Aries: Be patient with others today. It may take them time to catch up with your lightning fast speed. Trust in kindness.

Taurus : Do not think you must be perfect in order to be a teacher, healer or coach. No one can limit your potential but yourself.

Gemini: You may feel you fall short of the mark in expressing an ideal or your creativity or you give your work for free now.

Cancer: A business idea is sound or potentially profitable but you must do the work to market or attract the customers.

Leo: Nobody is perfect. Be patient & circumspect, especially when listening to other people's drama, opinions or complaints.

Virgo: Today may feel like a Mercury retrograde just for you in business, information, communication. Be clear & firm.

Scorpio: The work you've been doing on yourself makes you feel virtuous but don't expect everyone else to aim so high for themselves.

Sagittarius: Not everyone shares your belief in abundance & prosperity today. Sales or motivation could meet stubborn resistance.

Capricorn: Doubters & naysayers may be vocal Just stay strong, positive & share your certainty to counteract downer vibes.

Aquarius: Family or coworkers may say, "Get real", but you are creating your reality while you wander in your imagination.

Pisces: People or the news may be telling you dire things about money/economy but you know prosperity is a belief thing.

An odd mix of "good news/bad news" kind of energy is in place today as the moon in the cardinal fire sign of Aries favorably supports Neptune in Aquarius, but opposes Mercury in Libra. A mildly difficult opposition is also in place between Jupiter in Taurus and Venus in Scorpio. Powerful lessons in manifesting, faith and trust can be learned now. It looks as though a miracle or manifestation is ready to arrive, but we just can't let go and allow. Instead, we look at our desires and intentions and think, "Yes, I want this, but I just can't see how it is possible - I can't seem to make it happen." Get clear about what you want and let go of the how and when. If you can't see something arriving yet, it doesn't mean you never will. A seed takes time to germinate and a cake takes time to bake. If we dig up the seed daily or peek in the oven every five minutes, what will happen? No plant, no cake! Now is a good time to list your needs and desires in as much detail as possible. Ask yourself what you can personally do and begin working on what you can, with what you have available. Ask your guides, angels, God, spirit or any other force you believe in to take care of the rest. Curb your impatience with people who resist you plans now or don't seem to understand you - they are muddling about in the same little how and when circle, and their own problems or ideas may come before yours now.

Author's Bio: 

I am an experienced professional astrologer specializing in natal chart interpretation and relationship consultation. Astrology has been my life long passion and I offer my services at my own site,