Michael Roth is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Trauma". You can find complete information on Michael Roth and his products by visiting Transforming Trauma.
Even if a man fears getting close to a woman, it doesn’t mean that he will be consciously aware of this. He is then going to unconsciously do what he can to keep women at a distance, but he won’t realise this.
Thanks to this, he might often be in a position where it is as though someone or ... Views: 284
Although someone’s feelings are an important part of them, it doesn’t mean that they will typically express how they feel. Not only this, but they might rarely if ever be aware of how they feel.
If this is the case, it will show that they don’t have a strong connection with their feelings and ... Views: 264
If someone has just gone through a breakup and even if this took place a few weeks or a number of months ago, they could be in a bad way. This could show that they were with their ex for a number of years, or it might not have been this long.
Additionally, this might have been a relationship ... Views: 233
For some people, Mother’s Day is a day when they can show gratitude towards their mother for all the things that she has done for them and continues to do for them. This day is then going to be a day of celebration and a special day.
What this may illustrate is that their mother is loving and ... Views: 235
Now that a man is in a relationship, he might be very different to how he was before. When he was single, he might have been aware of certain needs and done what he could to take care of them.
However, although he will still have needs, he could typically act as though he doesn’t have any or ... Views: 250
If a man is in a position where he does a lot for his mother and very little for himself, he is going to be more like his mother’s parent than her son. As with a parent-child relationship, he will be giving a lot but he won’t receive a great deal back.
Now, of course, if he was her parent, ... Views: 262
What someone may see, if they were to step back and reflect on their early years, is that they were often treated as though they had no value and were worthless. So, they might have often been physically harmed and verbally put down and largely been deprived of the emotional nutrients that they ... Views: 214
Over the years, a man may have been with a number of women who were anything but loving. When he was with these women, he might have often been verbally put down, emotionally deprived and even physically harmed.
Thanks to this, he might not have a strong desire to be in another relationship. ... Views: 238
After suffering for many, many years, someone may have come to see that they were mistreated during their formative years. Therefore, it is not that they were born this way and/or simply can’t get it together.
No, it is that they were deprived of the love that they needed in order to grow and ... Views: 240
What is likely to stand out, if a man is focused on his mother and is neglecting himself, is that he has a strong need to please her. Due to how strong this need is, a number of his needs will end up being overlooked.
From this, it will be clear that he needs to spend less time being there ... Views: 192
If a woman is in a good position in life and she has been with a number of men who are overly focused on their mother, she can be well and truly fed up. But, as she will be a woman who has continually ended up with men that are more like boys, this is to be expected.
This area of her life is ... Views: 203
In general, someone could spend a lot of time in doing mode, meaning that they will rarely if ever just be. And, if they were to take a step back and relax, they could soon end up feeling tense and agitated.
Thus, even if they were told that they need to slow down by a friend or a family ... Views: 204
What someone could find, if they were to speak to the parent who mistreated them during their formative years – assuming it was only one - is that they are unable to make much headway. Based on how this parent responds, it could be as if they are talking to someone who wasn’t actually there ... Views: 213
If someone was abused by at least one of their parents during their formative years, they may hope that what they went through will be validated by them. This could be seen as part of what will allow them to move on from what happened.
However, even if this need is there, it doesn’t mean that ... Views: 258
If a man is highly driven, he could often be seen as someone that has high self-esteem. Along with all the things that he has achieved, then, can be all of the positive feedback that he receives from others.
However, although he may have high self-esteem, it doesn’t mean that he is being ... Views: 238
Insomnia, or difficulty falling or staying asleep, is a common problem among individuals who have experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI), even many years after the injury occurred. While it can be frustrating and disruptive, it may or may not be a sign of trouble, depending on the specific ... Views: 394
Someone doesn’t need to have read a book on psychology let alone be a psychologist to see that, if a man is overly focused on his mother, something is not right. What can be clear is that he is behaving more like his mother’s father or mother than her son.
And, as he is this way, his own life ... Views: 230
If a man is seeing or is in a relationship with a woman, he might not feel at ease and be able to let his guard down. This might not be because she has done something to make him question whether or not he can trust her, though.
No, he could just expect her to do something that will validate ... Views: 231
If someone was to look back on their early years, what could soon stand out is that they grew up in a family that was very close. Therefore, if it was put forward to them that they were neglected, they are likely to dismiss what is said.
They could say that this is not true as their family ... Views: 219
If someone was to take a step back and reflect on how they behave, what could stand out is that they spend a lot of time doing what other people want. Consequently, they are likely to find that they often feel drained and even exhausted.
Additionally, they can experience a fair amount of ... Views: 292
Even if someone was brought up by at least one parent who was unable to truly see them and is still unable to do so, it doesn’t mean that they will be able to accept this. Due to this, now that they are an adult, they could spend a lot of their time and energy trying to be seen by this ... Views: 229
As someone is an individual, with their own needs and feelings, it will be essential for them to be able to assert themselves. This will allow them to make it clear when something is not right for them and thus, protect themselves and their well-being and do the things that are right for ... Views: 214
As a child, someone generally needed to be treated as though they deserved to exist and were valuable and lovable, among other things. If this is what took place, now that they are an adult, there is a strong chance that they will have developed a strong sense of self and be able to feel good ... Views: 225
In the same way that a car won’t go anywhere without power, a man is also not going to get very far without being connected to his own power. When it comes to what will provide him with the power that he needs, his aggression is going to play a big part.
Now, this is something that will give ... Views: 261
In order for a man to live a life that a worth living, he will need to be in tune with his own needs and feelings. Along with this, what is going on inside him will largely need to define how he behaves.
Being this way will allow him to live in a way that is in alignment with who he is. This ... Views: 214
If someone was brought up by at least one parent who was emotionally unavailable and lacked the ability to attune to their needs and feelings, they can be in a bad way now that they are an adult. The reason for this is that they wouldn’t have been born with a fully developed sense of self; they ... Views: 196
If a man missed out on the love that he needed to grow and develop in the right way during his formative years, it is not going to be a surprise if he behaves like an extension of his mother now that he is an adult. He will no longer be a powerless and dependent child, but, as he was deprived, ... Views: 198
You know what's worse than stubbing your toe on a coffee table? Suffering a personal injury. Sure, the physical pain can be excruciating, but what many people don't realize is that the emotional impact of personal injury can be just as devastating.
From anxiety and depression to ... Views: 393
Ideally, someone will have received the love that they needed during their formative years in order to experience an emotional birth. In other words, they will have been able to form a strong sense of self and develop a felt sense of enoughness, worthiness and being lovable.
Thanks to this, ... Views: 223
At this point in time, and for a little while now, there is a lot of upheaval in the world. A number of years ago, a virus, which was said to have first been identified in an outbreak in Wuhan, soon spread all over the world.
And, just as things were starting to return to a ‘new normal’, ... Views: 258
Although there are some men who are able to put themselves first and live their own life, there are others who are unable to do so. When it comes to the former, a man will be making the most of the life that he has been given, but, when it comes to the latter, he won’t be.
However, if a man ... Views: 208
In addition to having a mental self, someone also has an emotional self. But, while this is the case, it doesn’t mean that they will generally be connected to both of these parts of their being.
However, if they don’t have a strong connection with their emotional self, they might not be aware ... Views: 242
It can seem as though there is only one type of birth – a physical birth. However, along with this type of birth, there is also another type of birth, and this is known as an emotional birth.
The first type will allow someone to have their own vehicle, so to speak, and the second type will ... Views: 250
Although someone may have attained a certain level of success, it doesn’t mean that they will feel comfortable with it. Based on how they often feel, it could be as if they have stolen this success from someone else.
They could be doing well in their career and a number of other areas of ... Views: 223
In general, someone could spend most of their life doing things, and this can mean that they are fairly ‘successful’. So, they could have a well-paid job, an expensive car, and a big house and they could have a desirable partner.
If this is the case, they will look as though they have it all ... Views: 283
Although someone will have their own life, it doesn’t mean that they will freely express themselves. In general, they could be in the background and even spend a lot of time vicariously living their life through others.
However, if this is just what is normal, they might not realise that they ... Views: 202
In today’s world, if someone is depressed, it is often seen as a sign that they are not in a good way. As a result of this, they can end up going on medication or be encouraged to develop a number of goals.
If the former takes place, they might not end up feeling great but they might be able ... Views: 218
Along with someone’s physical needs, they will also have emotional needs. However, even though this is the case, they can be out of touch with their emotional needs.
If so, although these needs will be outside of their conscious awareness, they will still have an effect on how they behave. ... Views: 242
If someone’s early years were anything but loving, they could be in a bad way now that they are an adult. However, thanks to their brain’s ability to block out both painful feelings and memories, they might not remember what took place.
Due to this, they can be in a bad way and not understand ... Views: 268
If someone has watched many films over the years and even if they rarely watch films, they are likely to be familiar with the good vs. bad scenario. There will then be one person or a group of people that are good, against one person or a group of people that are ‘bad’.
However, without even ... Views: 234
At the beginning of someone’s life, they might have been deeply traumatised, but, now that they are an adult, they might not be aware of this. This stage of their life could be a complete mystery to them, or they could say that it wasn’t that bad, for instance.
However, even if this stage of ... Views: 214
If someone was to step back and reflect on their life, what might soon stand out is that they generally don’t feel the need to be around another or others. They could find that they have been this way for as long as they can remember.
Therefore, they are likely to spend a lot of time by ... Views: 257
Even though someone will have the right to be here and have needs, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this at the core of their being. As a result of this, they can see both themselves and their needs as a burden.
However, this could be something that is outside their awareness, which ... Views: 275
After trying to get through to one of the parents or the parent that abused them for quite some time and not getting very far, it might be clear that they are wasting their time. This could be something that they have been doing for a number of months, if not years.
But, no matter how hard ... Views: 252
Having needs is part of the human experience but that doesn’t mean that everyone feels comfortable with their needs. When someone is in this position, it is likely to be normal for them to overlook their own needs.
In fact, they might not even be aware of most of their needs and so they are ... Views: 232
If a man, who is overly focused on his mother, was able to take a step back and reflect on his behaviour, he might wonder what he is doing. It could be only too clear that behaving in this way is not serving him.
But, although this will be an important stage in what will allow him to live his ... Views: 279
What someone may find, if they were to step back and reflect on their life, is that they find it hard to believe in themselves. By being this way, it is not going to matter if they are good at something as they won’t be able to accept it.
Along with this, if they have made a plan to do ... Views: 234
Transport accidents can have a profound impact on survivors, both physically and emotionally. Whether it's a car crash, train derailment, or aviation disaster, the aftermath of a traumatic incident can leave individuals struggling to cope with the physical injuries, psychological trauma, and ... Views: 286
What someone may hope, if they were abused as a child, is that their parent or parents will validate what they went through. This will then be a time when one or both of their parents will be able to both hear what they say and express remorse.
But, what they may soon find is that this ... Views: 239
Now that someone is an adult, it doesn’t mean that they will have their own life. No, practically their whole life could revolve around their parent or parents, with them behaving more like their parent than their child.
Naturally, if a lot of their time and energy is being directed towards ... Views: 246