Forgetfulness seems to be a harmless trait. After all, the human mind has its own limitations. But there's a price to pay for being forgetful about important things. Forget to pay your bills, and you'll soon end up in debts. Forget to turn off the oven before you leave, and your home might burn into ashes. Forget your fiance's birthday, and you're in for a major heartbreak. See how potentially dangerous poor memory is? Good thing, various techniques on how to improve memory power are available for people who tend to forget even the simplest things.
The main advantage of the trivia quizzes is that the questions can be based on virtually any topic: history, geography, music, film stars and many others. These improve memory games can be played on a computer, but it is more fun when playing this in a group of friends. In children, such trivia quizzes have constructive effects. At the beginning, the children do not know the answers to the questions, but once they find them out, they memorize them. Therefore, the new questions, as well as old questions that are repeated, prove to help both children and grown-ups to improve their memory.
Now for the dreaded word - exercise- yes, your brain is just like the rest of your body, it requires exercise to stay in tip-top shape. Just as your muscles grow and develop when you do physical exercise, so does your brain when you do mental exercise. It strengthens the neural pathways in your brain, opening more and more areas of your brain. Exercising can involve, doing puzzles or riddles, learning a new language or a new musical instrument. Keep it interesting and you will enjoy the 'exercise' while you're at it.
Mental Exercise - Improve memory and concentration by memorizing techniques. You could draft a list of any items, memorize it, and then quiz yourself later. Another method is to read an article, analyze it, and then explain it to someone else. This helps keep your working memory in tact, which will improve even more over time. A final method to help with your memory is to work on puzzles. Working on crossword, Sudoku, or jigsaw puzzles will give your brain a tough workout. This is due to the various words, shapes, and colours that force your brain to work.
Foods to improve memory include cantaloupe, blueberries, asparagus, black currants, kale and sweet potatoes. People can also use red foods to improve memory. These foods improve the circulation of the blood, the body temperature and boost the energy, while making depression easier. Such foods are watermelon, tomatoes, red cabbage, cherries, radishes and strawberries.
Singing enhances memory because most of the songs are complex and require prolonged thinking in order to be memorized. In addition, singing changes the mood, a fact that leads to a decrease of the depression level, in most of the cases. As it is known, depression represents the most frequent cause of memory loss.
Read about memory enhancer, natural anti aging and control blood sugar levels
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