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We are currently looking for an Official Guide to "Religion". If you have expertise in Religion and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
On March 19, 1893, Mary Gould Reed, 59, died before her father and took residence in his Evergreens Cemetery crypt in Brooklyn. Her widower, a retired truckmannamed Jonathon, visited her every day. His father-in-law complained, proclaiming the attention unnatural.
When dear old dad died, ... Views: 672
Addressing the World Meetings of Popular Movements last Friday, Pope Francis denied the existence of Islamic terrorism, while simultaneously asserting that “the ecological crisis is real.” Here’s the scoop on his agenda as it reflects a repeat of history.
From the days of Constantine, a ... Views: 987
Georgetown University Professor, Jonathan Brown, a convert to Islam. told an Islamic group “there is no such thing as slavery…what really counts…is whether those who were enslaved were treated well or poorly – not that they were enslaved.” (
Georgetown University may be ... Views: 1356
Francis’ weekly Angelus address focused on "Thou shalt not kill," saying it applied “also to those behaviors which offend the dignity of the human person, including insulting words."
The history of the papacy includes the killing of heretics who protested the title, Lord God the Pope as ... Views: 985
The beautiful and sweet fragrances are being loved all around the world. The beautiful scents are extracted from different species of flowers and then mixed together to create unique and amazing aromas. These perfumes vary in prices from cheap and less costly perfumes to the most expensive ... Views: 2146
The Arabic term of heart is Qalb and it is mentioned numerous times in Quran. The name Qalb is derived due to constant contractions of heart which are in Arabic known as Taqallub. According to a Hadith heart is like a feather on the tip of the root which keeps turning around in the direction of ... Views: 1025
It has been seen in many cases that people go to some pious person’s grave and start praying and asking them to fulfill their needs. Many extreme cases are seen on the famous shrines of the Sufi people who had devoted their whole life by living the life that Allah has commanded and by preaching ... Views: 876
Marriage is the most sacred relation among two human beings. Both husband and wife have different rights on each other which must be fulfilled by both parties. Women’s rights are always given importance in Islam. A woman has always compromised in her life. From the time when she is born, till ... Views: 825
In today’s era, the process of organ donations is rapidly increasing and people are having more awareness of it from each passing day. When it comes to the teachings of Islam, organ donation has never been forbidden to Muslims but there are certain conditions which must be followed to in order ... Views: 872
According to a research study, almost three travelers miss their flight everyday due to unavoidable reasons. Even though people prefer air travel than travelling by road because its more efficient and quicker but if you miss your flight you might end up having the longest travelling journey ... Views: 1065
Soul is considered as an important aspect present inside the human body. Many people connect the concept of soul with your spirit and mind. Human soul is an individual and separate entity which is separated by the body after death. When a person is alive, the soul is always working side by side ... Views: 850
When we talk about the famous monuments of Islam the importance of Cave Thor (Ghar-e-Thor) cannot be ignored. The amazing incident of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions stay at the Cave Thor and the beautiful story of Allah’s assistance of His loved men leaves us spell ... Views: 1485
Islam is a religion of peace and it is all about your submission towards the path of Allah. People who follow the religion of Islam are called Muslims which means that a person who submit himself to the Allah Almighty’s commands. Islam is not an ordinary religion. There are around one and a half ... Views: 901
When you ask an anthropologist to explain the cultural differences of West and East, he would tell you a detailed list of things which show the vast differences among the individualistic and collectivistic cultures. Especially if you looking for the differences among the cultures of Saudi Arabia ... Views: 1627
The Vatican strategized through Mohammed’s wife, Khadijah, a wealthy Catholic who arranged for her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, to mentor young Mohammed. (Google) more information in video link below.
Both religions have Mary, Fatima and war to force conversions in common. Islam’s Quran is ... Views: 1103
And when the day of Pentecoast was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the houses where they were sitting.......... And they were filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with ... Views: 1090
Congressman Ellison (D-Minn.) said Trump’s 90-day ban on immigration from seven Muslim countries is “a religiously based ban…if they can ban Muslims, why can’t they ban Mormons? It is a religiously based ban…Our Constitution says Congress shall make no law establishing a religion or abridging ... Views: 958
Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) has told us the most essential ways of spending your life in all domains. There is not a single topic on which he has not addressed anything. When it come to the ways of eating, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has told the proper methods of consuming food which are in ... Views: 840
Often people ask the question if it is right to visit the graveyards in Islam and the answer is yes. According to Sunnah, Islam has given the consent to the Muslims and it is allowed for them to visit the graves. In fact, some Muslim scholars state that it is an obligation in Islam to visit the ... Views: 922
The last sermon of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) hold a lot of importance in the history of Islam. He (PBUH) started his sermon by giving praise and showing his gratitude to Allah Almighty. He told the fellow Muslims that they should listen to his words, because he might not be present ... Views: 4854
Marriage holds a great importance in Islam. It is Sunnah to get married and is considered a really sacred event. Islam is a religion of simplicity and when it comes to marriages, Islam has always given the commands of keeping it as simple as you can. You can see the examples of the most sacred ... Views: 647
You might have heard about the word Barzakh but you would have been wondering about its interesting facts which are not known to many people. The actual meaning of the word Barzakh is a block or barrier that comes in between two things, and stops these two things from meeting. For example, if ... Views: 1177