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Meaning OF Apostasy
The term itself is from the Greek expression “apostasies” and is very much like rejecting or separating oneself from a specific faith or convinced spiritual principles. It is alike to a dismissal of views that were once believed and accommodating different beliefs and ... Views: 2359
There are some basic ideas which play key-role in establishment of the social and moral structure of Islam. Without understanding these notions such as - moral and evil, right and wrong, Halal (acceptable) and Haram (prohibited), prize for good performances and penalties for evil performances – ... Views: 3442
Most of us probably do not realize that when we meditate or fast for a spiritual reason we are partaking in asceticism, one of the oldest known spiritual disciplines. Asceticism is the practice of rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint performed as a spiritual discipline. The origins of ... Views: 2103
Although Jainism is one of the smallest organized religions, it has the most pervasive practice of fasting. In Jainism, the women, in particular, partake in frequent fasts, often for long periods. In a similar fashion as Hinduism, fasting is performed in Jainism in conjunction with lunar cycles. ... Views: 3542
This is sort of collapse. In Islam, prostrations are used to admiration, worship and modest oneself in front of Allah, and are an energetic part of the five compulsory prayers done daily; this is believed compulsory for every Muslim whether the prayers are being done distinctly or in ... Views: 2870
Generosity is the basis of a personality’s growth. The Holy Quran praises men who sideline his interests for the sake of others. They favor others to themselves. It also associates a man with a plant that sprouts and eventually becomes a full grown tree bearing achene for the advantage of ... Views: 1257
All creations, except human beings, have no option and choice. Human beings possess a free determination through which he can or cannot grow his character. He is a vigorous contributor in his development. He is free to receive or reject Divine assistance and supervision. Islam keeps the separate ... Views: 1035
Personality personifies the nature and disposition of an individual and classifies his individualism or distinctiveness. It also makes him changed from other persons. In system of the divine, God conveys forward the universe and the whole thing in it from one phase to a higher stage objectifying ... Views: 1016
Shukr is golden value defined in the Holy Book of Islam in order to get a positive approach and lasting peace of mind. Shukr means we must thank and pay gratitude to Allah Almighty for whatever He has bestowed us. According to an approved hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, ... Views: 1157
Islam is not only a suite of beliefs but it is wide-ranging way of life. Being a natural faith, Islamic thoughts and policies thoroughly shelter all characters and energies of human beings. The Holy Quran has appropriately labelled all radical, communal, individual, economic and emotional facets ... Views: 836
Besides elementary and natural provisions of life like nourishment, housing and dressing, teaching is also documented as important requisite for persons and civilisation in order to continue in modern age. It is the teaching which alters a human being into wonderful creature and moulds his ... Views: 1012
Economy is the driving force and keystone of any state and for its prosperity. Presently all states are in opposition to found their economies to play their conclusive role in the global businesses. Presently, it is the only economy not military or arms which makes a country super power and ... Views: 1507
Islam has laid down a particular and essential system of moral and principled standards. Right and mystical development of human beings is elementary motive Islamic wisdoms. Islamic ethical system encompasses of all universal moral standards. This ethical system is far better and greater to ... Views: 1130
Islam is a multifaceted religion, that according to CAIR has 1.200 billion followers from every race and every century in the world. this has survived harassments, defeat and insult since its founding by the prophet Mohammed (PUBH) in 1440ad. Since its founding, different groups and ... Views: 778
Islam is very powerful and complete religion in which Allah has specified the comprehensive direction about every feature of the life in a clear method. It's the only faith who highlight on peace. It provides rights to each human being as well as animals.
Before speaking the subject of human ... Views: 1181
Every devoted Muslim knows that Umrah is obligatory for every capable Muslim once in his lifetime. Umrah achieved every year in any month. The reservations of Umrah are made well in advance because of the very large number of persons going to Umrah every year and each year the number of ... Views: 1689
What we’re seeing is a damnable practice of prescribing drugs for almost any symptoms when most problems are not serious and will get better without any treatment, or a simple change in diet.
The oft-quoted JAMA figure of 106,000 Adverse Drug Reaction deaths (4-15-1998) were in hospitals, but ... Views: 1100
These are those reasons that are shaped by man or in which human determination and choice are the fundamental issues. These are given here First is Intoxication which is an important feature of legal capacity. Intoxication momentarily hangs the proper working of the mental ability. It does not ... Views: 1190
Islamic Law and Jurisprudence has described a complete system of Legal capacity. According to the it every Muslim is dressed characteristically with legal capacity, which is honor as well as accountability this is very significant as all the general fortifications in criminal law and ownership ... Views: 4397
Under the Islamic global law, the world is divided into two portions. One is called Darul-Islam and other is called Darul-Harb. The partition or division finished by Muslims jurists is of great position because the relationships of the Muslims towards the Non-Muslims are mostly determined on the ... Views: 1615
Islam is very beautiful Religion. Islam is an Islamism faith placed about confidence in the one God (Allah). In this admiration, it stocks some principles with Judaism and Christianity by drawing its past back to the paterfamilias Abraham, and eventually to the first prophet, Adam. All the ... Views: 809
Prejudice or Islam phobia is a term used to define illogical aggression, terror, or abhorrence of Islam, Muslims, and Islamic philosophy, and active judgment against these groups or persons within them. It's called to be Choice and prejudice Judgment against Muslims in Europe, disclosures the ... Views: 706
The notion and ideology of sovereignty plays an integral role in the affairs of state. The way Islam explains the concept of sovereignty, it is completely different from the western ideas and notion of sovereignty. According to west, the sovereignty means all power and authority are linked with ... Views: 7242
Real-world experience displays, there is no shortage of problems to be challenged by the state when it undertakes welfare purposes. Bringing in individual to lend a serving hand makes the scheme more actual, therefore, protecting the self-dignity and respect of the peoples. Though, it adds ... Views: 894
The term welfare state has fairly a history in industrialized countries, even however it is a declining idea. It fundamentally means a state catering to the elementary requirements of the peoples. According to the notion, only the state is held accountable. The common gentleman makes a ... Views: 1416
The prisoners pray and pay Zakat and achieve the presentation of their promises and be patient in distress and adversity and in time of war. Such are the virtuous ones. Holy Prophet Mohammad did not spread Islam through wonders. He operated what was more than a marvel: struggling against ... Views: 843
As Islam feast across the world its culture and traditions were influenced by Mongol, Persian, Turkic, Berber, Indian and Indonesian cultures. The current Islamic practices and duties are the result of incorporation of local culture and Muslim views.
There are over a thousand of Muslims ... Views: 963
Religions are complete to create the people methodical and organized. There are thousands of people in the world and everyone has got the own thing and confidence which creates then different and separate from others. However, there are different religions existing in the world. The human being ... Views: 768
It is pity that religion which was declared as flagbearer of peace and brotherhood, now it has been involved in grave and severe crisis. There are internal and external challenges which we are facing. fundamentalist Muslims is one of the internal issue which have eaten roots of our social ... Views: 1178
Some specific laws and rules are cultivated by Islam in order to grow and develop society. There are many laws are described in Islam and law of evidence. This law provides a complete process and procedure of evidence. According to nature of different issues, different kinds of evidence are ... Views: 1061
The idea of state in Islam is to ease and help the Muslims. The defense of righteousness, possessions and life of persons is main and essential duty and duty of the Islamic. All memberships of the social order are guaranteed to follow the guidance of caliph and he is accountable to protection ... Views: 2340
Before Islam, condition, or worth of women was low. Women were considered as servant or property of men. Women were used for specific determination and after meeting that purpose they were rejected. Women were measured inconsequential and anything connected to women were also measured ... Views: 805