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Are you willing to relocate?
Are you willing to move for your job? In many companies, this is a typical job interview question. Sometimes it's a deal-breaker, sometimes it isn't. Even if this particular job doesn't require it, many companies Will you relocate for the job?want that ... Views: 1783
Are you overqualified for this job?
If you get asked this question in your job interview, you may jump straight to frustrated-especially if you're an older worker and assume they're telling you you're just too old. But companies really don't want to make a mistake. They don't want to go to ... Views: 2130
The aim of a successful CV / resume covering letter is to get the reader to either consider you for a position within their organisation or to introduce your CV/Resume. In both cases it is important that your letter is attention grabbing, well-written and demonstrates why the reader should ... Views: 1412
Technology has evolved drastically over the past few decades and it has impacted the way we communicate with one another. We’ve gone from typewriters to word processors to the bulky IBM computers onto more sleek and slimmer computers, laptops, netbooks to now the ever popular eReaders, tablets ... Views: 1444
A high search engine ranking is the dream of every affiliate marketer. Most newbie marketers have no idea how to achieve this, so this is another great reason to use SEO optimization software. SEO tactics is a good part of each web design. The reason why SEO is important is that you want to be ... Views: 1008
Face-to-face interviews are going the way of written letters and postcards. Although it’s one of the last business tools to be perfected by the web, video interviews are taking the place of an antiquated, time-consuming face-to-face interview process.
Video interviews increase accuracy, give ... Views: 1557
Digital interview platforms have changed the way human resource personnel find talent. A digital interview platform broadens the candidate pool and allows managers to spend quality time focusing on the most promising candidates.
Invest Resources in the Right Places
In an environment where ... Views: 1890
The job interview process can be summed up nicely by reviewing the words of the wise zen master that is Carrie Bradshaw, “A first date is just a job interview with cocktails.” However, there is one big difference, there are no beer goggles that can erase the image of a horrible first impression. ... Views: 2009
Preparing for the Interview
Next, it’s time to research the field or industry and the contact’s company. This will help you avoid wasting precious interview time asking questions that you would have been able to answer by doing a little investigation, as well as demonstrate that you are ... Views: 1332
One of the most powerful but underutilized strategies in finding a job is informational interviewing, the process of conducting highly focused conversations with professionals currently working in your field of interest in order to gather information about a job, company, field or industry. ... Views: 1819
To know your communication skills and also your loyalty to a job some tricky questions are usually asked by the interviewer during an interview process. You can learn few questions as described here so that you can be more confident during the interview process and also very useful to avoid ... Views: 1229
While it is usually very easy for hiring managers to determine just what the wrong questions to ask during an interview are it can be much harder for them to come up with the right ones. Asking effective interview questions is a skill that every great hiring manager has to possess though, as a ... Views: 1662
Like millions of other Americans, I found myself a victim of a layoff during this Great Recession. It was the first time I was unemployed in a career spanning 36 years. There is a famous line from the Godfather movie, “It’s not personal, it’s strictly business.” Eliminating a job may be ... Views: 1513
There are two basic types of information on the internet, not only in terms of job interview preparation. We can speak about free information and paid information. In this niche, luckily for us, there is free information available.
Websites with job interview tips for job applicants are ... Views: 2512
First off, let me start out by saying Barbara Walters and I have the same job title, but not the same job… as much as I wish we did. Barbara Walters is one of the best interviewers in the world, bar none. She is prepared, she does her research, and she gets people to continuously tell her things ... Views: 1199
Here’s a tip that you should always keep in mind. Never leave all the question asking up to the interviewer. You always want to ask questions during your job interview.
There are three reasons for this:
- It helps you uncover information you can’t get anywhere else…who’s a better source ... Views: 1579
Having survived the interview, you would be dead wrong to think your mission is now to just sit and wait. While it can be said that good things come to those that wait, when it comes to job searches, being bold has even greater rewards.
The most common mistake job candidates make is not ... Views: 1723
Many people have heard that they should send a thank-you email to an interviewer, but a surprisingly large number of job seekers don’t bother. And they’re wasting the perfect opportunity to show that they respect the interviewer’s time, that they’re enthusiastic about and highly interested in ... Views: 3101
Before you get to go to the face-to-face interview, you’ll probably have to go through a cheaper, easier (for them) phone interview to prove you are worth the time, trouble and expense of a longer conversation. Here are the top phone interview tips to make sure you get your chance to prove your ... Views: 2053
To get the job you want you need to do more than sit in the interview answering questions fired at you by the hiring manager.
In order to be more effective in selling yourself for the job, don’t be afraid to ask questions yourself.
Why? Because the job search is a sales process in which ... Views: 2402
Communication is central to our life—we communicate with others every day, throughout the day. Understanding, appreciating, and accommodating personality differences in communication style can bring major success to our effectiveness as a friend, spouse, employee, supervisor, trainer, leader, ... Views: 2786
Do you know that most people develop a lasting impression of you and what you’re like based on the first few seconds of meeting you? That’s way before you’ve said anything important…you’ve barely said “hello.” Some of that impression is based off your body language and handshake, true, but the ... Views: 1922
You might be thinking: “I have to ask questions? I thought I was supposed to ANSWER questions at an interview.” You do have to ask questions if you want the job. But which questions?
While there are many questions you want to ask, there are two questions you must ask at every interview, ... Views: 1776
Union Public Service Commission conducts the interview for IAS selection procedure, with the aim of evaluating personal eligibility of an aspiring candidate for the government service he has actually applied for. Indian Administrative Services is one of the most prestigious and high sought after ... Views: 1561
Are you asking the right question in your job interview?
Lots of job seekers don't even realize they should be asking questions in the interview. If they do, they limit themselves to information-gathering about the job. Information-gathering is great (as long as you don't ask about salary!), ... Views: 1761
Some questions will get asked in every job interview. But just because they're standard questions doesn't mean you have to give a standard answer. You can give a standout response with just a little coaching. I'm going to tell you how to answer 3 typical job interview questions:
Why do you ... Views: 2314
You won't find the best way to answer job interview questions from a Google search of 'best answers to interview questions'. Mostly what you'll find are answers that make you sound just like everyone else.
The best way to answer interview questions is to do it with a strategy of your own. ... Views: 1890
Getting a job in this competitive market requires that you up your game. You have to come at the most basic interview elements, the questions and answers, with a thoughtful strategy for success. With that in mind, I have for you two things you should always ask to have a job-winning ... Views: 1643
The questions you should ask in your job interviews might surprise you.
In general, you always want to ask questions during your interview because
(1) it shows that you researched the company,
(2) it helps you have a more relaxed and productive conversation, and
(3) it helps you ... Views: 1578
What does your interviewer really think about what you wear to the interview? Not dressing appropriately for your interview is high on the list of top 10 interview mistakes.
I did my own survey of hiring managers to find out what they expect you to wear in a job interview. Do they expect to ... Views: 3158
If the only thing your job interview thank you note says is "Thanks for the interview. I'm looking forward to working with you!", you have already stood out from the crowd, but you have still wasted a prime opportunity to boost your chance to get the job by nudging that hiring manager farther ... Views: 2430
Fast follow up emails after the interview are better than handwritten notes.
Lots of job seekers underestimate just how important it is to say "thank you"....for the time, for the conversation, for the opportunity to meet. And it's also important that you get it to your interviewer fast: ... Views: 1960
Never underestimate how important thank you notes are to the impression you make on the company in your job interview process. But the most critical factor of all is speed. For that reason, every thank you note should be a thank you email...sent within 24 hours of your interview.
Why? ... Views: 1815
Always send a thank you email after your job interview, instead of a handwritten note. Some think that putting pen to paper for your note is more personal. But there are factors that are more important...like speed, adaptability, and the possibility of keeping the communication going.
So why ... Views: 2047
While writing a resume, one might have came across this thought that what is it that the employers look for. Is it your educational background, your work experience, your achievements, the salary you earned in your previous organization, the responsibilities you handled, etc? The factors that ... Views: 2294
After being laid off from a job, you may feel a sense of paralysis and feel like locking yourself in a room; but this would be a mistake. Now, more than ever, is time to take action. Below some of the must doe’s for people who are starting their job search.
Take time to regroup. This is ... Views: 3071
Did you know that the interview process is a great marketing tool? People who are genuinely interested in your company will apply for positions, not just those looking for a job. It’s possible to have an audience of up to 500 applicants who want to work for you. While you can’t possibly hire ... Views: 1664
Completing the final classes to earn your online degree is an exciting time. It can also be nerve-wracking as you prepare for job interviews. You may feel unprepared, especially if you are moving into a new industry. Luckily, there are common job interview tips that apply across a variety of ... Views: 1276
Important Guidelines While Drafting Your Internship Portfolio
If you are going to create your portfolio then you should remember that it must be designed as a creative product that produces powerful impact of your personality. The portfolio should spark the imagination of the internee.
It ... Views: 1793
There has been a long established industry of University Interview Coaching for the top tier. From many of the classrooms of the top private schools there have been evening classes on ‘how to get in’. Now it is starting to spread to the mainstream.
Universities are beginning to take even more ... Views: 1129
“You see, but do not observe.” -Sherlock Holmes
‘Deductive’ observation as I like to call it, allows you to predict and anticipate what a particular person is going to do or say next. It can reveal a wealth of information and insight to ones thoughts and intentions. As a Mentalist knowing the ... Views: 4457
Obtaining degrees and acquiring qualifications are not the only requirements for getting the job you want. You also need to make the case for why you are the best candidate for a job. To be sure, having the right knowledge, skills and abilities are important, but many other persons applying for ... Views: 1034
Customer Service is very important these days and in that it is important to take care of customers query. Though we have already posted some FAQ’s and also have the live chat facility for you on our website with a service representative, I thought to have a one to one chat with the owner of ... Views: 1541
Employees are often dropped into managerial roles based on the quality of their actual work, not on their ability to manage. The problem: The skills needed to perform a job usually are completely different from the skills needed to supervise employees performing that same job.
That’s why ... Views: 3960
A job interview can be a nerve-racking experience, especially when you have been removed from the job market for an extended period of time. It is one thing to sell on paper with the resume and another thing to sell in person at the interview.
Regardless of whether you have been out of a job ... Views: 1598
If all an employer cared about is the IT skills and technical knowledge a candidate has obtained, then there would not be the need for an interview. The fact is, in addition to looking for specific skills and knowledge, employers want candidates who are passionate about the field and who have ... Views: 1473
One of the most unnerving parts about looking for a job is the fact that you are going to have to sit through an interview, if you are fortunate enough to get to that point in the process. The interview is often what makes or breaks your ability to be able to get a job, so it is important for ... Views: 846
It’s simple – if you work for a good company, you’re going to be worth more on the market than those who gain employment with “so-so” firms. This is not to mention that you will learn a tremendous more working under intelligent, engaging and dedicated individuals.
Though, if you’re a ... Views: 1560
120 seconds. That’s how long it takes for an interviewer to decide whether they want to hire you or not. First impressions set the tone for the interview and in the majority of cases, once that impression is set, it is not usually turned around. Here are some important tips you can use to ensure ... Views: 1581
If you want good answers, you have to ask good questions. If you want compelling, potentially life or business changing answers, you have to ask huge questions. I refer to these, simply, as the “big questions.”
What are big questions? They’re questions that assault the status quo. They ... Views: 1285