One of the most frequent complaints that I hear from my female patients concerns that cottage cheese-like, lumpy, bumpy fat that loves to collect on their thighs, upper arms and stomach area. It causes them to become very self-conscious, and even depressed to put on a pair of shorts or a bathing ... Views: 4940
As a young man, I remember my grandmother trying to give me sauerkraut for dinner once and making the worst face possible in response to which my grandmother laughed and said, “Sauerkraut is not only good, it’s good for you!” When I tell my patients about sauerkraut as a health food, they make ... Views: 1100
I think one of the scariest things that my male patients face is the prospect of prostate disease, especially as they pass the age of 50. Indeed, the statistics on prostate health are not great, with 1 out of 6 men predicted to develop prostate disease in their lifetime, and 1 in 35 dying from ... Views: 743
One of the most common complaints I hear from my patients involves painful muscle cramps and what to do about them. Likely, you’ve gotten your share of them too, especially if you’re active and exercise regularly. Sometimes they’re just a vague, achy “charley horse” or tightness and other ... Views: 946
Frequently my over-40 patients start getting a little anxious when they begin experiencing “brain fog” and forgetting some things like a name, where they put their keys, appointments, if they took their medications, etc. They fear these lapses may be symptoms of Alzheimer or some other ... Views: 3470
At the start of a New Year many of my patients make resolutions to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more, or cut back on their alcohol consumption. After I tell them how glad I am that they’ve decided to take better control of their health they’re often surprised when I tell them that one of ... Views: 806
Like many of my patients, you may want to turn over a new, and healthy, leaf for 2011. As I tell my patients, one of the most important things you can do for your health is to know your risk factors for heart disease. Heart disease in America is still one of the number #1 killers. Being ... Views: 1038
If you’re like many of my patients, perhaps your job requires you to spend a great deal of time in front of a computer every day. If so, you’ve likely experienced a form of eyestrain associated with prolonged computer use called computer vision syndrome. I’d like to talk to you about some ways ... Views: 775
It’s a new year, and many of my patients are coming in for their annual check-ups. Maybe you’re scheduled to visit your doctor for your annual physical as well. I always like to remind my patients of the old Ben Franklin adage – “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Nothing could ... Views: 786
One of the most common complaints I hear from many of my over-45 age patients is that their love-battery seems to be permanently low and they just can’t seem to re-charge it. They’ve tried Viagra, sexy videos, devices, bought new wardrobes, but still their love life seems to be more fizzle than ... Views: 1936
If you’re like many of my patients, you’re taking steps to create a new, healthier, you! As I tell my patients, one of the most beneficial things you can do to improve your health is to have both your “good” and “bad” cholesterol levels checked to ensure they are within optimal range. If you ... Views: 792
By far, one of the most distressing things my male patients are concerned with is hair loss and the fear of going bald. From young men to older men, seeing thinning/bald spots, or an increasingly receding hairline, is very upsetting to them. They frequently ask me why they are losing their hair ... Views: 905
If you’re age 50 or over, it’s likely your doctor has recommended that you have a screening colonoscopy, an internal look at the colon to check for conditions that may lead to cancer. When I recommend my patients for colonoscopy, they don’t exactly jump for joy, and many of them are fearful of ... Views: 905
I recently discovered that a few of my over-40 patients appeared to be over-medicated from a combination of prescription drugs they had been given by different doctors. They came in complaining of not feeling well and said that they had been taking all of their prescriptions.
When I asked ... Views: 2068
With the temperatures outside dipping and furnaces coming on, moisture starts to decrease in our living environments and the biggest organ of our body, the skin, starts to protest! "Winter skin" can be very dry, itchy, may form a few new superficial lines, and can become very uncomfortable to ... Views: 780
I frequently advise my over-40 patients that regular eye exams every 3-5 years should be part of your health maintenance. One of the most important reasons to receive regular eye care is to check for glaucoma – a build up of fluid pressure within the eye that can silently progress to vision ... Views: 854
My patients and I are lucky. We live in an area surrounded by the ocean and several big lakes. Not only is it a beautiful environment but it is home to one of the best foods you can eat, fish, which is abundant here. There are many great fish restaurants in this area that are always packed with ... Views: 2604
One of the most frequent health complaints I hear from many of my patients, male and female, is that they seem to have a disproportionate amount of ugly belly fat that they just can’t seem to get rid of. As their doctor, I sympathize with their plight to want to look more attractive but more ... Views: 895
Sometimes I’ll see a patient who comes in complaining of having feelings like their mind is racing, they’re forgetful, distracted, have difficulty concentrating, lose patience with their jobs, or other projects. It may even occur to the point that they impulsively quit, are frequently ... Views: 1039
This is the time of year when I may see several patients with symptoms of what they call “a touch of the flu” - a little sneezing, perhaps some coughing, maybe a sore throat, some chest congestion, tired, headachey, maybe even a little queasy stomach with some diarrhea. More often than not, ... Views: 1570
At this time of the year, many of my patients can’t wait to head for the snow-covered mountain resorts for a winter vacation full of sports fun like snowboarding, skiing, snowmobiling and/or sledding.
Although I don’t like to put a damper on my patients enthusiasm for winter sports, I do ... Views: 773
At this time of year many of my patients are attending holiday parties. This can mean being on your feet for long periods of time, standing, dancing, walking, in new, stiff dress shoes and high heels which can cause a real pain in the foot, namely that of blisters and bunions!
Especially if ... Views: 3116
I frequently see patients complaining that they can get “spacey”, i.e., unable to concentrate, words a little jumbled, headachy, or a little dizzy and irritable if they haven’t eaten for several hours. These are the basic symptoms caused by blood sugar falling a little low, or hypoglycemia, and ... Views: 820
Like some of my patient’s over 40, you may begin to experience pain on one side of your hips/buttocks, some numbness or tingling running down your leg, or even weakness in your legs. You may find it harder and harder to sit comfortably or even have sharp pain when trying to stand or walk. If ... Views: 954
Seems lately we’ve been bombarded with TV and magazine ads singing the praises of whole grains and that we should add a lot of them to our diet for good health. However, choosing an actual “whole grain” can be confusing – you have to read labels carefully to be sure your food choice really is ... Views: 725
At this time of year when temperatures are getting much cooler and it’s raining more often, I get a lot of patients coming in complaining of a chronic cough and feeling like there’s a faucet slow drip, drip, dripping in the back of their throat.
These are common symptoms of a condition ... Views: 4784
It’s that time of year again when the days are getting shorter and cooler, furnaces are starting to kick on again, and flu season is just around the corner. It’s the time when many of my patients come to me complaining of certain symptoms that they think may be the flu.
However, when I ask ... Views: 1293
Many of my patients have asthma – ranging from mild cases with occasional symptoms and others who cannot be without a rescue inhaler. The American Lung Association reports that some 23 million Americans have asthma, about 1/3 of them children.
In fact, the incidence of asthma occurring in ... Views: 778
I would bet that if I did a survey amongst my patients, just about all of them would have at least one scar, big or small, somewhere on them. In fact, about 43 million Americans have scars of all types, sizes and severity. Even though they’re so common, scars anywhere on your body, especially ... Views: 1157
Many of my over 40 patients complain of dry, burning, itching eyes and ask me what they can do about them. Well, you can do a lot, I tell them. You see, dry eyes are a common occurrence in those of us past age 40, especially women in menopause where hormonal changes can cause dryness throughout ... Views: 1383
In today's busy world, many of my patient's complain of not sleeping well. They burn the candle at both ends and may wind up not going to bed until 3 or 4 a.m. and get up again at 7 a.m. to start another workday! This is a destructive pattern that can wreak havoc on your health.
The ill ... Views: 3929
Like most of my patients, you probably spend at least 8 hours a day working. For whatever your profession is, a set of ergonomics has been developed for it. The science of ergonomics was created to design workplace environments, furniture, devices, and specific positions that would allow people ... Views: 2898
In my last article, I spoke to you about the association between chronic pain and depression; how one can cause/aggravate the other because the part of the brain that controls mood also controls pain. I suggested several things that you can do on your own to try and alleviate, or reduce, your ... Views: 1061
Often times a patient will come in complaining of a recurrent stiff neck, or back ache, or aching leg muscles that seem to have no physical cause. When I ask them if they're depressed, they look at me as if I just told them they were imagining their pain. Their aches are real all right, but ... Views: 1060
Today, I’d like to talk to you about thyroid disease. It’s estimated that 59 million Americans have thyroid disease being either hypo (too low) or hyper (too high). They are opposites on the thyroid functioning spectrum with treatment of one sometimes resulting in the other.
The thyroid is ... Views: 1437
Today, I’d like to talk to you about a common ailment that many of my patients are found to have. It’s one of those conditions whose symptoms can range from mild and fleeting to dramatic and scary. It’s called anemia and it can go undiagnosed for a long time.
Anemia affects many Americans, ... Views: 1733
Of all the things we have to concern ourselves with, preventing “internal rust” is not likely to be on your list. However, it should be as it’s one of the most important things you can do for your health not only to stay looking and feeling younger but to avoid serious disease.
But what do I ... Views: 1209
Are you bloated with puffy bags under your eyes? Feeling low on energy for no particular reason? You sleep well enough, you’re trying to eat healthy, you exercise a few times a week, and your life has nothing catastrophic happening at the moment. So why do you feel so blah?
Well, if you’re ... Views: 8691
My patients often ask me if there is anything they can do to get rid of those unsightly parentheses-like lines on the sides of their mouth, or those crinkly crow’s feet around their eyes. They want to know if I know of some magic wrinkle cream that will erase the lines that seem to have sprouted ... Views: 3603
When I examine a patient for the first time, I quickly assess their overall health by looking in their mouth. That’s right. The condition of their mouth and teeth can tell me a lot about what other health problems they may have.
You may wonder, isn’t ‘mouth health’ the concern of a dentist? ... Views: 1717
The movie Something’s Gotta Give with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton, both in their 60s may have done more for ‘mature lovers’ egos and sex lives than Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra!
The scene where they have sex for the first time is both hilarious and touching and speaks of the issues over-50 ... Views: 3055
On occasion, I hear from patients who complain of feeling dizzy as if they are going to fall when they turn their head suddenly, or lose their balance if they turn around in a circle. They may also admit to motion sickness, i.e., feeling a little dizzy and unstable riding a bike or traveling by ... Views: 4055
It wasn’t long ago that raw food bars were all the rage. If you didn’t eat your food raw, you weren’t in with the IN crowd and you were out of the loop in the healthy rage. There are still some raw food bars around but pretty much the fad has died down and, I think, for good reason.
A lot ... Views: 1070
I have several patients who are nonsmokers. So they think. They don’t actively put a cigarette to their lips and smoke it, but if they’re living with someone, or are consistently around someone who smokes in their presence, I make a note in their chart as, second hand smoker.
That’s right. ... Views: 1861
If you’re like many of my patients who are old enough to remember when “The Love Bug” (what the media termed the herpes virus), reached near epidemic levels back in the 70’s, you may wonder if a cure has been found in the last 40 years or if it’s still a problem as a sexually transmitted ... Views: 2470
You’ve likely seen those commercials on television about high fructose corn syrup (sugar derived from corn) where a person eating something containing fructose says to her friend, “Like sugar, it’s fine in moderation”. However, when it comes to sugar, determining moderation may be difficult. ... Views: 923
As I write this, I can think of several patients I’ve seen recently complaining of symptoms that have become increasingly worrisome to them. They become very nervous doing common things like grocery shopping, driving their car on the freeway, or just being out in a crowd. Their heart races, ... Views: 1101
“Stand up straight, shoulders back, don’t slouch, tighten your tummy muscles, and tuck in your glutes!” If you remember to do all these things on a daily basis, your back will thank you for it. At least that’s what most people think. As a matter of fact, patients naturally assume that poor ... Views: 2787
It’s that time of year when warmer weather returns and so do my patients with a whole host of symptoms and illnesses associated with their living environment! These can include allergic reactions to plants or to chemicals we come in contact with on a regular basis. I even see patients with upper ... Views: 4579
Are you one of those guys who are burning the candle at both ends and maybe only getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night? Are you also one of those guys having problems with his sex drive and feeling out of sorts? Well, recent studies done in the last 3 years show that these symptoms could all be ... Views: 2178