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You have much more power over your phone interview than you probably think you do, including when to schedule it. If you can exercise that power, please do so.
Why is it so important to control when you interview? First, you want to give yourself enough time to prepare. This phone ... Views: 1467
I have heard some bad voicemail greetings in my lifetime…ones that make me listen to that person’s favorite song before I can leave my message, ones that were recorded by charming but difficult-to-understand 3-year-olds, and even some that tried to be funny but weren’t, like “How do you leave an ... Views: 1628
Phone interviews are often the very first step of the interview and hiring process. You’re not likely to get a call to come in and interview without some kind of conversation on the phone first.
How Important Phone Interviews Really Are
Your resume got you the phone call. Now this one ... Views: 1351
If you are the owner of a Business it's more than likely that at some point in time you have had or will have to hire staff. You yourself likely have your own talents but may need someone to balance them or just to assist you with necessary jobs or to enhance and grow your business. Hiring staff ... Views: 1555
Some of us feel confident and welcoming of the opportunity that an interview creates to "strut our stuff" and show-off a bit. But most of us feel some degree of negative emotions or uncertainty when facing an interview.
Google reports that over 90,000 people per month use their search ... Views: 883
What is there to be anxious about, it's only an interview?
Attending an interview almost always creates some negative emotions, no matter how experienced you are, no matter what type of interview and no matter what level of position you are applying for.
Typically, interviewees report that ... Views: 1238
University selection has seen a number of recent changes over the last decade and university interview training is becoming increasingly popular day by day among all. There was a point when students could get into university with their A Level results alone. After time, it then became vital to ... Views: 1284
Have you got a job interview coming up? Do you want to not only succeed, but nail the interview? Well, keep reading for some recommendations on how you can do that!
Interviews are a significant part of an IT professional’s career. You’ve possibly had, or will have, several interviews over ... Views: 1354
Offbeat Ways (Sandwich Boards, Dating Services, Your Child’s Ball Games, and other Desperate Job Search Measures )
If you’ve been out of work for a long time, you’re ready to try anything to find a job. Some of today’s suggestions are a little tongue-in-cheek, but some of them could be ... Views: 1589
Career Counseling Centers
There are two types of career counseling centers: college counseling offices and post-graduate work centers. If you’ve gone to college you’re familiar at least with the first kind of career counseling office, but I’d be willing to be that you didn’t especially ... Views: 1328
Friends / Family / Church
It is so important to talk to your friends, family, and church about your job search situation if for no other reason than they are your support system. The job search is too stressful to carry it on your shoulders alone.
I’ve known job seekers to leave the ... Views: 1377
Resume Blasts
I included resume blasts on my Fastest Way to Find a Job Series not because I like them, but because some job seekers think these are the way to go, and I have a better alternative.
Resume blasts used to be the hot, hot thing back in 1999 and before. When I got my first job ... Views: 1446
Career Coaching
If you’re in the job search, you have certainly heard advice about job boards, networking, or even temporary work. But have you ever considered a career coach as a path to a new job?
When I say “Career Coach,” I do not mean the kind of life coach who helps you decide what ... Views: 1425
Freelancing / Consulting / Temping
Freelancing, temping, and consulting are all great ways to fill your time in between jobs. Sometimes it’s just a financial necessity, and that’s OK. But these activities also offer some great benefits for you while you’re in the job search. Sometimes they ... Views: 1400
Industry Organizations
Industry organizations are some of the best job search resources anywhere. These can be fantastic because they are a direct connection for you to people in your field—including potential hiring managers, but that’s not your only benefit here. You can expand your ... Views: 1347
Networking Events
Do you have a love/hate relationship with networking events? You know how important networking is for your job search and career success. Networking events are specifically set up so you can network and meet new people. That’s a very good thing. Yet, the thought of ... Views: 1348
Newspapers (or Craigslist)
If you know that I’m not very fond of job boards as a job search resource, then you must be really surprised that I would talk about newspapers or even Craigslist in a series about the fastest way to find a job. I’m sure you assume that I think newspapers belong to ... Views: 1526
Debt collection is an undertaking that is never pleasant for either party involved. This is especially the case for businesses whose primary objective is servicing their clients. The easiest and simplest way of collecting your outstanding business debt would be to use a professional debt ... Views: 904
Social / Civic Events
Not all social or civic events are hotbeds of job search networking…I’ll give you that one. Networking events are better suited for that. However, I believe that any gathering where someone might ask you, “So what do you do for a living?” is a not-to-be-missed ... Views: 1360
Alumni Organizations
Alumni organizations are great networking resources for you, which means they are also great resources to help you find a job.
I graduated from the University of Oklahoma, so I have attended many OU alumni functions in Dallas. (Most alumni organizations have groups in ... Views: 1379
Job Shadowing
Job shadowing is ideal for college students as they graduate, but it’s not just for the kids. Anytime you’re transitioning into a new field (either by choice or because you were laid off), a job shadowing experience can give you a big boost in your job search.
Why should you ... Views: 1423
Internships / Volunteering
Internships are fantastic. There are more paid internships than ever before, but even unpaid internships can be extremely valuable to you—if you can snag one at a company within your career area.
Some internships are the very formalized set-time programs ... Views: 1352
Job Boards
What do I mean by job boards? The big ones are Monster, CareerBuilder, SimplyHired, and Indeed. Companies post job openings and requirements on there, with instructions for how to apply for that job.
What job seekers normally hear from me is, “Step away from the job board! ... Views: 1570
Posting a video on YouTube to try to find a job might sound like a desperate, last ditch effort, but think again. If you’re on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google Plus, or other social media networks, why wouldn’t you be on YouTube? There are lots of things you can do on YouTube that you ... Views: 1389
Recruiters can be extremely valuable to your job search. Why? First, they very often have an “in” at some great companies that you don’t…if there’s an opening and the recruiter says, “Hey, this is someone you should look at,” that’s going to carry more weight than if you show up ... Views: 1355
Companies you’ve interviewed with before
Companies you’ve interviewed with before but never worked for are a place to network that most people don’t think about. It’s really overlooked. It won’t work for everyone, but it will work for some and it will be extremely fruitful.
Let me give ... Views: 1433
Recruiting staff when you are a sole trader can be a real challenge. I have written this article to give some back ground and some practical help for sole traders (small business). It may also help people looking for work in small companies.
Before I get into the central theme of this article, ... Views: 2414
Employment seeking can prove to be a nightmare for both those looking for a job as well as those looking fill a position. t is normally very difficult for employers to track down the most suitable person for the job. Most job hunters feel as though they are always applying for jobs and not ... Views: 1100
Statutory Warning – ‘Never Deal with a ‘Recruitment Consultant’ who ask money from you in any form including one time registration fee, no matter how meager the amount may seem’.
Sometimes desperation to get a job leads us to the way which is wrong, morally as well as logically.
Ever ... Views: 1239
Understand Your Recruiter
Tip to Remember: Recruiter is a buyer and ‘YOU’ the candidate is a salesman as well the product.
Now, you would agree when I say that, for any sale to happen, both the product and the salesman must be as per the buyer’s needs and choice and the moment you accept ... Views: 1275
Career Fairs
I’ve got to say, career fairs are not my preferred method of finding a job fast. They are mobbed with job seekers and it can be a little unnerving to line up shoulder-to-shoulder with your competition. They usually require you to stand in long lines for a lot of the day which ... Views: 1557
Trade Shows
Trade shows can be fantastic, rich resources for the aggressive job seeker. They are full of real, live contacts from a concentrated selection of companies in your field. You may not come away from the show with a job, but you very well could come away from the show with a ... Views: 1586
Social Media
Have you ever Googled your own name? What shows up? That’s what potential employers will see if they search your name (and they will). If there’s anything negative, now is the time to do some damage control. If there’s not much at all, now is the time to build your online ... Views: 1645
Do you think that LinkedIn is for business and Facebook is for friends? You’re partly right; but the line between the two is very, very fuzzy when it comes to job searching. I found some stats on Mashable that says as of December 2011, over 18 million people have gotten jobs ... Views: 1548
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: LinkedIn is great job search resource. Why? It’s packed with information and potential connections, and it’s entirely business-focused (unlike Facebook, which is socially-focused). Everyone there is interested in making more connections ... Views: 1496
Previous Bosses
Did you know that there are a lot of things your previous bosses can do for you in your quest to find a job? They might have a job lead for you, they can definitely offer insight you can use to be a better job seeker, and they are excellent references.
If I were looking ... Views: 1489
Have you ever heard the saying, “It’s not what you know…it’s WHO you know”? That’s not entirely true, but there’s a healthy-enough grain of truth in that statement to make networking a very powerful strategy for your job search.
The most important thing you can do when you’re in the job hunt ... Views: 1412
Sure-Fire Secrets to Get More Interviews and Find a Job Fast
Let’s face it…job searches suck. No one likes having to put themselves out there for evaluation and judgment, and the nature of the search is that it's filled with rejection. Job searching is often a numbers game…sometimes you've ... Views: 1593
Why would you accept a lesser salary than what you made before? Won’t you jump ship when a better offer comes along?
This job interview question has been a very big deal with all of the adjustments of the last few years. Lots of people have gotten laid off or downsized and have had to take ... Views: 1809
Why should we give you the job over the other candidates?
This is a tough job interview question. Most people are not that comfortable with the idea of tooting their own horn, but that’s exactly what you have to do in a job search and in a job interview, and that’s especially what you have ... Views: 1497
Why haven't you been promoted?
If you are someone with quite a bit of career experience but you haven’t moved up the career ladder, you can expect to be asked this question in your job interview. Employers don’t worry about this issue quite as much as if you had been fired, but both ... Views: 1727
Why have you changed jobs so frequently over the past X years?
Job-hopping is not a great habit. When you stay at a job for only a few months or a year, over and over again, you are cultivating an image of someone who can’t be depended upon, who doesn’t know what they want, and who’s ... Views: 1493
Why have you been out of work for so long?
Boy, I bet you’d like to know the answer to that question, too! The job search can be a very difficult time for many people, but it’s important that you show a positive face to everyone. Answer every job interview question with as much positivity ... Views: 1500
Why do you want to work for someone else after owning your own business / freelancing?
LOTS of hiring managers will have a hard time believing that you can start taking orders after being your own boss. It’s not a big leap for them to make…it would be difficult for many people. Your best ... Views: 1557
Why do you want to switch from an academic field to business/industry?
The one big perception / misconception about academics is that they can’t make it in the ‘real’ world. They are secure in their ivory towers and not coming out any time soon. So if you find yourself trying to leap from ... Views: 1470
Why do you want to join this company?
All companies want to know that you want to work for them rather than you just want a job. An enthusiastic employee is a better employee—and more pleasant to work with, too.
Your answer to this question should sound like, “I want to join this company ... Views: 1508
Why do you think you can manage a team without any prior managerial experience?
If you are interviewing for your first management-level job, you will definitely be asked some version of this question. They are going to want to know if you think you can do this job and why.
The key here is ... Views: 1477
Why do you have a big gap in your employment history?
A gap on your resume can be anxiety-inducing for a job seeker, and for the employer who’s looking at them for a potential hire. But it’s really not as bad as you think. Actually, many people have employment gaps, and they have them for a ... Views: 1603
Why do you believe you are the best fit for this position?
This job interview question closely resembles “Why should we hire you?” It’s one question that makes candidates very uncomfortable because it puts them on the spot, but it’s really a fantastic question. Why? It allows you free rein ... Views: 1525
Why did you take a job that seems to be outside of your career path?
So what happens when your potential employer is reading through your resume and they come across the job that doesn’t make sense? You have a job in your history that doesn’t fall within the logical progression of jobs in ... Views: 1587