Aries: Sometimes when we can't control things or we are stressed, we point fingers at others. You may be pointer or pointee.
Taurus: Communications with others, especially at work or regarding health, may be disjointed, but eventually it all evens out.
Gemini: Yes, it may cost money to travel, engage in a hobby, take a class or follow a dream - but aren't you worth it?
Cancer: You are poised to buy a dream home, move, or invest in something that feels right, but it could require a leap of faith.
Leo: Watch what you allow in your consciousness. Avoid negative or dramatic news/scenes & seek out light minded people.
Virgo: Irritation may arise with a group, friend or organization. You feel you are doing your part, but they aren't. Patience.
Libra: You could want more flexibility than the workplace rules allow. Don't buy into negativity & smile at crabby controllers.
Scorpio: Faith in highest good & choosing a positive attitude can quell the "worst case scenario" & worry wart intellectualizing.
Sagittarius: The Universe wants to see your creative expression & joy in doing. Let go of win/lose, succeed/fail at the start.
Capricorn: Instead of agreeing with someones observance of lack, inspire them with your belief in abundance. Glass half full!
Aquarius 10/19: Listen, be kind, be patient, be forgiving. Today is a test in human relations & the lesson of non-attachment.
Pisces 10/19: Not all investments yield material gains. It is possible that you are guided to invest in an experience or a cause.
The moon in the emotionally sensitive water sign of Cancer may show its clingy, needy or fearful side today as it forms a challenging square aspect to the sun in the intellectual, relationship minded air sign of Libra. A bit of selfishness may creep in as well, if people fear their needs will not be met or think that no one is taking them seriously. The seriousness is added to the energy mix because sober and restrictive Saturn is loosely conjunct the sun in Libra and is also sextile to dramatic Mars in Leo. The Saturn/Mars sextile can give you the extra oomph you need to stick to your guns or the courage to do something you know you must do, but on the negative side, even a supportive sextile can manifest the dark side of Saturn/Mars because of the Cancer moon squaring Saturn conjunct the sun. People may take offense easily now, things can get a bit dramatic and there could be stand offs or confrontations. The energy of tolerance is available, however, when we choose to give the reins over to the sun/Saturn in diplomatic Libra trine to Neptune in the humanitarian, freedom loving sign of Aquarius. We all have the opportunity to practice non-judgment and release attachments or expectations. "I'm OK - you're OK" , "to each, his own" and "different strokes for different folks" are all good expression to remember now. The highest expression of human intelligence, social awareness and spirituality is possible through this trine. The moon in Cancer square to the sun and Saturn in Libra is asking us to think about how we choose to feel and respond to others - a perfect opportunity to use the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
I am an experienced professional astrologer specializing in natal chart interpretation and relationship consultation. Astrology has been my life long passion and I offer my services at my own site,
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