on ... Views: 1219
The Minbar or pulpit plays an important role in Muslims societies. Muslims pay serious attentions and act on the addresses which are being delivered from pulpit. The messages from pulpit are largely accepted by Muslims. Thus, it shows that the value and worth of person who uses pulpit. Though ... Views: 2298
Without moral values and ethics, human beings are just animals. If we want to be successful in our relationships with others and in our social dealings. we have to abide by moral values and standards. Islam has laid down some fundamental and moral standards which guide us how to live our life ... Views: 1583
Brilliance of pity, in any culture and society, is believed an emblem of generosity. It makes simpler the peaceable flow of human interaction and reduces annoyance and revolt in social relationships. This is a mostly admired mannerism among people who hold rank of expert. Such persons, who are ... Views: 1144
Education plays a central role in the progress of individuals and nations. It is education and learning which creates a difference between human beings and animals. Without education human beings are incomplete and they are unable to compete the current and complex challenges of modern times. ... Views: 1412
The life style of human beings of ancient was very different. They were totally different beings in all domains of life. if we compare today’s man with man of stone age, we would come across remarkable and different living styles. Those human beings were very natural. Their dress code, food, ... Views: 1866
Commands of Islamic wisdoms deal with all unworldly and everyday features of human life. The Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) are primary foundations of Islamic ideology. Corresponding to all other features, Islam has also given a comprehensive and all-inclusive ... Views: 905
There is a famous saying of Hazrat Ali (R. A) that an individual must forgive other people and must overlook or ignore their wrong doings and mistakes. He further says that there is not any embracement during forgiving others for their crimes and misbehaviors. Man must not pursue the way of ... Views: 1041
Among the various animal forms that are considered sacred in the ancient philosophical system of Fengshui, fish or the Fengshui carp is the most proclaimed. The traditional symbol of carp could consist of the Arowana fish, Koi fish or the goldfish. However, it is the symbolization of the carp ... Views: 2485
The glory of Muslim civilization among the other societies was only because of the Islam's stress on learning as well as education. This thing becomes stronger when you learn the Quran and life of the Prophet Mohammad, where you can find several references to education, need for learning and use ... Views: 1055
Women were considered as animals before arrival of Islam. Women were declared mindless and ridiculous being. After Islamic uprising, women were specified distinct status in all parts of life. Women were protected in all areas like social, economic, political and local life. Islam has highlighted ... Views: 932
Undoubtedly our life is too short and portion of our life in which we perform an active part and help others is even tinier. Our half age devotes in snoozing, consumption, traveling so only semi share of our life journey is existing to accomplish religious, national and domestic ... Views: 973
The Honorable life of the last Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) has left an extraordinary and noteworthy impacts on the humankind. The whole human kind observed a revolution in all features life i.e. economic, social, Political, spiritual, national and individual, with the influx of the ... Views: 1358
"Adorn the Quran with your (good) voices." (Mishkat) Whenever we narrate Quran or hear The Quran being recited, we are filled with deep serenity. The beautiful sound of recitation surely affects our stiff hearts and melts our fidgety souls. This is a great vision of this Holy Book, that even ... Views: 1574
Islam is one of the most criticized religions in the world. History was quite never being kind with it. When terror unfolds in any part of the universe, believers of Islam are always the first suspect. And the sad thing about this is that Islam is an origin of Arabic word, that means peace. News ... Views: 606
Islam is one of the most criticized religions in the world. History was quite never being kind with it. When terror unfolds in any part of the universe, believers of Islam are always the first suspect. And the sad thing about this is that Islam is an origin of Arabic word, that means peace. News ... Views: 523
Islam is one of the most criticized religions in the world. History was quite never being kind with it. When terror unfolds in any part of the universe, believers of Islam are always the first suspect. And the sad thing about this is that Islam is an origin of Arabic word, that means peace. News ... Views: 1131
A Catholic website says the Bible is “Extremely Dangerous,” while showing youth on a beach reading the Catholic YouCat promoted by the pope as a “youth Bible.” That's deceptive; it's not a Bible at all, but a Catholic indoctrination that eliminates basic Bible teaching.
An example is the way ... Views: 1001
A Catholic website says the Bible is “Extremely Dangerous,” while showing youth on a beach reading the Catholic YouCat promoted by the pope as a “youth Bible.” That's deceptive; it's not a Bible at all, but a Catholic indoctrination that eliminates basic Bible teaching.
An example is the way ... Views: 1008
Muslims are living in the large number in the UK. At a time when great mistakes and stereotypes mingle the society and media regarding the religion, this is important for an effort to be made at all levels to go beyond archetypal images and to begin to understand Muslim and Islam.
Muslims ... Views: 1304
All across the world, we nowadays find a large number of people inclined towards astrology, wherein astrology allows individuals to make better decisions for their future and find the right path to move ahead in life. The history of astrology, nevertheless, dates back way back to the Vedic ... Views: 3405
Surah-al-Fatihah is a solution to all problems in the human life.This is said by few Sufis that whatever there was in the earlier Divine books is reduced in the Holy Quran and the contents of the Quran are shortened into surah-al-fatihah (first Surah of Quran) and that is in Surah-al-fatihah is ... Views: 2363
For people who are facing problems in their relationships and love life, Rose Quartz Gemstone can bring back the lost charm in your relationships. With its gentle pink essence, the Rose Quartz Gemstone is an aura of passion and love, compassionate and peace, dissolving all emotional ... Views: 916
Lord Hanuman is one of the most revered and adored deities in Hinduism. He is loved by one and all, cherished for his tales in mythology.
Worshippers of Lord Hanuman have tremendous faith in him, he is believed to be a tremendous source of strength and with his blessings, one is able to ... Views: 1190
Indian mythology invariably is one of the key elements of Indian culture. And while the mythology is deeply linked with both, ancient Vedic religion and the religion in the present day context, it may even be seen as a compilation of many interlinked stories!
Some of the epics like the ... Views: 2096
The story is told that when Mohammad first began having his visionary experiences, he was intensely nervous and concerned that he might be under the effect of evil spirits ("djinn"). He confided in the one who would be his first convert, his "mother-wife" Khadija, the rich merchant-lady he had ... Views: 608
The story is told that when Mohammad first began having his visionary experiences, he was intensely nervous and concerned that he might be under the effect of evil spirits ("djinn"). He confided in the one who would be his first convert, his "mother-wife" Khadija, the rich merchant-lady he had ... Views: 580